2017 Coffee Tea Clay Mud Acv Avj Ayurveda Challenge

Lightly oiled my scalp last night with some Mahabhringraj Oil. Followed it up with a scalp massage with my Vanity Planet brush. Slept like a baby. This oil claims to aid in peaceful sleep and also reduces headaches. I can vouch that it does both. I'll be adding it to my overnight prepoo and Ayurvedic treatments that I do overnight as well. It's a keeper!
I know the answer is buried in a thread somewhere but can someone help me out with the best method for a tea rinse? From what I read, I liked the method of washing my hair with herbal shampoo, rinse hair with Red Roobios tea, massage scalp and let sit for 3 hours, put DC on top of tea laden hair and baggy overnight. Does that sound ok?
Have you done something similar before? Do you have low porosity? I ask because I want you to avoid hydral fatigue.

Rooibos tea is more like a final rinse. Some find it moisturizing; others, like moi, find it a bit astringent.
Have you done something similar before? Do you have low porosity? I ask because I want you to avoid hydral fatigue.

Rooibos tea is more like a final rinse. Some find it moisturizing; others, like moi, find it a bit astringent.

I've never done a tea rinse. Wanted to try Roobios for it's moisturizing affects.

I have high porosity and was wanting a tea that would make my hair healthy and shiny. I was reading up on Nettle tea and it looks like something that would do wonders for my hair.
I've never done a tea rinse. Wanted to try Roobios for it's moisturizing affects.

I have high porosity and was wanting a tea that would make my hair healthy and shiny. I was reading up on Nettle tea and it looks like something that would do wonders for my hair.
Most herbal tea rinse are best as final rinses or refreshers. You could use the tea to rinse out your DC; I have done that in the past.
Love, Love, Love, Red Roobis. I usually use my Tea Rinses under my DC'ers. If I do use a Tea as a Final Rinse, I will normally use a R/O Conditioner too.

I've also used Tea(s) to Spritz with based on experimentation of various Tea Blends. I

buy Pre-Mixes too for Spritz. Hairveda Hydrasilica, Claudie's to name a few. I've also bought ABP's Ayvurvedic. A poster recently sent me a Kom/bucha, Peach ACV Ha.ir Tea

And several vendors sell dried blends of Ha.ir Teas.
Love, Love, Love, Red Roobis. I usually use my Tea Rinses under my DC'ers. If I do use a Tea as a Final Rinse, I will normally use a R/O Conditioner too.

I've also used Tea(s) to Spritz with based on experimentation of various Tea Blends. I

buy Pre-Mixes too for Spritz. Hairveda Hydrasilica, Claudie's to name a few. I've also bought ABP's Ayvurvedic. A poster recently sent me a Kom/bucha, Peach ACV Ha.ir Tea

And several vendors sell dried blends of Ha.ir Teas.

Thanks @IDareT'sHair and @Sharpened! Great information.
Lightly oiled my scalp last night with some Mahabhringraj Oil. Followed it up with a scalp massage with my Vanity Planet brush. Slept like a baby. This oil claims to aid in peaceful sleep and also reduces headaches. I can vouch that it does both. I'll be adding it to my overnight prepoo and Ayurvedic treatments that I do overnight as well. It's a keeper!

Ok I lied...or maybe I should say I spoke prematurely. This oil had me scratching like a crackhead. Gotta keep it away from my scalp.
@IDareT'sHair Bringing the post over to this thread as well.

Here are my premade Ayurvedic conditioning deep treatments:


This is the closest I will get to making henna glosses since I'm trying to use up all my DIY products out of my freezer. Gotta make room for freezing breast milk and I simply don't have the room anymore to store products that contain water.

So anyway.

Separated and prepped the powders I use in my treatment. When it's time to do a gloss, I'll simply add all the ingredients and use it all up at the time. I rolled the pre-measured powders in their own ziplock bag so there won't be a need to continuously open and close the same bag. This is enough for around 12 treatments and I only used 3 boxes of Jamila henna and 1/2 box of the other powders.

After testing out many powders and herbs over the last few months, here are my favorites:

Deep condition:
Jamila Henna, Amla & Bhringraj Combined.

Jamila Henna & Indigo

Ayurvedic Herbal oil:
Mostly Ceramide Rich oils
Infused with:

Fenugreek seeds
Flowers: (Rosehips OR Calendula)
Aloe Vera powder
Bamboo extract

So those are the powders and herbs I'll be using going forward. It took a few months to figure out the ones my hair and scalp agreed with but it was all worth it!

*Cackles* at Breast Milk now taking up all your freezer space.:fridge:.....:giggle:

I know right! After I gave birth to my last son, I built up a year supply in my freezer. I plan on doing the same after this pregnancy. Nursing for a full year while pumping along the way to build up my stash. I'm 38 years old and refuse to be nursing or pumping breast milk in my 40's. No ma'am. My body will be selfishly all mine soon!
Also; I shared this in the pregnancy thread but since this is also a tea thread, I'll share it here as well. It's a long read but I hope it helps someone who is switching over from man made medicine to herbal remedies like me. (Who also may be entering or in postpartum stages)

I'm so tired of taking pills to get my extra vitamins and minerals. I have decided that unless I have a medical condition and have been prescribed pills to take by a doctor, I'm phasing those joints out and getting all my needs through my herbs. You already know I believe in that herbal power! LOL

I have my postpartum herbal blend prepared and ready for after the baby is born. I'll be drinking it once or twice a week while phasing out my Prenatal and HSN vitamins.


Benefits of each herb in my Postpartum Herbal Tea Blend (which are all safe while nursing)

Milky oats (Oat straw...Avena sativa). These make a nourishing tonic for the nervous system. Oats themselves have long been used as a healthful food for mothers and children — they’re very high in vitamins and minerals. In the form of a tincture of the fresh, milky seeds of the plant, a new mother can take oats over a long period, even many months, to provide gentle calming effects.

Nettle (Urtica dioica). This herb is particularly nutritive, containing trace minerals and vitamins, especially iron, potassium and silica. The herb is used to treat anemia and weakness and to stabilize blood sugar. It’s especially called for if you’re feeling stressed or physically or emotionally drained. Nettle tea is delicious alone or in combination with other herbs, such as alfalfa (Medicago sativa) or spearmint.

Red raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus). Known mostly as a prenatal tonic, this actually is a general nutritive herb that makes an excellent tea. It’s rich in minerals, tones the uterus and is a pleasant addition to teas. Combines well with nettles, mint, rose hips and many other beverage herbs.

Chamomile (Matricaria recutita). This herb relaxes the mother, and through the breast milk, provides gentle relaxation to the baby. Taken by the mother, it also can help allay milk colic symptoms in the baby. Although you can take chamomile as a tincture, it’s best to drink as a tea, steeped for only 10 minutes to ensure a pleasant flavor. Drink throughout the day or shortly before bed to promote restful sleep.

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum). This herb has long been used to encourage milk production. Take it as a warm tea while trying to establish or improve the milk supply. You may take it alone or in combination with other galactagogues and nervines, and it also may be used in tincture form.