2019 Relaxed Hair End-of-year Picture Thread

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Well-Known Member
Happy December 1st ladies!

This thread is in the spirit of our thread last year.


This thread is for us to show pics of our relaxed hair from this year.

And yes, it's a PICTURE thread!

You can post as many times as you want. The only rule is that the post has to have a relaxed hair pic from this year. We don't want one picture posted, then 5 pages of 'Your hair looks great!' posts! :lol:

I'm closing this thread on January 1st, so get in here!

Let me just throw this in right here - Looking good, @sunnieb !! Yes, you should definitely give yourself more credit!

OK on to the pix-

ETA: Pic heavy, sorry

March 2019 relaxer and blowout
View media item 130159

Apr 2019 mini braids
View media item 130195

June 2019 relaxer and airdried bun
View media item 130247

June 2019 Banded ponytail
View media item 130261

Oct 2019 fresh mini braid/twists :(
View media item 130383View media item 130381

Nov 2019 relaxer and EOTY flat iron
View media item 130419
Hi ladies
this is the first year since having my two boys that Ive actually stuck to weekly washes and DCing. I must say I will never slack again.

January 2019

February 2019 Trim, could have taken off more

October 2019 relaxer

Dec 29th 2019 wash day

please ignore my fat back I'll be working on that next :laugh:
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