"23 Minutes in Hell" by Bill Wiese


New Member
That is a title of the testimony and subsequent book written by Bill Wiese. My pastor read his book and invited him to our church to tell of his experience. This was part of our church's concentrated evangelism weekend called "Light Bearers".

As he told his story, I sat in my seat like :eek: . He talked about how the church, the Body of Christ has lost its fear of the Lord and that he (Bill) was instructed to tell the story to remind the world that the Lord is real, hell is real, and that He is soon to return. It compelled me to be more careful about my spiritual walk and to make sure that I obey and do my best to fulfill my purpose on this planet.

He talked about the eternal torment. He talked about how secularism has creeped into the church and has weakened the church and how it's said that there are "several paths to God" (when he said this, this made me think of The Secret) but that Jesus is the ONLY WAY.

I already know that I prefer to see the Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven than to be absent from Him in hell.

I encourage you to get the book or at least watch this video. The Lord bless and keep you.


(Will cross-post in the Off Topic Forum as well)
Thanks for sharing this! Very scary :(... and eye-opening. I have heard similar things before, from other people on t.v. Especially the part about the cell. I should not have watched that before bed :( . I hope I can sleep tonight.
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ThursdayGirl said:
Thanks for sharing this! Very scary :(... and eye-opening. I have heard similar things before, from other people on t.v. Especially the part about the cell. I should not have watched that before bed :( . I hope I can sleep tonight.
Well, that's the one thing I would have done differently. I did not sleep well because I was thinking about it all night. But actually, there were key things that spoke to me. And it's not just the video, I actually have that book that he kept referring to "Divine Revelations of hell". I've been putting off reading it cause I was a lil chicken...but last night I went through half of it. They pretty much had the same types of experiences except she went nightly for about 40 nights and Jesus accompanied her.

I truly believed she had that experience because the things & the horror she describes. But even if she didn't have that experience and she pulled one over on us, I still got a couple of messages during the night that really have spoken to me and I feel blessed immensely.

I won't get into everything but the main thing that struck me about the video and the book was the part when the authors said that Jesus told them that even some of HIS people (fellow Christians) don't believe in hell. In the book, she actually spoke to some of the ppl in the pits and Jesus told some of the stories of those ppl and many were Christians who either didn't believe in hell or did not repent of their sins and held on to sinful thoughts & behavior, especially anger and refusal to forgive ppl and judgement of people. And this is on top of the usual sins of lying/cheating & such. And I finally think I understand what "judgement" or rather not judging ppl (as far as Christians are concerns) means.

This was truly a blessing for me, thank you RelaxerRehab:)