On break

Greetings, ladies and gents.
Is anyone interested in participating in a challenge to build a personalized CurlyProverbz-inspired hair regimen to trial for 3+ months?
Farida, aka CurlyProverbz, was stuck at shoulder-length until she developed a regimen featuring henna, ayurvedic ingredients, teas, and oils.
She shares her recipes and growth journey on YouTube, and she has made the dry ingredients she uses available online for convenience.
Link to her products: https://bellebarorganic.com/collections/curlyproverbz-x-belle-bar-collection
One of her YouTube videos:
Let's keep this challenge simple and flexible.
- Please start/join whenever you like.
- Of course, we'd enjoy it were you to post every day.
However, please post at least once a month to share your experiences/progress, updates, tips, reflections, etc.
- To join, please post details about the CurlyProverbz-inspired regimen you plan to start with.
- What do you hope to gain from trialing a CurlyProverbz-based regimen?
- What products or mixes do you intend to use?
- How frequently will you cleanse your hair?
- How frequently will you apply your various products, mixes, etc?
- How frequently will you trim or search and destroy?
- Anything else you'd like to share?
- @Aggie
- @aquajoyice
- @beauti
- @CICI24
- @Colocha
- @Daina
- @DanceOnTheSkylines
- @douglala
- @ElevatedEnergy
- @fifigirl
- @gawcjw
- @grownwomanaz
- @Hairties
- @halee_J
- @Honey Bee
- @Jade Feria
- @jamaica68
- @Jetblackhair
- @Keen
- @keranikki
- @kxlot79
- @LadyPBC
- @larry3344
- @long.hair.dont.care
- @MkLaShay
- @mzteaze
- @naturalagain2
- @NaturallyATLPCH
- @NCHairDiva
- @Nightingale
- @Nini90012
- @prettywhitty
- @Rozlewis
- @Saludable84
- @SimplyWhole
- @SunkissedSiren
- @tapioca_pudding
- @ThatJerseyGirl
- @tolly
- @trueheartofgold
- @weavepat
- @YvetteWithJoy
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