2018 Curlyproverbz-inspired Regimen Challenge


On break

Greetings, ladies and gents.

Is anyone interested in participating in a challenge to build a personalized CurlyProverbz-inspired hair regimen to trial for 3+ months?

Farida, aka CurlyProverbz, was stuck at shoulder-length until she developed a regimen featuring henna, ayurvedic ingredients, teas, and oils.

She shares her recipes and growth journey on YouTube, and she has made the dry ingredients she uses available online for convenience.

Link to her products: https://bellebarorganic.com/collections/curlyproverbz-x-belle-bar-collection

One of her YouTube videos:

Let's keep this challenge simple and flexible.
  1. Please start/join whenever you like.
  2. Of course, we'd enjoy it were you to post every day. :smile: However, please post at least once a month to share your experiences/progress, updates, tips, reflections, etc.
  3. To join, please post details about the CurlyProverbz-inspired regimen you plan to start with.
    1. What do you hope to gain from trialing a CurlyProverbz-based regimen?
    2. What products or mixes do you intend to use?
    3. How frequently will you cleanse your hair?
    4. How frequently will you apply your various products, mixes, etc?
    5. How frequently will you trim or search and destroy?
    6. Anything else you'd like to share?
Rolling List of Participants, Posters, and Lurkers (last updated as of those posting by page 17 of this thread):
  1. @Aggie
  2. @aquajoyice
  3. @beauti
  4. @CICI24
  5. @Colocha
  6. @Daina
  7. @DanceOnTheSkylines
  8. @douglala
  9. @ElevatedEnergy
  10. @fifigirl
  11. @gawcjw
  12. @grownwomanaz
  13. @Hairties
  14. @halee_J
  15. @Honey Bee
  16. @Jade Feria
  17. @jamaica68
  18. @Jetblackhair
  19. @Keen
  20. @keranikki
  21. @kxlot79
  22. @LadyPBC
  23. @larry3344
  24. @long.hair.dont.care
  25. @MkLaShay
  26. @mzteaze
  27. @naturalagain2
  28. @NaturallyATLPCH
  29. @NCHairDiva
  30. @Nightingale
  31. @Nini90012
  32. @prettywhitty
  33. @Rozlewis
  34. @Saludable84
  35. @SimplyWhole
  36. @SunkissedSiren
  37. @tapioca_pudding
  38. @ThatJerseyGirl
  39. @tolly
  40. @trueheartofgold
  41. @weavepat
  42. @YvetteWithJoy
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I will reserve this second post/space to share potential BEGINNING steps/recipes and more to-the-point videos. This because she has scores of videos and at least a dozen recipes, and as her commenters note, it's challenging to distill a regimen or know with what to begin.

I'll just keep editing this post as I understand/discover more. Your input about how this post should look is MORE than welcome. :smile:

NOTE: Be sure to read the info beneath her videos. She often lists recipes, ingredients, measurements, helpful links, etc.​

Added Sunday October 15, 2017:
List of DIY Products CurlyProverbz Shares on YouTube (as of Oct. 15, 2017)

  1. Detanglers
  2. Teas
  3. Glosses
  4. Masks
  5. Oil (mixes)
  6. Butter creams
Several of these are used for more than just one purpose/effect. For example, it appears that a tea can be used as a leave-in, as a refresher spray, as a hair strengthener applied about 5 minutes before a moisturizing deep conditioner is applied, etc. The oil can be a scalp massage oil for stimulation of growth, a hot oil treatment, a moisturizer, etc.

Added Wednesday, October 11, 2017:
CurlyProverbz's Wash Day Regimen

For wash day, her regimen involves prepooing with her fenugreek-infused oil, detangling with (any) conditioner of choice, cleansing with one of four clay washes, applying leave-in, then applying the fenugreek-infused oil.​


Added Sunday, October 8, 2017:
A week of CurlyProverbz caring for her hair

Added Saturday, December 9, 2017
@ElevatedEnergy's Shampoo Bar Recipes/Methods (Thank you! :heart3:)

Video 1: A YouTuber's video explaining the soap-bar-making process

Video 2: Demo of the soap-making process

ElevatedEnergy notes:
The first video will explain the SoapCalc.net website and how to come up with a formulation. The 2nd video shows her actually doing the cold soap making process. *You would add your powders at the point where she is adding her essential oils after the trace phase*.

For the actual ingredients, it really just depends on your formulation....you have to actually go to the website and play around with plugging in oils and butters.

For my Ayurvedic Cleansing Conditioner bar you are asking about, here are my ingredients:
(Saponified oils of Castor, Safflower, Olive, Capuacu Butter & Mango Butter), Distilled water, Nupur 9 Henna, Aloe Vera Powder. Essential oils of Eucalyptus and Tea Tree.

This won't make much sense to you just by looking at the ingredients though until you actually play around with the site. Just note that in my cleansing conditioner bar, I used castor oil as my highest percentage of oil as it provides the richest lather, it is the creamiest of most oils and will provide the heaviest conditioning. I omitted coconut oil as when going through the saponification process, it is the most cleansing oil so it will be the most drying oil. I believe when it comes to shampoo bars and coconut oil, one should tread lightly. I did use a small amount in my other two bars though. I'll come back later and add pictures of my curing rack with the three different batches I made.

I made:

Ayurvedic Cleansing Conditioner Bar (for rinsing out Ayurvedic treatments)

Luxurious Ayurvedic Buttery Conditioning Shampoo Bar (for normal washing)

Coconut Milk, Honey & Rhassoul Conditioning Shampoo/Facial Bar​
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I hope folks begin whenever they like, trial it for however long they like, and post frequently about their experience and progress.

I want to give it at least 3 months.

I'm also looking at just what products I want to use. For instance, I'm eyeing the KeraVada Kera1010 oil's ingredients.
I watched four of her videos this morning. They were very informative. I have most of the ingredients. I'm currently interested in doing the tea rinse and the clay masque (to replace Aphogee 2-step protein treatment). I won't start until January though. I want to see the results of the current regimen I'm on.
I'm in as well! I subscribe to her channel and just ordered the cassia gloss and one of her teas. Already using her growth oil which has helped with the thickness and length of my hair. Currently pre-pooing now with the growth oil to cleanse and dc tomorrow. I will formally work out my regimen once my new stuff arrives. My goal is to be consistent for 6 months.
Can anyone link what you feel are the main videos we "should" work from?

Part of the reason I never trialed a CurlyProverbz-inspired regimen is because several of her videos overlap yet are different. Thus as of now, I am not sure precisely what her regimen is.

Tonight I attempt wavy curlformers again. While under the dryer, I'll begin a marathon of watching her channel. If I determine which videos seem to be simplest, clearest, most collectively comprehensive and coherent and up-to-date and few(er) in number . . . then I'll create a post listing/linking those few-as-possible videos.
I am in!
I am currentky doing the CP oil every other night. I do want to make the tea rinse and use that daily as well. Ive also done the rinse a week ago and it was ok....
So, I will say I will have the tea and continue with the oil and will start counting from Oct 10th. I will do 3 months.
Now, I will say that Ive been using the CP for over a month and havent noticed anything special.... but Im going to continue to use it and do a full 3 months and see where I am. I will journal as much as I can so I can see where Im going with it throughout the whole thing.
I might as well join since I've made practically all her recipes :look: I've made her:
*Hair strengthening tea
*DIY henna,amla,brahmi hair oil
*Whipped shea butter/henna infusion
*Super hair growth oil DIY recipe

Everything I've made works great in my hair. Strengthening yet moisturizing, and leaves my hair so soft.

My goal is to use her strengthening products to retain my length and her growth products to get to my goals. I use her products every other day or every 3 days. I also prepoo with the growth oil on every wash day (biweekly). I will continue with this regimen until the end of the year to see if it's worth maintaining.
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I would like to join this. Her hair looks like it could easily grow past shoulders but I don't know what the health of her hair was before she started. I know this works because I used to use a herbal blend henna weekly when I was relaxed and my hair grew quicker and longer. I 'm sure it would work for my natural hair as well.
I would like to join this. Her hair looks like it could easily grow past shoulders but I don't know what the health of her hair was before she started. I know this works because I used to use a herbal blend henna weekly when I was relaxed and my hair grew quicker and longer. I 'm sure it would work for my natural hair as well.
She was relaxing it. Her hair was growing it was just breaking off till she went natural. She's been growing it out for seven years
From shoulder length to where she is now took about seven years. That's average growth. She was stuck at shoulder length because she was relaxing it.

Thanks. Insightful.

Would you say her retention is normal/average and thus her length has zero to do with her regimen?

Her ends are so healthy and strong, whereas mine thin out and break ever so gradually. I was hoping to try her regimen to gain stronger hair, thicker hair, and better retention.

Thank you for your insight!
Thanks. Insightful.

Would you say her retention is normal/average and thus her length has zero to do with her regimen?

Her ends are so healthy and strong, whereas mine thin out and break ever so gradually. I was hoping to try her regimen to gain stronger hair, thicker hair, and better retention.

Thank you for your insight!

I’m confused.

I thought she said she hit roughly shoulder length as a natural and hit a plateau. Then she started researching and experimenting with Ayurveda and started seeing good results.

Yvette, I think what you should take from her is not how long she got there, but how successful she was at getting there. You started the challenge to be consistent, so stick with it and see how far it gets you. You don’t want to mess too much with speeding up growth because it will also speed up hair fall.

I’m going to stop rambling.
I’m confused.

I thought she said she hit roughly shoulder length as a natural and hit a plateau. Then she started researching and experimenting with Ayurveda and started seeing good results.

Yvette, I think what you should take from her is not how long she got there, but how successful she was at getting there. You started the challenge to be consistent, so stick with it and see how far it gets you. You don’t want to mess too much with speeding up growth because it will also speed up hair fall.

I’m going to stop rambling.

Thanks. Helpful, because I wasn't really even worried about speed. My thing is, lots of people have natural hair for 7 years or longer and don't hit waist length.

If it was just about letting time pass, we'd see a whole bunch of waist length black women around her. Like, TONS.

Retention via ends care and maintenance of strand integrity/strength: I'd like to focus there for 2018. It seems like that's what her regimen is about via teas, cassia glosses, consistent conditioning, scalp care, etc.

I'm going to try it. :smile: If nothing else, it will reduce my product hopping. I'm feeling like it will do a lot more.

I just bought a lovely wig yesterday, and I'm going to try to keep my hair twisted under it and use some of CurlyProverbz's strategies along with Chicoro's tips about shea butter and ends care. I'll see how it all fares!
Thanks. Helpful, because I wasn't really even worried about speed. My thing is, lots of people have natural hair for 7 years or longer and don't hit waist length.

If it was just about letting time pass, we'd see a whole bunch of waist length black women around her. Like, TONS.

Retention via ends care and maintenance of strand integrity/strength: I'd like to focus there for 2018. It seems like that's what her regimen is about via teas, cassia glosses, consistent conditioning, scalp care, etc.

I'm going to try it. :smile: If nothing else, it will reduce my product hopping. I'm feeling like it will do a lot more.

I just bought a lovely wig yesterday, and I'm going to try to keep my hair twisted under it and use some of CurlyProverbz's strategies along with Chicoro's tips about shea butter and ends care. I'll see how it all fares!

You are absolutely correct.

Even when relaxed, my strongest hair was when I was doing henna and teas rinses. I don’t even think you have to change everything, but definitely incorporating those henna treatments, rinses and likely that oil can be key. You don’t even have to go full on. Just things here and there depending on your hair. Don’t overload all at once. You have the right idea and regardless of the time needed, you want to keep as much of that hair on your head as possible.

I’m sticking with henna glosses and two-step treatments along with the henna oil. My hair is LoPo so I can’t do too much.

Last, idk how she styles her hair, but the only thing that works for me is keeping my hair all the way up.
You are absolutely correct.

Even when relaxed, my strongest hair was when I was doing henna and teas rinses. I don’t even think you have to change everything, but definitely incorporating those henna treatments, rinses and likely that oil can be key. You don’t even have to go full on. Just things here and there depending on your hair. Don’t overload all at once. You have the right idea and regardless of the time needed, you want to keep as much of that hair on your head as possible.

I’m sticking with henna glosses and two-step treatments along with the henna oil. My hair is LoPo so I can’t do too much.

Last, idk how she styles her hair, but the only thing that works for me is keeping my hair all the way up.

Thanks so much for the encouragement. And congratulations on hitting waist length. :yep:

Yes, the bolded are definitely issues for me. I tend to proceed with new stuff/methods a little too intensely, so this time I'm trying to just pick one thing at a time to incorporate gradually . . . and to not make the mistake of dropping things from my current regimen that work well for me, like DCing then washing then DCing. It's weird, but it results in much less hair loss for me.

And, my spirit just resists putting my hair up (I get bored and I feel like my head looks even longer :oops: :look: ), and I know not wearing it up is an issue: I'm pretty certain that the resultant constant brushing is a MAJOR reason I don't retain more. :yep:

So I think I have a fail-proof plan: Chunky twist on wash day and wear a wig. Then later, when my hair grows a little bit and I can use that donut to easily bun my curly hair, I think I'll like that. I also like @NaturallyATLPCH's signature style, I just haven't figured out how to do it yet. I need a video. I'm styling challenged. :oops::D
@YvetteWithJoy Keep doing what you are doing Hun. We have seen natural people on this very board struggle for many years to reach APL and we have also seen many women on this very board who are relaxed and reach hip/tailbone.

Just like anything else: Ayurvedic practices work for some and not for others. I have learned that unlike other hair techniques, Ayurvedic treatments takes time to see results. You have to stick with it and be consistent. Most write it off after a treatment or two. But here are my results after 5 months of use:


It works.