2012 Confessions of the PJs

<---walks from the back of the room after laying out nice homemade snacks for everyone and grabs her chair at the front of the room and gets ready to blame others and deflect attention from choices she made....

Yeah I have spent most of my day at work, sometimes, researching a product to death knowing good:fan: and well I have ish in my bathroom cabinet that needs to be used up but obviously I wouldn't be looking if I was truly satisfied, right??? I mean I am not the one who puts up the reviews on ALL of these products :wallbash: It's those other women who entice me with their RANTING & RAVING of the goodness of ZYX Condition, Poo & Leave-In... "ooooo it's so creamy and sulfate free", "omg - it so conditioning and and makes my hair feel luxurious", "girl - get into this slip", etc. :love: There is a name for women like you... BRAGGARTS!:brucelee: You think it is SO CUTE to brag about your newest, awesomest find as I jealously read on and hope to have the same results, which leads to me "finding" money in my budget to justify the cost of why just ONE more bottle might make all my hair dreams come true... (starts to cry pitifully... :cry2:)

I don't even tell my bf anymore about my purchases,:badidea: I just run them upstairs into the bathroom and put them under the counter... He has seen my tub lined with 2 shampoos, 2 condish and 2 other deep condish with barely room for body soap and a razor... He sees the leavins, oils and styling products taking up the 80% room on my counter leaving a smidge of room for my toothbrush/paste, mouth wash and a lil bit of make-up... My PJism is ALL over my bathroom....

You know what??? Reviewers only make the PJs more PJish, it isn't FAIR! :spank:(stamps foot like 2 yr old!)

(takes a swig from her flask mix of self disgust and honesty:beer:) I digress... without your reviews how would I ever know to try those product... This is a VISCOUS, VISCOUS circle I say!!! Dayum, dayum, dayum GINA !!!

All that to say, here are my recent purchases:
Renpure Argan Oil 3 Pack - Poo, Condish & Oil Treatment
Aunt Jackie's Oh So Clean Poo - didn't even try it yet - returning b/c it has silicone in it, label is deceptive - says silcone free!
6 Packs of Takalon hair for crotchet braids
Cantu Shea Butter Curling Cream - best twist outs ever accomplished!!!
Cantu Shea Butter Deep Conditioner
A few more but can't remember off hand...


On my dream list:
As I Am - Almost all of the whole damn line and we are talking what, $200 total? Can you ask for forgiveness before you KNOW you are going to sin??? :drunk:
*Goes to kitchen to get EVOO to do scalp massages while delivering the Long Hair Serenity Prayer to my Sista's*

*Lays hands on crowns and glory's*

God grant y'all the serenity
to accept the conditioners y'all should not buy;
courage to embrace the conditioners y'all already have;
and wisdom to know the difference can't be seen in just one co wash.

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Living one day at a time and one co wash at a time. [/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Enjoying one moment at a time and one strand at a time.[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Accepting hardships and single strand knots as the pathway to peace; [/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Taking, as He did, this bald headed world[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]as it is, not as I would have it; [/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Trusting that He will make all things right and give me 1 inch per month[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]if I surrender to His Will, seal and moisturize.[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]That I may be reasonably happy in this life with waist length hair[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]and supremely happy with Him and hair toys[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Forever in the next and all my future healthy hair journeys[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Amen.[/FONT]

Product Pushers, Marketing Reps, Sallys, BSS, and Hair Product Coupons.....I REBUKE YOU!!!


!!!Amen Sister My Friend!!!


Please remember to do your Good Hair Book studying this weekend ladies. We will be covering a new reading/blessing from the Saint PJ, Chapter 5, Verse 10...

"Thee who not PJ's, shall not put asunder those who PJ against themselves."



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Dear LHCF I am a PJ .... admission is the first step

I shopped my stash (for the most part) last year and still have enough for at least 2 years.

one shelf and a crisper drawer in the fridge are devoted to hair products

I tell myself I have to stock up because I dont live in the states and cant risk running out of products. :nono:

When i smell certain products they take me back to the first time using them. and I literally have to take a moment :blush:

I revel in the scent, texture and feel of products on my hair.... thats the main motivation for buying/using them.

I get a thrill out of BF online sales ... waiting up till 12am, buying strategies, prepping carts ..... :blush:

thats it for now
Dear LHCF I am a PJ .... admission is the first step

I shopped my stash (for the most part) last year and still have enough for at least 2 years.

one shelf and a crisper drawer in the fridge are devoted to hair products

I tell myself I have to stock up because I dont live in the states and cant risk running out of products. :nono:

When i smell certain products they take me back to the first time using them. and I literally have to take a moment :blush:

I revel in the scent, texture and feel of products on my hair.... thats the main motivation for buying/using them.

I get a thrill out of BF online sales ... waiting up till 12am, buying strategies, prepping carts ..... :blush:

thats it for now

I have the same problem
I can't help but try new products even though I already have so many!

I tell myself to stock up for University when really I have enough products for years
I also have to stop myself from going into the black hair shop on the way home from lectures

Although I'm not only a product junkie I'm a clothes and beauty junkie too :( MUST STOP SPENDING