2015 Oils,Buttas,Grease,Lotions Pomades,Cremes Challenge

I don't use a leave in, I apply the grease first then the gel and it's been working pretty well so far. My hair is soft and bouncy for about 2 days but by day 3 it starts to get pretty stiff.

I've been thinking of adding a leave in to see if it adds more days. How does your hair react with the leave in?

A leave in is a requirement for my hair. I use my DC as a leave in. It saves me time, money, and performs better than actual leave ins.

With the combo I use, I'm getting 5-7 days of moisturized hair. No stiffness.
Used: HQS Coconut Oil (pre-poo)
Will use: EVOO on top of my DC'er
Will use: Marie Dean's Jojoba on top of my Leave-In
After my Hair Dries: Probably Siamese Twists Sweet Potatoe Hair Crème and a little ED JBCO
Jakeala Flaxseed Spritz - Vanilla
(I'm seriously loving the softness and moisture from using this).

APB Ayurvedic cream - Birthday Cake

Jakeala Parfait - Banana Pudding