**~2012 Deep Condition Challenge Part II~**

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Deep Conditioned on dry hair for 60 minutes with heat on Tuesday, May 15th using Giovanni Nutrafix and some glycerin, olive oil, SAA, honey quat and Agave Nectar added to the mixture...

Deep Conditioned on dry hair for 60 minutes with heat on Tuesday, May 22nd using Giovanni Nutrafix and some glycerin, olive oil, SAA, honey quat and Agave Nectar added to the mixture...
Count me in. DC 2x/week. This week Mixed Chicks DC and ORS Replenishing. Relaxer Tuesday after 12 weeks...this is when I used mc.
Washed my hair with diluted poo, and currently deep conditioning w/ AOHSR and SMDT and grapeseed oil with heat (for about 30-50 minutes) :)
Doing overnight dc on dry hair using mix of ayurvedic oil and conditioner under a plastic cap. Tonight's combo is amalaki infused sesame, sunflower, tea tree oils with Joico k-pak daily reconstruct conditioner.
Relaxer day for me today. So my dc consisted of proteins Kanechom Cristal, Bone Marrow & Dudley's cream protein for 30 mins no heat.
Co- Washed with a mix of shikakai, Aritha, amla and brahmi mixed with suave conditioner. Now I'm DCing with Joico K pak and a moisture mix under a plastic cap. I will steam a little later. I loved the new cowash mix!!
Today is my first time DCing for 20 minutes with Qhemet Biologics Moringa Tree Conditioning Ghee. Hope it's worth the expense and weird smell, lol.

Just wanted to give a quick follow-up. This DC worked wonders on my hair, particularly the dry, underprocessed section in the nape area. It stayed soft and hydrated all week. I can't wait to DC with it again this weekend. I'll keep it on for a half hour this time.
Doing a delightfully delicious DC (I miss that name halee_J):
AVG in my scalp
AVG mixed with SAA on my dry hair then,
AOGPB then,
Agave mixed with my oil blend over top:lick: I'll be steaming this in:yep:
10 hr road trip to Louisiana, DCing on the road with HS14 in 1 and Shea Moisture Deep Treatment mask...no heat if you don't count sun.
DC on dry hair with HAIRepair Nourishing conditioner. I'll be following up with Joico Moisture Recovery and Macadamia Deep Repair Masque after shampoo.
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Under the dryer now for week 3 of DCing. I used to be a weekly die-hard DCer for the first two years of my hair journey. The results are so nice, I have no clue why I stopped doing it in the first place. Other than being lazy on wash day, lol. Oh well, no time like the present to get back in the saddle. :grin:
MTG + jasmine oil on damp hair bag + sock cap under drier 40 mins, shampoo COE silk protein, colour effects conditioning colour 10 mins, (de-tangle) skala chocolate bag + sock cap under drier 10 mins, (de-tangle) Mane & Tail moisturiser + jasmine oil bag + sock cap under drier 40 mins, after care conditioning balm for colour treated hair 5 mins, redken curl 10 - 20 mins.

GO Eurovison Russian Grannies! :grin:
20 minutes with AO GPB Lavender under a towel and then 30 minutes with Joico Moisture Recovery Balm under heat= silky, smooth, soft hair. :lick:

If any of you are relaxed, I'd definitely try the Joico. My relaxed hair absolutely LOVES that stuff.
Earlier today, i deep conditioned with G 50/50 and a few drops of jojoba oil. with heat for about 40 minutes. (I'm now Dcing 2x a week, instead of 1x)
Baggied overnight yesterday and did a protein treatment today. Now, I'm baggying again overnight afraid I may have overdid it with the protein treatment. :nono:
I would like to join halee_J. I deep conditioned tonight with Lustrasilk Olive Oil Cholesterol and ORS Hair Mayonnaise mixed together with just a shower cap. Need to keep this up since the summer heat is drying my hair out. I hope deep conditioning coupled with a mid-weel cowash is what will fix the dryness.
DCing today with steam. I will poo my hair, follow it up with Apoghee 2 mins the AOHRS mixed with EVOO, Jojoba oil, and JBCO.
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