2016 A P L/b S L Challenge

@ckisland & @jasmyne14 Welcome to the challenge! :welcome4:

@trclemons That's awesome! So it's like a light protein treatment?

@Adiatasha beautiful bko. How many Bantu knots did you put in? A poster in the Grow it Long challenge talked about heavy sealing the ends. I've been doing that since October and it's rare if I run across SSKs. I've been using my loc butter for that.

@PlainJane Thanks, that's very motivating! I'll have to remember that. :) Way to go on getting compliments from complete strangers! I hope they made your day extra special.

@jasmyne14 Do you have layers?
You'll make it. From your pull length check, it seems like in four months you'll be there but I guess that depends on your growth rate and retention.

Why did you give up? What happened?
You'll make it. From your pull length check, it seems like in four months you'll be there but I guess that depends on your growth rate and retention.

@traceedeebee thanks I hope so, haven't paid attention to my growth rate in a long time so not sure what it is. In the past I've been a fast grower so hopefully that will continue and I can focus on retention and healthy ends.
Why did you give up? What happened?
I'll post a pic later, but I'm in!

  1. Current hair length
Grazing APL
  1. Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning
Natural for 1.5 years
  1. Goal Month
I would feel fine if I reached full BSL by the summer, so from June to August. I'm here to be accountable for my hair health, so strict deadlines aren't necessary for me.
  1. Current Reggie and styling choices
I never have my hair out and unstretched for more than 4 days at a time. Most months I'll wear wigs and head wraps for 3 weeks, deep conditioning my hair dry in the braids and even rinsing weekly to keep my scalp clean but not stripped and dry. And then on the 4th week, I take my hair down, let it breathe and then do it all over again. When I can afford it, I get cornrows (they last up to 6 weeks sometimes)
But yeah I'm a heavy protective styler.
  1. What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to APL/BSL?
I recently introduced henna into my regimen and it's been amazing, so I'm really interested in adding more Ayurvedic powders and oils into my regimen. Plus, my hair LOVES amla oil.
  1. Post a beginning picture

Your hair is really thick and pretty!
@Daina, thank you so much! Your hair has soooo much shine and those ringlets. :drool: How did you straighten/curl it in that picture with the length check shirt?

@alex114 thank you, my sister straightened and curled it for me. One pass with flat iron at 375 and curled when she got to the end. Before she did it, I co-washed and DC, then M&S'd with a little Wen Fig conditioner as leave-in, coconut and almond oil and then Shea Butter on ends.
I'm in!!
  1. Current hair length - neck length in some areas, collar bone length in other area
  2. Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning - natural
  3. Goal Month - December 2016
  4. Current Reggie and styling choices - weekly washes with strengthening and moisturizing shampoos, weekly deep conditioner using Loreal total repair balm or joico moisture balm, biweekly protein conditioner using joico k-pak reconstructor, weekly tea rinses using a variety of teas, twist using loc method, bun for the week
  5. What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to APL/BSL? I will maintain consistency, and stop jumping on bandwagons. I had no retention in 2015 which is crazy.
  6. Post a beginning picture - my pics are in my phone, I'll post in a couple of minutes
@myfaithrising Welcome to the challenge!:welcome4: Which bandwagon did you feel impeded your progress? I'm curious because I want to experiment just a little so I can stay motivated throughout the year.
@myfaithrising Welcome to the challenge!:welcome4: Which bandwagon did you feel impeded your progress? I'm curious because I want to experiment just a little so I can stay motivated throughout the year.
I was doing the MHM for all of 2015 and I thought my hair was fine, then as I was looking at pics, I realized that I wasnt retaining any length. Hmmm, then I thought about the constant messing with my hair, the constant wetness, the knots and tangles and then at one point what I thought was clumping was actually matting, totally my fault for not detangling well enough, but that was my cue that this method was not for me, at least not long term.
  1. Current hair length: SL
  2. Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning: Natural
  3. Goal Month: October 2016
  4. Current Reggie and styling choices: Twistouts/Braidouts/WNG, fully natural for 19 months and my regi is a work in progress. My plan is to cleanse and DC weekly, use protein as needed, no heat and to get to 4th day hair without looking crazy.
  5. What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to APL/BSL? Reincorporate regular MHM into my monthly regimen.
  6. Post a beginning picture


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I'm in!!
  1. Current hair length - neck length in some areas, collar bone length in other area
  2. Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning - natural
  3. Goal Month - December 2016
  4. Current Reggie and styling choices - weekly washes with strengthening and moisturizing shampoos, weekly deep conditioner using Loreal total repair balm or joico moisture balm, biweekly protein conditioner using joico k-pak reconstructor, weekly tea rinses using a variety of teas, twist using loc method, bun for the week
  5. What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to APL/BSL? I will maintain consistency, and stop jumping on bandwagons. I had no retention in 2015 which is crazy.
  6. Post a beginning picture - my pics are in my phone, I'll post in a couple of minutes
Here are the pics
1. Current hair length
Between NL and SL
2. Natural
3. Goal Month
APL by December 2016 (would love it if my top half was there too)
4. Current Reggie and styling choices
Modified MHM- I either water rinse/ clay wash/ ACV rinse, sometimes apply oils (jojoba/ grapeseed, sunflower) and rinse, or occasionally use diluted leave-in (Knot Today) then style with diluted Kinky Curly Custard. Wear wash and goes and wet my hair at least every 4 days. Protein & moisture DC as needed. Dusting every month or two. Finger detangle only.
5. What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to APL/BSL?
Just plan on wearing it out like I did last summer.
6. Post a beginning picture
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I'm throwing my tresses into the challenge because I need accountability. Left to my own devices I won't be as vigilant with what I know how and need to do, and my hair will remain at its current length. In 2010 & 11 it was full APL and partial MBL and I'd like to get back to at least APL this year.

1. Current Hair Length - Between SL & APL

2. Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning - Natural

3. Goal Month - Full BSL by September 2016

4. Current Reggie and styling choices - Hair is worn in 2 strand twists 80% of the time and a wash n go for the rest. My hair is washed every 7 -10 days with VO5 clarifying shampoo then conditioned with Suave coconut conditioner. My scalp and hair is then sprayed with a mixture of aloe vera juice and EVO then twisted with Cantu Shea Butter Leave In. I sleep in a sleeping cap 50% of the time.

5. What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to APL/BSL? - By day 5 of my twists, knots begin to form at the end of them. I will use Shea Moisture Curling Gel Souffle more often since it adds a great amount of slip and detangling to my hair and the knots don't form as quickly. Very recently I've begun using black castor oil and it has made a tremendous difference in managing the knots so it's definitely a keeper! The Search and Destroy method will be used to get rid of my SSKs, I will drink more water, wear a satin sleep cap to bed more often and use my Nutri Bullet more often for a healthier overall diet.

  1. Post a beginning picture - Please see avatar.
Current Hair Length - Just above APL stretched/ Goal - full BSL - In the picture that translates to CL = Top of Smart Ass/ Goal = Top of University


Goal Month - December 2016 - My hair grows slow.

Current Regimen - corn rows under wigs/twists with extensions. wash once a week, deep condition once a month, moisturize daily.

What I'm going to do differently - I plan to stop being lazy about moisturizing and deep conditioning which led to a ton of breakage.

Current Hair Length - Just above APL stretched/ Goal - full BSL - In the picture that translates to CL = Top of Smart Ass/ Goal = Top of University


Goal Month - December 2016 - My hair grows slow.

Current Regimen - corn rows under wigs/twists with extensions. wash once a week, deep condition once a month, moisturize daily.

What I'm going to do differently - I plan to stop being lazy about moisturizing and deep conditioning which led to a ton of breakage.


How do you like the headset?
@myfaithrising I read about MHM on another forum but I've never tried it. I'm glad you were tracking through pictures so you could see it wasn't working for you.

Welcome @Cattypus1! Nice full head of hair. Did you recently get a trim? :welcome4:
Thank you, I'm looking forward to 2016 and yes, I did take off about 2 inches. I wasn't happy about losing so much of my hard-earned retention but my ends were jacked so they had to go.
Hello!! :wave: I have a terrible track record with challenges but I'm really hoping this will be the year I'll stay completely motivated to getting my hair (and health in general) to where I want it to be.

  1. Current hair length - between SL and APL
  2. Relaxed/Natural/Texlaxed/Transitioning - Relaxed
  3. Goal Month - APL by June and BSL by December
  4. Current Reggie and styling choices - shampoo and DC once a week (my hair is weak so I typically do a protein DC), moisturise ends 2-3 times a week, relax every 8 weeks. Usually I wear my hair up in a ponytail or bun.
  5. What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to APL/BSL? - I'm going to try stretching my relaxers to every 10 weeks and I'm also going to try the inversion method (I figure as it costs nothing I may as well give it a go!). I'm also attempting to do a complete rehaul of my diet (not just for hair reasons but to have a healthier lifestyle in general) so I'll be incorporating smoothies, superfoods, hair supplements (which I will remember to take, usually I fall off the wagon after a couple of months) and more protein into my diet
  6. Post a beginning picture
Thank you, you are absolutely right about detangling! It was a breeze and my twistout looked great...no fuzz!
That's great to hear. I can't stand any cutting of my hair but it's always a relief not to have to fight the tangles. :boxing:

Hi @Nat1984!:welcome4: I have a problem with consistency myself. I'm also trying the inversion method. When do you start? I won't start until the 20th.
I need to join. It is time for me to stop being one of those folks on the board for years and years without long hair to show for it. :look:
Current hair length
I think I am a little past SL.

Natural, slightly heat damaged/trained
I also use permanent color.

Goal Month
December 2016-APL; If I am a little past that,then great.

Current Reggie and styling choices
Currently, I neglect my hair so badly it is shameful. It always LOOKS good, but I do not do much in the way of regular conditioning and moisturizing. This doesn't work for my fine hair that is somewhat breakage-prone.
This year, I plan to protective style in weaves, but making sure to properly care for my hair underneath them.

What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to APL/BSL?
Continue to protective style in weaves
Oil my scalp with castor oil
REGULAR deep conditioning

Post a beginning picture
I am in a weave right now, so I can't post a pic. I'm sorry. I will post my "starting" picture around March when I remove my current weave.
Starting the new year off right by currently deep conditioning underneath my dryer. Moisture this week, and I think I will do protein DC next week.

I will rinse it out, blow dry and flat iron.
That's great to hear. I can't stand any cutting of my hair but it's always a relief not to have to fight the tangles. :boxing:

Hi @Nat1984!:welcome4: I have a problem with consistency myself. I'm also trying the inversion method. When do you start? I won't start until the 20th.

Thanks @traceedeebee:). I did my first ever inversion (is that the correct terminology?!) today - I didn't use any oil though, I'm going to see what the results are like if I use oil say, 3 out of the 7 days, as I don't want to overload my scalp by oiling everyday. I've been reading through some past threads and it seems some ladies have had great results without oiling each time so hopefully the same will work for me.