2015 Coffee,Tea,ACV,AVJ,Ayurvedic, Powders/Clay, Challenge

Missed the bamboo the last couple washes but not today. Will add my ceramides to it then pour. Then slap my okra recon on top.

Omg. She is so happy after her bamboo and ceramides bath :lol:. Strands are "smooth". As smooth as they can be for a 4c.

Might have to watch the ssi okra. My hair loves but my scalp has other things to say. Hopefully its just a fluke.
Did a Black Coffee Rinse under my Protein Rx.

Will also do a Tea Rinse (probably Pure Green or Rosemary)

I'll save my Red Roobis for next Wash Day.
My scalp was getting sore, which usually means I need to wash immediately. So I did a scalp massage with jbco while inverting, then an everything rinse under a joico recovery balm dc. My scalp feels much better.
Green tea rinse yesterday morning. Brewing nettle and green tea mix to put in my kalpi tone. I'm letting it sit overnight
Used :
Jakeala's Tutti Honey Hair which has some sort of "Clay" either Pink, Rhassoul or Moroccan?

Also did a Pure Green Tea Rinse.

When my Hair Dries, I may use Jakeala's Coffee Balm.
Used the last of my vanilla mint chai. Going to take a break from tea rinsing for a while to see if there's a difference... I inadvertently added it to my use up the stash challenge since I had a little bit of various types. Now that those ones are gone I'll see if my hair changes.
Is it too late to join?

I plan to use Cassia as a tea, I occasionally henna, coffee rinses are now a staple for me but I'm going to experiment with how I use them (spritz vs pre-poo vs regular rinse) and I also hope to add ayurvedic powders, acv and avj to my regimen sometime soon.

I have a bunch of rhassoul clay that I may play with, but I can never fully rinse it from my scalp so that's a maybe.
Will Do a Black Coffee and a Green Tea Rinse today.

After my Hair Dries I may use a swipe or 2 of Jakeala's Coffee Balm
Doing a Black Coffee and a Green Tea Rinse today (Wash Day).

After it dries, probably Pumpkin Seed Oil, Butter & Crème (the Butter & Crème is BlueRoze)
Absolutely Not!

Good to know. I'll be joining :) This year I've been using a creamy mask of Sodium Bentonite Clay mixed with ACV. Sometimes I add Argan oil, sometimes honey. I work it thru like conditioner until my curl pattern defines, then let it sit for 30 mins maybe. Any longer and it begins to dry and is too hard to rinse out. After rinsing I follow up with conditioner/cream/gel. I am now doing this weekly and am considering a mid-week rinse.
Used Jakeala's Honey Hair which has Moroccan Clay. Used it mixed with Enso's Cacao Bark over a Coffee Rinse.

Will Rinse with Green Tea as well.