3 month progress pics and some thoughts on 1 yr anny


New Member
Hello ladies,

My 3 month progress pics are in my siggy. The update shot was taken a couple days after my last touchup on Oct 20. When I joined the forum, my hair was cut in layers. I have very thin hair and I've always done the layers so that my hair would appear fuller. I've learned since joining the forum that layers aren't the best style for thin hair. I can see that now, because as my hair grows out, that bottom layer is REALLY thin. It would look fuller if it was all the same length. Anyway, I never wear my hair straight like that. Usually it's a curly do from a rollerset. So I've decided to go a little longer before I even it up. I've had one trim in the past year.

It's been just over a year since I joined the forum and I was reading a thread earlier that made me want to post the things that I've learned that work for me during this past year on my hair journey.

As mentioned before, layers may not be the best style for my hair type.

My hair is doing much better since I made the switch to lye relaxers. It is so much easier to keep it moisturized now! I'm currently using ORS Lye regular and would love to try the Mizani Butter Blend, but I can't do that until my tub and a half of ORS lye are finished. That will probably be late next year sometime.

Also, in the year that I've been a member of the forum, I've become totally self-sufficient when it comes to my haircare (my DH would probably not like that comment! He helps me relax, and trims my hair as needed! I love you Boo!) I haven't been to the salon since I joined the forum. Thanks to all the wisdom shared here, I can now self-relax confidently. A special thanks to LondonDiva! Your relax-in-sections technique has worked great for me!

Some things I've tried that haven't worked for me: henna (I was loving it at first, but it was impossible to keep my hair moisturized so I gave it up), airdrying (never been able to get that to work for me). I would list all the products I've tried that did nothing for me, but we'd be here till my next LHCF anniversary.

Less is definitely more. This is probably the most important thing I've learned over the past year. When I joined the forum, I hit it hard with the vitamins, the co-washing, and like most newbies, I got hit with a bad case of PJism. I was trying every new product or regimen change that was recommended. Now I've found what works for me and can usually weed out which new suggestions or products will probably not agree with my hair. I don't take any vitamins, or use growth aids. I wash my hair once a week, condition with AO GPB for 20 mins under my bonnet hairdryer, follow with an ACV rinse, rollerset and that's it until the next week. I moisturize as needed and touch-ups are once every three months.

Thanks for all that you share ladies! I am that much closer to my goal and am looking forward to the next year of HHG. I :heart2:LHCF!!!
Sorry ladies! I can't figure out why my pics won't show. I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. It shows up in my user CP, but not in the post. What gives?
I can see it :D

Wow its really grown alot in 3 months, thats how much my hair grows in a year... I want to try Mizani butter cream too :yep:
Keep up the good work your hair looks awsome:yep:
I can see it :D

Wow its really grown alot in 3 months, thats how much my hair grows in a year... I want to try Mizani butter cream too :yep:
Keep up the good work your hair looks awsome:yep:


Thanks! But that is a a year's worth of growth! I WISH my hair would grow that much in three months! LOL! I would have reached my goal already.
Thanks ladies! And sorry if my post was confusing. I take progress pics every three months when I do my touch up, but the comparison is always made to the original starting point pic that I took in Sept of 06. So it's a year's worth of progress at this point, not three months. I'll remember to phrase it differently when I post my next set of pics in January.
Congratulations, sweetone, excellent progress ! Isn't it great when you find what works for you??? There's so much I wouldn't know about without this forum.