2015 Oils,Buttas,Grease,Lotions Pomades,Cremes Challenge

thanks sweetie your the best. i used HH castor oil fusion. don't know where/who long i had it but its looks good and thick.

You are Welcome Ms. LT. I started buying from there last year and never looked back.

Very Nice and Fast Shipping. I think you'll be pleased. And they are 16oz.

I Agree. HH's Castor Oil Fusion was very nice. Smelled Good Too!:lick:
Today I used Hairveda green tea butter/cream whatever it's called. JBCO, and sulfur 8 and jbco mix in my scalp. I need to stick with this as I've already stopped using my oils as often as I should be. Tut tut
Did you ever try the myrrh?

Not yet. I'm going to include it in a new oil blend I'm trying in the new year. I want to compare that blend to the one I'm doing now. Will definitely post the results... I have it in my ebay cart. I'm really itching to buy but I'm going to try and hold off until the end of my Use Up Your Stash challenge this year :lol: