1. Have you ever used henna, clays, teas, etc? Which?
2. What did you definitely not use again and/or what did you definitely keep
3. Any favorite mixtures or brands?
Feel free to add any other questions or comments, especially about conditioning!
May Mini Challenges
1. Henna!
2. Tea rinse!
3. Use a clay!
4. At least consider it one day lol
1. I've tried both clays and tea rinses. I've not used Henna and honestly I'm a little scared to
2. I absolutely loved clay masks particularly Rhassoul masks. Made my wash and goes look absolutely amazing. Since I'm not doing wash and goes like that anymore I haven't really kept up with them like that, but I would like to go back to them especially as I near my goal of BSL. The Tea Rinses I did I don't think really did anything...probably won't revisit anytime soon.
3. Naturalicious 5-in-1 Morrocan Clay Wash, J. Monique Naturals Bentonite and Rhassoul Clay Detox Mask
For my mini challenge I might get a rhassoul mask for my last wash day of May.