2018 Curlyproverbz-inspired Regimen Challenge

Here is what I purchased from that Indian grocery today:

Shikakai Powder
Neem Powder
Maka Powder (Bhringraj)
Brahmi Powder
Castor Oil (Indian Brand) $3.49
Mahabhringraj Hair Oil
Parachute Coconut Oil
Menthi - Powder $2.99
Menthi - Ground Leaves Version $2.99
Menthi - Ground Seeds Version $2.99

I used the following, in this order:

Menthi (Fenugreek) Ground Seeds
Menthi Powder
Neem Powder
Brahmi Powder
Maka Powder
Parachute Coconut Oil
Castor Oil
Mahabhringraj Hair Oil
Almond Oil

Essential Oils purchased at Marshalls:

First of all, I couldn't believe that I found all of these EO's at Marshalls for a fraction of what it costs online. Six came in a box that consisted of:

Tea Tree, Ginger, Peppermint, Sweet Orange, Lemon and Lavender.

I'm making another batch of oil and I have it infusing in a mason jar in the crock pot. So far, so good.

Those Menthi ground leaves smell STRONG when I pulled the pack out of the box. I was like nahhh.....we'll put that to the side for now lolol

I put the prices next to the items that I remembered. The receipt is somewhere in my bag.

Anyway, you know your infusion mix is working with the Menthi seeds because it smells like maple syrup.

If you just use Coconut oil and Menthi seeds and infuse those in a mason jar by themselves without adding any additional powders or other oils, your oil should turn a nice Amber/Reddish/Brownish color. That's when you know your seeds have infused, based on the color.

However, when I initially mixed the powders in my first bath along with everything else, the color was that of a dark green. After infusing, the color is a dark brown. A rich brown color.
What was the packaging like? When I ordered 2lbs last year from Camden Grey and it came double bagged and taped tightly. I ended up transferring it to a large jar.
I think you misunderstood hon. I meant that Ebay had horrible packaging. I won't order from ebay again.

Plus my activated charcoal packaging from essentialwholesale.com was also poorly packaged. It came in a large plastic bad instead another large plastic bag when I believe it should have been packaged in a sealed bag inside a zip lock bag. It is a very light powder and as soon as it is opened, small tiny black particles go flying everywhere, and I do mean EVERYWHERE :shocked:!!! I certainly will not be ordering it from this site anymore :nono:.
Yes, I know what you mean about the number of options! :spinning:

Here's where I started with my tea, and it was SUPER easy. I made one change: I added some aloe Vera powder because I wanted my hair tea to be hydrating and not just strengthening.

This is the one I made today but added a few extra powders to mine. Very nice tea rinse :yep:.
This morning I made my second batch of the CP henna strengthening tea rinse but this time I added hibiscus, kalpi tone and bhringraj powders to it. It looks a deep rich burgundy I guess because of the hibiscus powder.

I will definitely be making a loose paste with these powders to pour over my hair, powder and all in the shower since it looks so yummy. Plus they couldn't hurt but help with hair growth becsuse of the added essential oils I put in it.

Where do you get your hibiscus powder? What brand do you use? I was thinking of using hibiscus tea for my leave in spirtz. But I'm also thinking it may be good to get the powder too to add to my henna mix or hype up my deep conditioner.

In other news, still waiting on my stuff from Keravada. Really need a products that will be a game changer for my hair
Someone probably already answered but I love your powder stash! Sounds like mine!
You could do clay mixes if that were your thing. Or Ayurvedic black soap. Curly Proverbz has a vid on Ayurvedic black soap

I'm going to continue adding powders to my DCs, and maybe some oils.
Looking into some tea rinse recipes.
Using the oils for sealing, scalp massages/inversion, prepoos and oil rinsing.
What else can I do?
Another thing with tea mixes: you can make your tea then add a moisturizing component to it later (i.e- adding aloe vera juice or gel to cooled, steeped tea, steeping tea in boiled rose water, making a tea with moisturizing herbs like fenugreek or marshmallow root)

Yes, I know what you mean about the number of options! :spinning:

Here's where I started with my tea, and it was SUPER easy. I made one change: I added some aloe Vera powder because I wanted my hair tea to be hydrating and not just strengthening.

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So I have been having THE hardest time taking length check pics. My phone’s camera has Parkinson’s :happydance: so clear pictures to track my growth are out for now. I’ll be back later with some measurements.
Wednesday, I applied a Ayurvedic masque to my scalp and ended up leaving overnight: Brahmi, rose petal, lemon peel, hibiscus, shikakai, neem, maharabrinaj, rosemary, DEA, ginger, fenugreek and amla powders mixed in equal parts aloe vera juice, rose water, and nettle tea.
This was a fantastic recipe. My hair roots felt so strong and moisturized.
I’ve discovered that no mix of any herbs is too frustrating/inconvenient if I use my tangle busting clay wash directly after. Or a henna mix because henna busts my tangles too.
My clay wash was 2 tbsp Australian pink clay, 4 tbsp Bentonite clay, 1 tbsp DEA, and equal parts nettle tea, rose water, and aloe vera juice. I added about 1/2 tbsp of mustard, maharabrinaj, avocado, & vatika oil and 1 tbsp of CP oil. Left that in about 4 hours and had such a fantastic rinse out I was tempted to do a WnG.
My new favorite conditioner after clay is Essations 7-in-1 Positively Charged conditioner. Absolutely wonderful after clay. Idk what reaction is occurring but my hair only feels like this with this conditioner after clays.
Styled my hair in 16 super juicy twists with a CP hair tea (hibiscus, green tea, fenugreek, CP oil), avocado butter, Miss Jessie’s Leave-In and Ecostyler JBCO. Omg a fantastic product combo. Posting to revisit it often.
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Where do you get your hibiscus powder? What brand do you use? I was thinking of using hibiscus tea for my leave in spirtz. But I'm also thinking it may be good to get the powder too to add to my henna mix or hype up my deep conditioner.

In other news, still waiting on my stuff from Keravada. Really need a products that will be a game changer for my hair
I got mine from www.banyanbotanicals.com. They offer free shipping over $75 ...finally. Before the shipping rate was outrageous. My stash from here is still good for now but if they have a BF sale, I will restock on some more hibiscus powder, brahmi oil, and bhringraj powder for sure :yep:.

ETA: Shipping is free at $60 - not $75 as I originally stated
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Question for the group

1. Is there a way to mix the powders so that when you rinse the mixture, there aren't any grains left on the strands of hair?

2. Would it be better to combine all of the powders (i.e., amla, brahmi, shikaiki, aloe, fenugreek, henna, etc.) into a single canister as opposed to storing the boxes in your cabinet or wherever you keep them?
Tonight I:

Just finished massaging some Curly Proverbz Ayurveda Hair growth oil on my scalp and pre oiled the length to green house effect while I sleep tonight.

Tomorrow I will be:

Pouring the herbal paste left over from my henna tea rinse on my scalp in the shower in the morning.
Cowashing it out with Joico K-Pak Color Conditioner
Deep Conditioning with SSI Peach Conditioner
Moisturize with APB Cupuacu Avocado Moisturizer
Style 3 big plaits and wear my wig for the day
Question for the group

1. Is there a way to mix the powders so that when you rinse the mixture, there aren't any grains left on the strands of hair?

2. Would it be better to combine all of the powders (i.e., amla, brahmi, shikaiki, aloe, fenugreek, henna, etc.) into a single canister as opposed to storing the boxes in your cabinet or wherever you keep them?

1. I mostly use cheapie conditioners to wash out the herbs. Sometimes some are still left in there but once it's dry, if you don't add any other products to it, you can simply give your head a bit of a vigorous shake and more will come out that's still left in there. - I don't care for the latter though.

2. I use Mason Jars for this purpose - @bolded.
Question for the group

1. Is there a way to mix the powders so that when you rinse the mixture, there aren't any grains left on the strands of hair?

2. Would it be better to combine all of the powders (i.e., amla, brahmi, shikaiki, aloe, fenugreek, henna, etc.) into a single canister as opposed to storing the boxes in your cabinet or wherever you keep them?

1. I have found that mucilage herbs in the mix makes the powders stick more. This is because mucilage leaves a moisturizing film behind thats great for hair, but not so great when powder gets stuck in the film. So, I use mucilage herbs for rinses or teas only, not my powder mixes.

Sifting your powders may help as well.

2. I'm not one to customize a mix every wash day, so instead I make a mix with the ratios I want, sift, and store in one jar.
After 6 months of consistently using Ayurvedic powders, I've graduated from glosses to full blown pastes.

For this month's treatment, I mixed:
1 cup henna
1/4 cup amla
1/4 cup bhringraj

I steeped some rosemary herbs. Used the tea to mix with my paste.

Allowing the henna dye to release for 24 hours. Once it does, I'll stick it in the freezer until my wash day rolls around in a few days.

Edited to update: I did my first treatment in April so it's been longer than what I mentioned prior. Yay me! I'm thinking of doing a one year before and after in April followed by a trim. I'll post it here. I may do all my roller sets & trims in April now that I know a solid month for my Ayurvedic Anniversary.
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Question for the group

1. Is there a way to mix the powders so that when you rinse the mixture, there aren't any grains left on the strands of hair?

2. Would it be better to combine all of the powders (i.e., amla, brahmi, shikaiki, aloe, fenugreek, henna, etc.) into a single canister as opposed to storing the boxes in your cabinet or wherever you keep them?
I haven't tried it yet but I see some people are putting the powders in a coffee filter or something to that effect, tie it up then put little pouch to infuse in the oil.
I've been massaging the tea and the CP olive oil into my scalp every night. It's gloss week so I'll melt down a bar and mix it with cholesterol.

I need to make more gloss bars soon. My last batch was about 2/3rds sedr and 1/3 henna because I misplaced the rest of my henna at the time. I really like the results so this next batch will be equal parts sedr, cassia, and herbal henna.
1. You could take 3 stockings to make a tri-layered “bag” and essentially make a tea bag out of the powders. If any powders escaped, run the remainder through a coffee filter. (There would be a lot of filtering, extra steps and extra time but it can be done.)

2. Like posters mentioned upthread, maybe separate the mucilage herbs from the rest of the herbs. And have 2 canisters. For myself, I notice the effects of the different herbs so I customize my mixes every wash. Some are particularly drying for my hair (like shikakai and sedr) so I don’t use them every session. But if you’ve gotten the hang of your herbs individually, a blend would be great for you. (You could also add your mucilage mix to the other mix after they’ve steeped.)

Question for the group

1. Is there a way to mix the powders so that when you rinse the mixture, there aren't any grains left on the strands of hair?

2. Would it be better to combine all of the powders (i.e., amla, brahmi, shikaiki, aloe, fenugreek, henna, etc.) into a single canister as opposed to storing the boxes in your cabinet or wherever you keep them?
So I made two batches of CP growth oil, this time I used henna since I missed it in my last batch. I'm trying to make sure I have enough for the future when I wont have access to the ingredients. Not sure how long I'll let it marinate - probably a week this time since I'll be gone from home about that long. Then I plan on straining everything and putting them into individual little nozzle bottles. OnceI take these braids down I'll do a henna gloss and then get ready for my next long term PS.
How did you make and strain it? Spare no deets, please!

I made the smoothie normally (soaked for 4 hours then blended on a nutribullet). I strained it using a cheese cloth. It was a bit messy but way less of a hassle then taking pieces of fenugreek seeds in my hair. After the first strain, I put the pulp back in the nutribullet with more water for a second strain. I tend to make my smoothie thick. I'll start making it less thick so I don't have to strain twice.
I made the smoothie normally (soaked for 4 hours then blended on a nutribullet). I strained it using a cheese cloth. It was a bit messy but way less of a hassle then taking pieces of fenugreek seeds in my hair. After the first strain, I put the pulp back in the nutribullet with more water for a second strain. I tend to make my smoothie thick. I'll start making it less thick so I don't have to strain twice.

What amount of seeds do you soak, again? And, do you add anything else to the mix/blender? Like, water? TIA!
What amount of seeds do you soak, again? And, do you add anything else to the mix/blender? Like, water? TIA!

I use about 3 tablespoon of seeds. I mix it with water and curry leaves. I add the curry leaves because I have it and it's good for hair. I then mix the smoothie with a couple of teaspoons of henna, moisturizing conditioner, AVG and essential oils. Today I'm being lazy and doing some type of co-wash. I also prepoo with the infuse oil for a few hours. . If I use a clay mask or shampoo after my prepoo, I would add coconut or olive oil.
1. You could take 3 stockings to make a tri-layered “bag” and essentially make a tea bag out of the powders. If any powders escaped, run the remainder through a coffee filter. (There would be a lot of filtering, extra steps and extra time but it can be done.)

2. Like posters mentioned upthread, maybe separate the mucilage herbs from the rest of the herbs. And have 2 canisters. For myself, I notice the effects of the different herbs so I customize my mixes every wash. Some are particularly drying for my hair (like shikakai and sedr) so I don’t use them every session. But if you’ve gotten the hang of your herbs individually, a blend would be great for you. (You could also add your mucilage mix to the other mix after they’ve steeped.)

Ok. I see where you're going with this. I'd much rather do the extra filtering instead of the extra rinsing. I was trying to research to see if hot boiling water would work, by adding a little water at a time while stirring the mix making sure every grain is diluted as opposed to breaking down large chunks. I usually let my mixture sit for a couple of days covered with foil. It wasn't as messy as I thought it would be when I rinsed, but my husband had to help me because my hair is so thick.

I also thought about using a marshmallow root mixture of some sort with aloe vera gel to work in during the rinse so that those tiny little grains could "latch on" during the rinse. I don't now.....just throwing stuff out there.
I made two batches of the oil.

One with the powders directly in the oil. Will use this on my scalp only a few times a week.

Second batch has the powders in a stocking (or coffee filter) placed in the oil. This is a much lighter version that I can use on the length of my hair daily.

Excited to see my progress.

Do you guys think these oils can be used on our skin too? Face and/or body???
Well yeah girl, you’ve got it. Filter away! :)
Just stiring or mixing wouldn’t ever give an easy rinsing imo. No matter how loose you made the mix or how boiling hot your water is or how long you leave the blender going, none of the powders really dissolve.
For an easier rinsing after filtering, a separate mucilage mix would help. Oil too. Oil helps tremendously in my experience. That and Praying Hands Method kinda vigorously under running water.
Report back your results!
Ok. I see where you're going with this. I'd much rather do the extra filtering instead of the extra rinsing.
I also thought about using a marshmallow root mixture of some sort with aloe vera gel to work in during the rinse so that those tiny little grains could "latch on" during the rinse. I don't now.....just throwing stuff out there.