Moisturized with water mixed with a little leave in, added Camille Rose almond jai twisting butter and sealed with a mix of evco (80% of the mix), evoo, almond, apricot, avocado oils and rosemary and peppermint essential oils.
PrePoo: SM Purification Masque and Shescentit's Coconut Sorbet almost 2 hrs (being lazy) under my Therapy Hair Wrap
Styler: Hairveda's CoCoasta Shikakai on length
their almond glaze for my scalp,
APB Lemon Pound Cake Creamy
Hair Pudding and APB Ayurvedic
Hair Cream, Darcy's pumpkin as
another leave in, and IC gel for hold
Styling my hair didn't take long at all. I'm hoping to wear these medium twist until Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Totally pleased right now.