2015 MN Challenge

I applied this morning then flipped my head and did a massage with lemon oil. My hair smells good! And it has some serious volume right now :rocker:
Applying today makes 3 times for the wk so I'm right at my goal. If I locate my LC check shirt (I always seem to lose it), I may do an early LC. I'm getting crochet braids soon and I want to get a starting length before the install.
Purchased MN from Walmart and applied today. Plan to apply 3x a week. I'm relaxed and wear my hair out daily and am hopeful applying 3x a week won't weigh my hair down.
Purchased MN from Walmart and applied today. Plan to apply 3x a week. I'm relaxed and wear my hair out daily and am hopeful applying 3x a week won't weigh my hair down.

I'm a straight haired natural and it makes my hair super oily and weighed down. If you wash your hair once a week you should be fine. I usually go 2-3 weeks without washing.
Need to get some more mn tomorrow. I was not consistent with applying it so I'm going to start my trial all over. This time I won't be mixing it with anything.
I massaged in some mn and lavender oil. I have a tiny bit of new growth all over (2 weeks post blowout). Next week I will do another update
So I'm trying to learn from the past. I went back to an earlier MN challenge (2012) to look at my past results. The way my hair was growing I should be WL by now.

This is 4 months of growth from September 2012 to December 2012 and I even had a trim in that time period. During this time, my goal was to apply daily (I may have skipped a day here and there) and I applied directly but majority of the time I used the following mix:

Apricot oil (I have subbed grapeseed before), wild growth hair oil, a few drops of peppermint oil and MN.

So maybe it's time to do a little mixing!!! My scalp really seemed to thrive with this mix based on my past posts. Idk the active ingredient in WGHO, but I know peppermint is stimulating to the scalp.

I'm going to get a trim and take a LC pic. I'm going to start increasing my MN applications to about 6 days a wk like I used to do and I'm going to make some of this mix. I already have the ingredients. I'm still gonna use sulfur every other day and I'm gonna have to wash/Cowash more because I'm gonna have a lot going on!

I massaged with jbco yesterday since it was easier to apply than mn. I have my jbco in an applicator bottle. Today I will use mn
I got my hair straightened yesterday. I guess I can resume my mn regimen tomorrow. My V is growing so fast, but the rest of my hair needs to catch up.
I actually decreased my applications. The first week after my blowout I didn't apply at all. I applied Monday with a nice massage. I won't apply again until Thursday. The equate brand makes my hair super greasy so I had to slow down a bit.

I may splurge on the Monistat 7 and see if it's less greasy. We are in our second month already. How did everyone do last month?
I will use some tonight. I have been alternating with sulfur. I don't see any growth yet.

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