2019 Year End Reveal / Holiday Hair Thread


Well-Known Member
Well, here we are at almost the end of the year. Many of us have been in challenges, and now's a good time to show us all your progress. Many of us also straighten this time of year, or do our hair in special styles for the holidays. I thought it would be nice to have a thread for everyone's year end pictures.

I'll go first. I was in a waist length challenge. I keep getting to waist length, needing a trim, and then going back to bsl. I need a good 1" trim now, but this time, I'm not trimming until I'm past waist length, and I'm only trimming to get back to wsl. Didn't quite make the goal. The awkward pose is me trying to put my thumb at my waist. I'm about 1/2"-1" away. 20191222_215110.jpg

I wasn’t in a 2019 challenge this year. Just had a lot going on this year. I ended 2019 at BCL and trimmed to HL. I was in the “HL, TBL and Beyond” challenge in 2018 with a short term goal of HL and I achieved it. However, I trimmed to WL. I probably didn’t even need that much trimmed but its all good, at least Im back at HL and hoping to reach my next goal of TBL by the end of 2020.
I also straighten and trim once a year which is at the end of the year.
Would y'all care to share y'alls regimens? Such gorgeous, luscious hairs :love:

Thank you.:)
My regimen leading up to HL was literally so simple, I co-washed weekly, moisturized & sealed with oil, plaited my hair in one long loose plait and rolled into a bun until next wash day which is every Sunday. Shampoo'd & DC'd once a month. I must say SCURL and Doogro Mega thick growth oil is a match made in heaven, my hair stayed moisturized for what seemed like forever lol.

Going forward, I will now be incorporating Shea Butter into my routine. On shampoo days I'll be sealing Shea Butter whipped with Doogro and on co-wash days I'll be sealing with just raw whipped Shea Butter.

What is "BCL?"

Butt Crack Length
Thank you.:)
My regimen leading up to HL was literally so simple, I co-washed weekly, moisturized & sealed with oil, plaited my hair in one long loose plait and rolled into a bun until next wash day which is every Sunday. Shampoo'd & DC'd once a month. I must say SCURL and Doogro Mega thick growth oil is a match made in heaven, my hair stayed moisturized for what seemed like forever lol.

Going forward, I will now be incorporating Shea Butter into my routine. On shampoo days I'll be sealing Shea Butter whipped with Doogro and on co-wash days I'll be sealing with just raw whipped Shea Butter.

Butt Crack Length

Do you have a photo of your hair in that style?
Would y'all care to share y'alls regimens? Such gorgeous, luscious hairs :love:
my regimen is bogus :lol: do i even have one? it's so variable. but let's pretend i do.

first, i had to take care of a dandruff problem i had. it wasn't that bad, and since i washed my hair weekly and scrubbed i barely noticed it. but i did have a few flakes sometimes. i've been using dandruff shampoo, and that has completely gotten rid of the flakes. i used it every wash at first. and now my head also doesn't itch so soon after washing. this means i can wash more like once every 10 days instead of weekly. here's the theoretical regimen (actual practice varies depending on life situations);

1st wash: Shampoo (dandruff) and protein treatment this wash. I don't deep condition just because i won't have time this wash, but still use rinse out conditioner in shower. Thorough detangle. Blow dry with comb attachment which, frankly, is the only way i can figure out to get all the shed hair out of my head, and getting my hair thoroughly detangled in this session allows me to not really comb the next 2. Leave in is generally just oil, either coconut or castor depending on whether i want more strength or softness. ideally, put hair in medium twists.

2nd wash: Wash with gentler shampoo, deep condition. hair is still in twists. apply creamy leave in and oil, generally castor oil. stretch them to dry. usually i but them too, since i don't like how non-small twists look from the back, especially when old.

3rd wash: Just rinse with water. By now i'm getting worried if i use shampoo, it will tangle my hair and it's been too long since i last detangled for real to take that chance. finger detangle my twists at least a bit. they mat easily, so this just helps extend the time i have to detangle for real. after hair dries, can wear a twist out until next wash.

The above cycle repeats. At first it was a 3 week cycle, but now it takes me closer to 1 month. And really it's a lie, because this last cycle i only washed twice in 4 weeks, used shampoo both times, and then started over again with the blow dry. see, my regimen is make believe!
Do you have a photo of your hair in that style?

So, I dont have a recent pic, but this pic is from May of 2017. I think I was at APL at the time or grazing BSL. Nonetheless, this is the bun I’ve been wearing the last three+ years as my protective style. Of course my hair is longer now so the bun hangs a little more or is a little bigger. I also use a thick black scrunchie, not the skinny elastic ones. I fear those will cause unnecessary tension. Also the bun is not tight at all.
So, I dont have a recent pic, but this pic is from May of 2017. I think I was at APL at the time or grazing BSL. Nonetheless, this is the bun I’ve been wearing the last three+ years as my protective style. Of course my hair is longer now so the bun hangs a little more or is a little bigger. I also use a thick black scrunchie, not the skinny elastic ones. I fear those will cause unnecessary tension. Also the bun is not tight at all.
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Thank you!!!