I ended up trimming my ends a month early (Sunday night). Hopefully I can still retain some kind of length with my more frequent trim schedule.
Regimen please? !

Still trying to figure things out however this is what i do :

Take manetabolism and garlic supps daily
Drink 2L water daily
Invert monthly

Cleanse and DC twice monthly, once in 2weeks.
Re-do cornrows monthly and wig it( the 2nd time i wash and DC in the cornrows) My hair is fine and cornrowing once a month and only washing twice a month has decreased my shedding and thickened it up.
JBCO on scalp 3 times weekly with massaging
M&S alternate days with KCKT
Still trying to figure things out however this is what i do :

Take manetabolism and garlic supps daily
Drink 2L water daily
Invert monthly

Cleanse and DC twice monthly, once in 2weeks.
Re-do cornrows monthly and wig it( the 2nd time i wash and DC in the cornrows) My hair is fine and cornrowing once a month and only washing twice a month has decreased my shedding and thickened it up.
JBCO on scalp 3 times weekly with massaging
M&S alternate days with KCKT
So drinking water
Taking supplements to support diet
Massaging scalp and invert to increase blood flow
And low manipulation!
That's the secret! Yet, people will still do too much and buy too much! One day we will all catch on! I know Im getting it when it comes to my natural hair. Less is more, diet and water intake is important! Lol Awesome growth retention you have there lady!
@SmilingElephant I'm sure your hair is just as gorgeous as I remember!!! :gorgeous:

For 2016, I have some breakage in my nape area and front- so I want those to grow out. I want retention and length...Heck, I want it all!:drunk::look:

My nape and front are growing!!! :yep: :yep: I have reached my first goal of APL...moving towards full APL and BSB...I just re-upped on my HSN vitamins and I will begin taking those tonight. I'm just trying to finish strong these last 3 months...lots of water, consistent vitamins, and just leaving my hair alone (in rollersets).
My nape and front are growing!!! :yep: :yep: I have reached my first goal of APL...moving towards full APL and BSB...I just re-upped on my HSN vitamins and I will begin taking those tonight. I'm just trying to finish strong these last 3 months...lots of water, consistent vitamins, and just leaving my hair alone (in rollersets).

@Janet' keep pushing you will make it! Sounds like you have a strong plan just stick to what's working for you. Congrats on the growth!!!:bouncy:
I've recently upped my protein, and water intake. I'm adding eggs, and more seafood to my diet. I'm also planning to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

I've been getting steady growth but want to do those two things for overall health reasons. If I get added growth that would be icing on the cake.

I've stopped measuring my hair with a measuring tape because I don't think I'm doing it right. My nape has continued to stay the same measurement but it's obviously grown. Now my nape reaches right under my boobs. So I know I'm doing something wrong with the measuring.

Overall it's been a very successful year as far as my growth is concerned. I bc'd May 21st, 2015 at slightly longer than shoulder length and now I'm bsb.