3 Month Stretch Challenge...Will somone please join me?

oh great!!! glad to see ur holdin strong girl :)

Aggie updating here. I am still hanging in real strong. I know I said I was going to use weaves to complete my stretch but I couldn't do it simply because I couldn't get to my scalp so I decided to do boxed braids with extensions instead and I love this way much much better. When I started this challenge I was 11 weeks post and now I am 18 weeks post. I still have about 13 more weeks to go to achieve my original 31 weeks stretch. This is so easy to do with my braids using the Crown & Glory Technique.
I'd like to join this challenge if it's not too late!:look: I am attempting to stretch to 14 weeks for the first time. I am 12 weeks now. So 2 more weeks to go! It's been a challenge, but I managed to hang it there this far! I'm a little tempted to give in, but I've gone this far, so I have to fight to stay in for 2 more weeks! I am going to reduce my washes to 1x a week now, instead of 2x/week because I am starting to get a lot of knots and tangles! Hope I can make it!
sure u can join!

i must say that i'm seriously considering trying for longer than June but its not even May so i might feel differently in about a month. all my new growth in the front has gotten me wanting to transition!!!! its so purdy lol! but i dont think i can do it :spinning:

I'd like to join this challenge if it's not too late!:look: I am attempting to stretch to 14 weeks for the first time. I am 12 weeks now. So 2 more weeks to go! It's been a challenge, but I managed to hang it there this far! I'm a little tempted to give in, but I've gone this far, so I have to fight to stay in for 2 more weeks! I am going to reduce my washes to 1x a week now, instead of 2x/week because I am starting to get a lot of knots and tangles! Hope I can make it!
sure u can join!

i must say that i'm seriously considering trying for longer than June but its not even May so i might feel differently in about a month. all my new growth in the front has gotten me wanting to transition!!!! its so purdy lol! but i dont think i can do it :spinning:

I'm in the challenge since March1 and so far so good!
It's my first time streching, and everything is okay, I like touching my NG.
I plan to put a sew-in until mid july to help me strech longer.
I haven't post my starting point yet, so I do it now. The picture was taken on March 30.
I'd like to reach SL by the end of July.... I wish I coul!d:rolleyes:


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I'll join!

My last touch-up was around March 1st .. didn't want one again until June 1st but I'm going to make it May 31st, because that's the weekend .. I won't be able to do it on a Monday. Or a Saturday.
sure u can join!

i must say that i'm seriously considering trying for longer than June but its not even May so i might feel differently in about a month. all my new growth in the front has gotten me wanting to transition!!!! its so purdy lol! but i dont think i can do it :spinning:

I hear ya, Flawed!! I have some ng (not sure if it is scab hair or what) that is trying to do that ringlet thing!! I hope to make to the middle of May!

What's really a trip is that my ex-beautician is having a hair show right when I am supposed to be getting a relaxer; her flyer is of me in an updo that is now her signature style! Do I braid it up and wait or do I get it relaxed and "swang' my "hopefully getting to APL this year" hair on em? :drunk:
I'll be in I relaxed the 6 of april and I want to relax in 3 months it will be more easier to me if I'm not alone .
I streched 8 months last time but I can't do it anymore .... because since my last relaxer I find my relaxed hair so easy to manage ...
Good luck to all the challengers .
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Hey everyone! Newbie here I just wanna say Thank U! Thank U! Thank U!. I think I have been stretching and didnt even realize because interestingly I texted my hairdresser (yes texted i stay with a hair question and its the best way to get an answer :grin:) and asked here when my last relaxer was. Guess what she told me.. March 5!!! I was pumped because I dnt even feel like relaxing I was just curious. So my question is can I be down..please?
I am in this challenge all over again. I relaxed this past Saturday, after a 14 week stretch and now I will be going for another stretch, actually to 15 weeks. So I'm on a roll again! :drunk:
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Congrats to all who completed 3 months of stretching their relaxer. So far I'm at 20 and a half weeks post relaxer.
hows everyone doing?!?!? june is not too far away. i think im actually gonna keep stretching as long as i can...maybe even, dare i say it...transition lol. i havent had any problems thus far and i started my stretch b4 march.
:grin:I'm still hanging in there. I have until June 20th. Thay will be 12 weeks. I want to hold on longer. We shall see! COngrats to the ladies that held in there!
So far so good. I'm at 7 wks and I'm planning to stretch until June 27 for a wedding I have that weekend. I love condition washes....if only I had discovered that sooner.
Re: 3 Month Stretch Challenge...Will someone please join me?

Hi All,

I will be relaxing on Saturday May 10th which will make me exactly 11 weeks post. I wanted to hold out until May 24th which would have made me 13 weeks post.
But I want my sister, who is a former cosmetologist to relax my hair because I want to correct some parts that are under-processed. And she leaving next week, so I have to relax before she leaves.
Looks like I may make it to 13 weeks since I am in cornrows right now; I am going home for Mother's Day :love2: to Houston, but there is no way I am taking these out to go to "Humidity Capital of the World" and try to deal with these knaps! Wish me the best (when I take them out), PLEASE! :drunk:
I am currently 3 weeks post and I want to make it to 14 r 16 weeks before I relax again. So that puts me somewhere around The end of July or beginning of August. With all the summer growth though, I might only be able to stretch for 12 weeks. We'll see.
Count me in! I stretch 12 weeks anyway, but I always get the urge to relax at 10 weeks. This'll help me to stay away from the creamy crack :grin:
I am currently 3 weeks post and I want to make it to 14 r 16 weeks before I relax again. So that puts me somewhere around The end of July or beginning of August. With all the summer growth though, I might only be able to stretch for 12 weeks. We'll see.

Im in the same boat as you, I am about 2 weeks post and looking at the calendar. August seems so far away :ohwell: