3 months into my natural hair journey...


New Member
and I have to say I'm already seeing the benefits. While it's taking me a while to figure out how to style my hair so I don't look so wooly booley I'm loving it. I washed my hair today and I noticed that I can actual feel the sebum in my scalp. Yes, that thick oily stuff that I thought only white girls got, I, JUSMARIEJOLIE, have it! The second month after I had my point of no return incident with a relaxer, my scalp was starting to feel extremely sore. Sore isn't even the word, it HURT. If I was a different person I would have a popped a pill or two. But now my scalp feels fine, it's functioning normally (producing sebum, no major outbreaks), my edges are waaaayyy thicker than they were before and my hair feels a lot healthier overall.

I love the way my new growth feels I love how much thicker my hair is and I absolutely love the fact that my eczema isn't being irritated any longer and I don't have to mentally prepare myself for another painful relaxer. Now, I don't know if I should count myself as being a 7 month natural because my last "real relaxer" was in June. I say "real relaxer" bc my most recent one in October made my life flash before my eyes. The moment it touched my scalp my scalp turned red and emitted heat so the stylist washed it out right after she put it in and just flat ironed my hair straight. I think the relaxer was in certain parts of my head for max 3-4 minutes and others maybe 60 seconds.

Now I know I'm selling dreams right now because I'm considering myself to only be 3 months natural and I normally stretch my relaxers to every 4 months, but I think because my last relaxer didn't really take at all or maybe it functioned as a texturizer (it was a mizani mild), but my new growth feels a lot different now than it did during my previous stretches.

Anywho, I'll prolly be singing a different tune in a few months but right now I'm feeling pretty optimistic and happy with my decision.

Any other transitioning ladies want to share their joys and pain of the journey?:grin:
Hey I will celebrate with you! Congrats on great results with your hair journey!!!

Thanks ladies!

Britt- girl my camera is down and out I havent even taken pictures for fun since August. :( I'm going to set a goal though and take pictures once I reach it. I'll prolly take it on my birthday or the first day it hits 70 degrees outside...btw did you see that thundersnow? it scared the crap outta me!
Thanks ladies!

Britt- girl my camera is down and out I havent even taken pictures for fun since August. :( I'm going to set a goal though and take pictures once I reach it. I'll prolly take it on my birthday or the first day it hits 70 degrees outside...btw did you see that thundersnow? it scared the crap outta me!

Booooooooo to the broken camera! Lol.
And yes, girl. I was looking out the window like whaaaaaaa?!
Congrats on your revelation but I have a question: did you cut off all of your relaxed hair yet? Technically you aren't natural until you get rid of all of your relaxed ends....
no its still on my head, and I know I'm not natural yet, I just call it my natural hair journey lol. I plan on doing a long term transition. I know I'm prolly jumping the gun to some, because I've def. stretched my relaxers way longer than this time period now, but it feels really good to know that I'm doing something that is really good for me. Before when I was getting relaxers, I was having mixed feelings because i knew that it wasn't good for my skin condition and that it would possibly have long term negative effects for me in my later years. I tried going natural before, but I caved in but right now I really feel solid in my decision to transition and I'm mentally ready to deal with everything that comes along with it.

Also, I cut off a inch and a half of my hair right before New Years to bring my hair back to shoulder length. I plan on chopping an inch off with every inch of new growth so I can speed up the process of transitioning. I considered a big chop, but my heads too big for that...waaaayyy too big for that lol.
Oh okay, I was just asking because of what you said here:

Now, I don't know if I should count myself as being a 7 month natural because my last "real relaxer" was in June. I say "real relaxer" bc my most recent one in October made my life flash before my eyes.
and here:
Now I know I'm selling dreams right now because I'm considering myself to only be 3 months natural and I normally stretch my relaxers to every 4 months,

I thought I was natural when I was transitioning until I found out I was definitely not close to being natural lol....
It's so cool how you notice and discover little things about your hair along the journey! Thanks for sharing and good luck!
Congratulations!!! I myself am also 3 months post bc, so I know how happy you must be. Keep going!!