2015 Coffee,Tea,ACV,AVJ,Ayurvedic, Powders/Clay, Challenge

Did a Kalpi tone treatment last night which made my hair feel so weird. It wasn't hard, but it was kind of gritty and squeaky-ish at the same time. I only used half the box and it was so hard to spread through my hair. Don't think I'm going to try this again, or if I do I may just mix it into my henna if anything.

I also did a coffee rinse and accidentally mixed a good amount of my coffee oil into my DC instead of castor oil. Hair turned out good though.
So I bleached my hair for highlights and I am using henna to darken it up. I use rajasthani and red raj henna from henna sook and brighten it up with hibiscus powder. I put in a order for their henna gloss bar and their aloe vera powder so I'm excited to try that out. I plan to do a full strength henna monthly with a henna gloss mid month as well.
Haven't posted in quite sometime. I replaced ACV with coconut water in my clay mix and the results have been nothing short of fantabulous :toocool: I cover and leave on for an hour and my hair is not only cleansed but well-conditioned from root to tip. Finger detangling has been a breeze. Of course the one time I've deviated from this mix... :badidea:
So barely a week passed and I used my remaining henna paste mixed with conditioner, cinnamon, and oil to do a gloss. It rinsed out so easy too.

Also I think with my mixes I can get away with 50-75 grams of henna as opposed to the 100+ I keep seeing recommended. I guess my hair isn't as thick as I would like to think but hopefully my henna treatments will fix that.

In my latest shipment of henna goodies which looks like it'll last me a good while, I received some shampoo bars. This might seem basic but how do y'all use it? Do you rub it in your hands and then apply or rub it directly on hair/scalp?
Doing an overnight lemongrass tonic prepoo. After clarifying and chelating, will henna. Since I realized I dont need a full indigo, I will do an indigo "gloss" for volume only and hopefully not get too much color deposit. The DC will be SSI okra recon. If necessary will moisture dc with SM manuka honey.
I did my own cassia treatment and um yea, I had issues with rinsing the product off my hair even with co-washing afterwards. I believe it was the Kapur Karchri which made it difficult in rinsing. Afterwards though, my hair felt great.
I hendigo'ed Saturday and didn't get the full coverage I wanted.

So I 'may' Indigo tomorrow. Just Indigo w/o Henna. We'll see.

I'll use SM's Purification Hair Masque on dry hair under my wig while at work and come home and decide if I want to slap some Indigo on for a few hours.

ETA: Oh Yeah, I'll be using a Marshmallow Root, Slippery Elm, Rosemary Tea Rinse Blend for tomorrow's wash day.