22nd Century Natural Woman Line: Product Reviews, Tips, Techniques, Regimen . . .

I'm torn. I want hair growth, but I like looking cute too. And greasy ain't the look. Lol

Then again, I paid for this so I gotta use it smh. Guess I'll do short DCs with it. Using less product.

:yep: I understand. I couldn't deal: Too greasy, and the unscented DC smells strong.

But short DCs and using less product sounds like a plan. I betcha having the hair that oily really protects it and promotes growth. Every now and then I think about just biting the bullet and using it for a month to see what growth is like. Then I remember the oiliness coupled with the smell and say, "Naaaaaahhhh. I'll just have to see what happens with my other products if I keep my hair stretched and detangle gently."
I'm gonna be honest, I like the shampoo bar but not the DC so much. It just okay and I will try to use it all up somehow though because the shipping cost was ridiculous. Definitely not a repurchase item for me. This has been removed from my repurchase list of vendors.

I've only tried the shampoo bar and I wasn't much impressed. I don't think I would try the dc.
Last update of the day lol

I loathe this DC. It is like I slathered oil all over my head. It's a greasy mess. I have an event to go to tomorrow and I don't want to look a mess so now I have to wash my hair and style again. Smh

I want to try the shampoo bar but since it does technically contain shea butter I'm scared.

Not gonna lie I'm highly upset right now.

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So I've decided that in order for me to use the rest of this product I will be DC'ing my hair first (letting it sit for 30 mins to hour) then shampooing my hair with the shampoo bar.

Hopefully this works in the future.

Btw: The shampoo got out all the extra oiliness. I like the bar so far.

ETA: Does anyone have experience with DCing first then washing your hair? This will be my first time trying this coming up.
I recently revisited the shampoo bar from this line. Amazing for my hair!

She has two NEW PRODUCTS:
  • 22nd Century Ruby Gel
  • 22nd Century Hair Stew
Same here girl. I've gotten to the point where I think healthy hair and growth is less about expensive products and more about technique and a solid regimen. I'm a pj so I'll always love trying products but I can't afford all these expensive things right now, not to mention the expensive shipping like you said. I'm so glad I can get quality products in the bss now vs when I first started out and had no choice but to order online.
This is old, but that's why I don't order much online anymore. The taxes, the shipping is just too much, then the waiting. But I believe the quality is most important when it comes to products. Products filled with cheap fillers that sit on top of your hair can hinder progress. And people don't really understand that the washing process is the most important step. Having a clean healthy scalp and unclogged hair follicles is the key. Next is the hydration and moisture balance. Hair grows from the inside out, so if your diet is poor, you are on meds, you are not drinking enough water, or drinking and eating things that rob your body of water, will get you. People compare themselves to when they were little girls, when their mothers used harsh detergent shampoos, grease, and water. I don't understand why they say that. Adult hair is totally different from child hair. Your body has went through many changes. Even if I cut all of my hair off and start completely over, my hair will be nothing like it was as a child.
@YvetteWithJoy Alright Alright!! I just bought some shampoo bars. One of the reasons I purchased is because I know that it will take me forever to use up all of her shampoo bars which makes the price worth it. I pay about $7.00 for 3.5 ounce of J.R. Liggett's Bars. Her bars are 5.0 ounce for $10.00 so it equals about the same. I have shampoo until 2019 now.
@YvetteWithJoy Alright Alright!! I just bought some shampoo bars. One of the reasons I purchased is because I know that it will take me forever to use up all of her shampoo bars which makes the price worth it. I pay about $7.00 for 3.5 ounce of J.R. Liggett's Bars. Her bars are 5.0 ounce for $10.00 so it equals about the same. I have shampoo until 2019 now.

Oh, yay! I can hardly WAIT to hear your review!
The only reason I haven't tried the bars is because I've tried quite a few and they never rinse clean for me. I also wondered if the way her conditioner is formulated, it attributes to her length in that she is able to retain more water and seal her cuticles. Her hair looks very smooth and her sections don't have any out of place hairs; I noticed that and started to analyze that.

Probably thinking too much, but it's always the things that are overlooked.
The only reason I haven't tried the bars is because I've tried quite a few and they never rinse clean for me. I also wondered if the way her conditioner is formulated, it attributes to her length in that she is able to retain more water and seal her cuticles. Her hair looks very smooth and her sections don't have any out of place hairs; I noticed that and started to analyze that.

Probably thinking too much, but it's always the things that are overlooked.

Hmm. Interesting thoughts. :yep: I keep thinking that with her DC, she might be approximating the method in that video of African ladies with super long hair. Hair is super duper sealed.

I don't feel the poo bar rinses clean. I can't imagine the bar on lowpo hair. I think it will feel coated for sure . . . but I could be wrong.
Hmm. Interesting thoughts. :yep: I keep thinking that with her DC, she might be approximating the method in that video of African ladies with super long hair. Hair is super duper sealed.

I don't feel the poo bar rinses clean. I can't imagine the bar on lowpo hair. I think it will feel coated for sure . . . but I could be wrong.
It's extremely coated. You can feel it and it stays like that until it's clarified.

But yes, I was looking at her hair stew and I can imagine that enhancing retention and reducing breakage greatly.
If you try it, please share your review if you remember. I watched her demo video with it, and her hair looked good after. :yep:

I keep looking at it and smelling my mama's stew I grew up on.
