I skipped wash day this week so I just cowashed my ends with Garnier color mask and sealed them with Cream of nature argan oil. That oil smells wonderful.
Yeah it does lol. But I apply it on a day I know I'm not going anywhere. Which is usually Sunday after church. Leave it in overnight and by the morning the smell is mostly gone but I put a fruity smelly moisturizer on to mask the small until I wash it out. the only time I smell it once I moisturize is when I'm working out. I guess it comes out when I sweat. I'm so glad it worked!

Is Avo oil good too? Don't have EVOO don't like it

And also, can i just use it as a pre-poo once a week instead of living it in
Is Avo oil good too? Don't have EVOO don't like it

And also, can i just use it as a pre-poo once a week instead of living it in

I honestly don't think the oil that you use matters. i just think all that matters is that the Garlic sits in the oil for a long enough time. The garlic is what does the job..the oil just makes it easy to oil your scalp with.

And I've read that it can be used as a pre poo. I've read that it needs to sit on your scrap for 30 min
Just made a new batch of my garlic infused olive oil. I used a whole clove of garlic this time so it should be extra garlicy lol. I'm so excited that this is working for me. I'm looking forward to wash days so I can see how much hair is still on my head.
I have some hairdrenalin potion that I need to finish and hoping now to get to BSL or MBL now. At first, I just wanted to get to full APL, now I want a little more:look:.

I intend to get it by better eating, exercise, inverting, vitamin intake and scalp massages.
You go girl @Prettymetty. My exercise routine begins tomorrow morning. I should be up at around 5:30 am to do some Insanity and Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I'll only do about 20 minutes of the Insanity AFTER doing level one of JM 30DS. My aim is to get in a minimum of 60 minutes a day, but 90 minutes is probably my max for the first month.
You go girl @Prettymetty. My exercise routine begins tomorrow morning. I should be up at around 5:30 am to do some Insanity and Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I'll only do about 20 minutes of the Insanity AFTER doing level one of JM 30DS. My aim is to get in a minimum of 60 minutes a day, but 90 minutes is probably my max for the first month.
Are you exercising daily?

I am during 21 day fix. Once I complete this challenge I will rest for a few days and then start 30 day shred. I gotta get fine for Summer!
Are you exercising daily?

I am during 21 day fix. Once I complete this challenge I will rest for a few days and then start 30 day shred. I gotta get fine for Summer!
I'll be putting in 4-5 days a week. I like lifting weights so I'll need to rest in between for muscle recovery. Perhaps if my muscles can handle it, I'll do cardio only for about 6 days a week most likely in my third week.
I am looking for more retention this year. I am almost at apl, and if I baby my hair, I think I can get to full apl by the end of the year. I'm back on viviscal and that thickens my hair up nicely and it's totally noticeable around the 3 month mark. I was taking 2 a day, but that was breaking out my skin. I don't know if it was just the pills or if I wasn't drinking enough water at the time. I am back drinking my water "mix" (master cleanse drink) and I have high hopes for my hair this year. Now I just have to get my body together.

Eta: keeping up with my twice yearly trims. I go to a stylist in Mi.that trims my hair in it's curly state. Surprisingly it's even! I straightened it and it looked great.Last time I didn't keep up with my trims, I reached apl, but had to cut off all my progress due to splits. NEVER AGAIN!

We'll the back of my hair reaches apl! I am so excited about it! So I am on my way to full apl next. I am retaining nicely so far.
I am still taking 1 viviscal pills a day and I am glad I didn't slack on that.
I was supposed to get a trim Saturday, but had to cancel my appointment. I was doing my hair and realized I really didn't need a trim now anyway, and have been s&d to get rid of the few knots I have.
Overall I am happy with my progress.
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took my braids out. had a lot less shedding again thanks to my garlic infused olive oil. really hope that by continuing to be consistent with this i'll have a lot more hair on my head which will mean more/thicker hair :) also gonna start using my nutrine garlic shampoo and conditioner
Get to apl and hopefully bsl.
Continue to baby my ends.
Try to wear my hair stretched majority of the time to minimize ssks.
Trim every 4 months.

I've been keeping up with the things on my original post. I almost made it to 4 months for my last trim. Wash day is this sunday for me. I haven't decided if I'm going to use my new blow dryer just this one time to see how it works or just air dry in braids and do a braid out. I'm not apl but I'm close. Lately I get a lot of comments on the thickness and also the length. People don't think it's really my hair and it has been mistaken for a wig once before.
Great thread putting things out in the universe instead of in my head helps me to stay more accountable thanks for starting @Prettymetty! Below are the first few things that come to mind:

1. Pray more
2. Get a Komaza hair analysis
3. Have the patience to continue a low heat regimen (ideal would be once per month but definitely no more than twice).
4. Continue vitamin and supplement regimen
5. Maintain water intake, I try for a gallon a day
6. BSL by June, MBL by December
7. Finding someone I trust to trim my ends

I will modify or post more after I straighten and do length check Thursday.

Update on my hair goals include:
1. Praying but could always do more - more praying in general including hair health
2. Komaza - Waiting for my phone consultation
3. So far so good on this one, I've only flat-ironed once this year in March and used the blow-dryer maybe 4 times all year which is great since I wash weekly!
4. Gotta stay consistent, the weekends are a challenge for me for some reason to remember to take my supplements or to drink my BB tea. I have a great week taking them while at work but come the weekend...terrible
5. Same as above, will drink a gallon or more per day all week, the weekend comes and life, kids and family take over - starting this weekend will try for at least 1/2 gallon each weekend day
6. Definitely on pace for this, I was only an inch or so away in March - SSK's have reared their ugly head so I pray they don't cause a setback
7. Still working on this...
Not in Maintenence Mode yet, I ended up trimming about an inch off in January. I had a bunch of split ends and fairy knots. :(

I'm gonna be more realistic and hope for hip length in June. :yep: Especially since it's getting hot in Florida, I'm looking forward to daily cowashing again! :) Co washing and damp buns.

And so I reached my length goal about one month early! :woohoo:

By the end of the year my hair should be where I want it. Hip Length stretched with a thick hemline and healthy ends.

I MIGHT (big might :look: ) grow my hair to TBL after I maintain at my current length but that's the longest I'd grow it.
Forgot to mention that I am still taking my Mielle vitamins. I think I will buy my last bottle in July and switch back over to my regular gummy vitamins I was taking.

If she makes an adult gummy vite then I'll take those, I'm just tired of gulping down horse pills everyday even though they really work amazingly for me!

I just wanted a length boost and I got it from the vitamins.

I now am aiming for a nice deep U-shaped trim but not a "V".

I'm also trying to remind myself to oil my ends well everyday. I would love to have a nice scented oil to do this with. I was thinking about Amla oil. I like that soapy/herbal scent.
I haven't length checked since March, but I have about an inch of roots since then. Next month I'll do a lunar trim and length check on a lengthening day. I can tell my hair is getting thicker from finger combing.
Still taking my vitamins like clock work but slacked on the exercising so I have to get back on that grind. I have been so busy and just couldn't work it in like I had hoped and it doesn't look any better right now. I just don't know what to do at this point. I guess i will just have to work on healthy eating for now.
currently letting my garlic infused olive oil sit in my hair and drinking a protein shake. not sure if the shake will do anything for my hair but it feels good to believe i'm doing something healthy lol
I made apl last month which was my length goal for 2016. After 9 weeks I did a trim earlier because my ends looked bad. I used a lot of heat in may so I think that's what it was. So now I am slighly above apl. I'm aiming for bsl by December or early next year. I think I'm going to trim at least every 3 months instead of 4 because I have never made it to 4 months since I have been trimming my own hair over a year ago.

*ETA* : I just did a pull test after I combed my hair out and put a lil oil on it since my hair is flat ironed and I'm actually still apl.
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Used Mielle Organics vitamins for 2 months and it gave me great growth and I had waaayyyy less shedding with the formula. Excited about my results but switching back to the bottles of Manetabolism I still have. Can't spend any more money on hair products right now

Been drinking daily soy protein shakes too.
I can't remember if I said this before but I'm trying to grow out the front of my hair and my crown so that it can catch up to the length in the back. In an attempt to use up my stash I'm going to use my mane choice growth oil on the front and middle. gonna start this today.