2015 Oils,Buttas,Grease,Lotions Pomades,Cremes Challenge

Will use:
Red Palm on top of my DC'er to Steam with
Marie Dean's Jojoba Oil in Brown Sugar & Fig with my Leave-In

After my Hair Dries = APB Lotion & Butta' in Pearberry
@IDareT'sHair lol, thanks! yeah lately when I see a good sale I try my best to avoid it and sometimes that means no LHCF :lala:I'm trying to hold off until Black Friday because lord knows I don't need anything....unless of course it's one of those limited time things :prettyplease:

Sorry I couldn't help you out! That and work have had me in lurk mode.
Last night:
L: water
O: Rosemary infused olive oil mixed with castor oil ( 50 / 50 ). Someone said in another thread that castor oil helps keep your edges neat - that is so true. Finding myself using less gel these days.
C: Trader Joes Tea Tree a Tingle Treat conditioner
@IDareT'sHair the Buttercream for sure, no questions asked :)

From them my staples are:

  • Palm Tapioca Deluxe Hair Buttercream
  • Whipped Custard Body Soufflé in the Lemon Beignet scent (smells like the lemon cookies with the cream in the middle) - this is the only body cream/lotion I use. I have the Pecan (?) scent and that Limited time one she offered during the sale in Q1....it smells so delicious I just can't remember the name.
A while back I also purchased the Java Bean & Honey Smoothing Hair Balm but I haven't used it yet. Trying to use up some other things first.
Yesterday Used:
EVOO on top of my DC'er
Marie Dean's Jojoba Oil on top of my Leave-In
APB's Lotion Pearberry
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Went a little overboard this afternoon setting my hair in a French Braid updo using:
Rosemary infused olive oil
Bekura Palm Tapioca Hair Creme
Trader Joes TTTT Conditioner
Castor Oil
Not sure why I stray from grease, it's the only product that actually seals in moisture for me.
It never fails, I begin to try oils and butters only to experience breakage. Then, after searching for a solution, I return to grease.

I did a test to help reinforce the importance of a grease-based regimen.
After rinsing my hair I sealed two strands on my nape, one with Softee Coconut Oil Hair Grease and one with a shea butter/oil mix.
Then slept (without a scarf) and at the end of the following day examined both strands

Shea butter/oil mix:


Softee Coconut Oil Hair Grease:


They both are frizzy but it's clear that the strand with grease was able to hold more moisture and definition.
I am officially back, and if this doesn't keep me on the grease path, I don't know what will :giveup:
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