2015 Coffee,Tea,ACV,AVJ,Ayurvedic, Powders/Clay, Challenge

I did a last minute coffee rinse at maybe 8:30 at night which may have been a mistake because was wide awake until like 4am. It was the first time I did it in the evening and I didn't think about the fact that my pores could possibly be absorbing the coffee and keeping me awake. I won't be doing late coffee rinses again lol.
Feeling like a hendigo weekend with emphasis on the "hen". Will decide which teas to rinse with as the time gets closer. Gonna put the henna out and mix it for dye release as soon as I get home from work
Last Sunday, I henna'ed my hair. I used leftover coffee as my medium and added AVJ and honey. That may have been my best henna session because the henna colored my hair more evenly and more vibrantly than normal.

I also used a tea rinse (green, chamomile and nettle) under my deep conditioner.
I've still been clay rinsing regularly. My past 8 or so washes I've added silk amino acids. So my mix is; water, rhassoul clay, calcium bentonite clay ACV, and SAAs. My hair is responding well.

I haven't used henna since November last year, but all this talk is making me think about pulling some out soon.
I've still been clay rinsing regularly. My past 8 or so washes I've added silk amino acids. So my mix is; water, rhassoul clay, calcium bentonite clay ACV, and SAAs. My hair is responding well.

I haven't used henna since November last year, but all this talk is making me think about pulling some out soon.


How are you liking your results?
I've been spritzing my scalp with warm acv water and putting drops of tea tree oil to soothe my itchy scalp. Plan to do a quick DC with purification masque tonight.
This a.m. doing a Black Coffee Rinse and a Tea Rinse under Deep Condtioners.

When my Hair Dries either Enso Naturals Blue Malva, Raw Honey, Agave Nectar Lotion or Enso Naturals Honey Hibiscus Hair Lotion?????
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I know I haven't posted in here for maybe 3 months now; just not enough time with 2 jobs and school but it's all over now and just working 1 job :drunk:. Buy anyway, my hair is getting thicker and a little longer. While away on hiatus I bought a slew of ayurvedic powders. As of now just using the sukesh powder weekly or sometimes bi-weekly from www.hennasooq.com. At one point I did make a daily spritz with amla, shikakai, bhrami, and bhringraj powders but once my spray bottle stopped working I never replaced it (that will be on my to do list this weekend).

Sometime this weekend I plan on purchasing a variety of teas for a DC, rinse, and final rinse. I'm also thinking of buying some bamboo tea & pills. Has anyone taken any and what were your results?

Glad to see you back Ms. Lady!:welcome:

I bought Bamboo Tea (for Rinses) may have drank a cup or two too.

Also used Silica for about 30 days with another Hair Vitamin.

I took Liquid Silica Eidon Brand as well and of course Horsetail Tea i.e. Silica (rinses).

Sounds like a good Combo to try.

Also, keep us posted on the Ayurvedic Powders. That Spritz sounds very nice.
I read online that horsetail isn't good to take for a long time which I know is a form of silica, however, bamboo is supposed to be 10x higher in silica. I was looking into purchasing this type of bamboo tea:
Along with these bamboo pills:
http://www.amazon.com/Swanson-Super...sim_194_7?ie=UTF8&refRID=0D6ZRXJYQRDA6173M4E0 (instead of the same brand bamboo pills because of the duo so my mom and I can take together)

Yes, I'm young and blood pressure is prevalent on my fathers side of the family so I have to watch it. But unlike horsetail and rosemary according to this site: http://bambooleaftea.net/benefits-of-bamboo-leaf-tea/
drinking bamboo tea is healthy.

If you read the reviews on Amazon regarding the tea customers have praised bamboo not just for fast nail/hair growth, attributing to eyebrow growth and beautiful glowing skin, but also weight loss. So, that's a plus ladies. I'm going to the mall today, so I'm going to see if that brand tea/pills are in GNC. I'll let you know. And if a lot of you are interested maybe I'll start a Challenge thread.
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Today was wash day:
1) Before I did anything to my hair I took down my braid. It's really gotten longer and thicker. I pulled on 1 strand of hair and to my surprise I'm hip length.
2) Ran out of coconut oil so substituted with mustard oil and slathered on Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Conditioner as a prepoo. I barely had shed hair when applying concoction let alone in the shower:boxing:
3) Used my Sukesh ayurvedic powder (www.hennasooq.com) as a gloss with my TJNC
4) Used up my old stash of leave-in conditioners and oils so I can make room for new ones! :supergrin:
5) I trimmed my hair so I can start a new strict regimen come Monday.