Does the tea smell like the oil?Steeped a Pot of Neem Tea (also bought another box for a back up)
Curious to see how this Rinse will work.
@MileHighDivaDoes the tea smell like the oil?
I'm going to add it to my hair tea wish list,@MileHighDiva
Surprisingly (very pleasantly surprisingly) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Smells just like Tea.
I'm going to add it to my hair tea wish list,
Oh no!@MileHighDiva
The Neem Tea Rinse made my Hair feel very dry & stiff.
I'll mix it with some Green and try to use it up that way.
What moisturizing DC are you going to use, to rectify the situation?@MileHighDiva
Ohhhhh Yeah
Did a coffee rinse this wash day (and last one as well) and used up the last of my silk avj as a leave-in. As soon as payday hits, I'm restocking my avj stat.