3 Months on Priteva (Progess Pics Inside)


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies!!
Just wanted to share my progress. I have been taking Priteva hair vitamins for 3 consecutive months. The 1st pic is Aug, 2nd pic is Sept, and 3rd pic is Oct. I'm not a great photographer when it comes to taking pics with my phone so the pics aren't the best, but hopefully you can see the progress.

So I take two capsules daily. I used to take a prenatal, an MSM, & Biotin. Priteva replaced them all and these vitamins are much smaller and easier to swallow. I will continue to take Priteva at least to the end of 2013 and hopefully I can you updated.

Increased hair growth
Stronger, thicker hair
Longer, thicker eyelashes

My toenails grow faster
My mustache grows too

As far as a regimen I don't have anything solid.
Right now I cowash as needed maybe once or twice a week. I usually wash my hair every 4-6 weeks with wen 613 & an ACV rinse. If my hair is dirty I will wash it with Elucence Moisture Benefites Shampoo (diluted with water) or Dr. Bronner's Almond Casile Soap (diluted with water).

I DC with a plastic cap for a few hours once a week. I'll use anything I have to DC. The last few time I've used AOHSR, Suave Shea butter condish, and Bioinfusion critical care, Joico recovery, or Mizani moisturefuze.

This is just what I'm doing right now but it always changes. I may oil rinse, or do a cassia treatment. I'm not loyal to any specific brand. I'll always use conditioner and shea butter though. I buy my shea butter raw it comes in a block and I whip it and add whatever to it (EO or AVG) or leave it plain.

For moisture:
I use a spray bottle with plain water or wet my hair in the shower then apply shea butter most of the time. If I'm not using shea butter I'll grab something from hairatagehydration or NTM leave in or any other moisturizer I have around.
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I wish i had half your thickness your hair is very pretty and :congratulations: on your lovely progress....off to research Priteva.

Now OP questions for ya mami.

What's your regimen?
Where can i get the best prices on Priteva?
How long have you been natural?
what other products to you use to keep your mane so healthy?
Has your hair always been that thick....well for the most part it seems that way.

Thanks for sharing!
Your growth is excellent! I've heard of these vitamins before.

What is your reggie? Has this increased your normal growth rate?
I wish i had half your thickness your hair is very pretty and :congratulations: on your lovely progress....off to research Priteva.

Now OP questions for ya mami.

What's your regimen?


Thanks so much!

As far as a regimen I don't have anything solid.
Right now I cowash as needed maybe once or twice a week. I usually wash my hair every 4-6 weeks with wen 613 & an ACV rinse. If my hair is dirty I will wash it with Elucence Moisture Benefites Shampoo (diluted with water) or Dr. Bronner's Almond Casile Soap (diluted with water).

I DC with a plastic cap for a few hours once a week. I'll use anything I have to DC. The last few time I've used AOHSR, Suave Shea butter condish, and Bioinfusion critical care, Joico recovery, or Mizani moisturefuze.

This is just what I'm doing right now but it always changes. I may oil rinse, or do a cassia treatment. I'm not loyal to any specific brand. I'll always use conditioner and shea butter though. I buy my shea butter raw it comes in a block and I whip it and add whatever to it (EO or AVG) or leave it plain.

For moisture:
I use a spray bottle with plain water or wet my hair in the shower then apply shea butter most of the time. If I'm not using shea butter if grab something from hairatagehydration or NTM leave in or any other moisturizer I have around.
Where can i get the best prices on Priteva?
How long have you been natural?
what other products to you use to keep your mane so healthy?
Has your hair always been that thick....well for the most part it seems that way.

Thanks for sharing!

I've been natural for 8 years and I don't really considered my hair to be thick but maybe thicker than average. I've notice its gotten thicker lately.

I get priteva from priteva.com. It's $21.00 per bottle each bottle has 60 capsules, it last 1 month for me because I take 2 a day. Shipping is $5.95. The customer service is pretty good. The first bottle I ordered never arrived so they quickly sent me another. The last time I ordered 4 bottles and they adjusted the shipping so that it was still $5.95.
Your growth is excellent! I've heard of these vitamins before.

What is your reggie? Has this increased your normal growth rate?

Thank you!

There is a thread here about priteva that's how I first heard about them. Even though I didn't measure I know I usually don't get this much growth in this short period of time. I don't really have a solid regimen, but I'll add what I'm doing right now to the OP. :grin:
^^^Ok, thanks a lot. The price is reasonable. This will be my next hair growth experiment. Hurry up pay day. :look:
Wow! That's quite a bit of growth for such a short amount of time. Looks like you're getting an inch or more per month. So, double the normal rate. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing.
Great progress!
I'm going research then order some to use after my TU.
This stuff is awesome. Just be careful if you're relaxed. Your growth will sneak up on you. For me I want really paying attention so i had allot of breakage due to the different textures coming in contact with each other so quickly. Instead of relaxing every eight to ten weeks I'm down to one every four to six weeks. Amy later and I notice the salons under relaxing because the new growth is more than they are used to.
I took priteva for a month and my hair looked as if I never has a relaxer. I started taking them this monday and I am going to continue til next month. I have a bottle and a half so hopefully at the end of December I can take some pictures to see the difference in growth. I am about 2 inches away from my bra strap, hopefully by February these pills can help me get there.
It looks like you're bending your head further forward in every picture. Do you have different progress pics? Like ones down your back? Sorry if this sounds catty, but I don't see it...