2012 Confessions of the PJs


New Member

Do you ever feel the need to cleanse yourself of your PJ tendencies?

To just put it out there that you backslid into PJism temptation :whip:?

Also maybe point out those who ASSISTED :sekret: (willingly or not, knowingly or not) you in your PJ outing?

Or even to talk about/share the great find :bighug:your recent PJ purchase brought you?

:woot: This is the thread to do it :woot:
Whenever you want to unburden yourself from your PJ moment(s), you just add a new post!

Welcome ladies to 2012 Confessions of the Product Junkies
My 1st PJ Confession:

I was supposed to just go and buy Motions DC (not CPR) which I DID... along with the following items:

1. Doctor Cabello Argan Oil Treatment DC :love:
2. Doctor Cabello Argan Oil Treatment Shampoo :love:
3. Hawaiian Silky 14-1 :love:
4. Make-up/Oil Treatment Headband
5. Hair clips
6. Color applicator brush :love:

All that and still didn't even use what I went to the BSS for in the first place :lachen:At least I found a new affair with Dr. C & Hawaiian Silky :lick:
Oh Forum forgive me, for I have SINNED!! :evilbanana:
Smh, my PJ'ism is crazy....I have a hardcore conditioner addiction. :lovedrool:

Just bought in May - June:
3 bottles of Ren
1 32 oz bottle of Deva-Curl No Poo
2 bottles of Mega Tek
2 bottles of MT Cream Rinse Conditioner
4 bottles of Renpure MPHIP
1 jar of Crece Pello
1 bottle of Garnier Fructise moisture DC

This is not the full list of hair products....just conditioners. And you know what??...I'm mad that I can't get my guap together to buy a gallon of Wen till next month!! :drunk::nono::lachen::lachen:
Ive added stuff since I took that pic. This is almost uptodate
Im hoping someone who cares steals my purse:)

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Forgive Me Forum, For I have sinned,
I've bought more hair care products again.
Kemi Oyl galore, Paul Mitchell Shampoo,
HairVeda products in the mail, At my door before the week is through.

My hooded dryer is dying, gotta get a new one of those too
Forum Help Me, I don't know what I'm going to do.
Silk scarves and head wear, bobby pins and hair clips
All for longer, stronger, healther coils
I hope my long hair journey isn't spoiled.

My credit card is cracking, bank.account diminishing
But I keep on shopping, there's no sign of stopping
This product junkie with her sinful ways,
Who shops and shops and shops for days.

This addiction in remission when I reach my dream length,
And ill surly come back here and offer my thanks,
To the many heads that came before
And offered wisdom, advice, guidance and more.
But until that time comes ill continue to cop
Each and every hair care product, I will never ever stop!!!


*Goes to kitchen to get EVOO to do scalp massages while delivering the Long Hair Serenity Prayer to my Sista's*

*Lays hands on crowns and glory's*

God grant y'all the serenity
to accept the conditioners y'all should not buy;
courage to embrace the conditioners y'all already have;
and wisdom to know the difference can't be seen in just one co wash.

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Living one day at a time and one co wash at a time. [/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Enjoying one moment at a time and one strand at a time.[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Accepting hardships and single strand knots as the pathway to peace; [/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Taking, as He did, this bald headed world[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]as it is, not as I would have it; [/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Trusting that He will make all things right and give me 1 inch per month[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]if I surrender to His Will, seal and moisturize.[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]That I may be reasonably happy in this life with waist length hair[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]and supremely happy with Him and hair toys[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Forever in the next and all my future healthy hair journeys[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Amen.[/FONT]

Product Pushers, Marketing Reps, Sallys, BSS, and Hair Product Coupons.....I REBUKE YOU!!!

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*Goes to kitchen to get EVOO to do scalp massages while delivering the Long Hair Serenity Prayer to my Sista's*

*Lays hands on crowns and glory's*

God grant y'all the serenity
to accept the conditioners y'all should not buy;
courage to embrace the conditioners y'all already have;
and wisdom to know the difference can't be seen in just one co wash.

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Living one day at a time and one co wash at a time. [/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Enjoying one moment at a time and one strand at a time.[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Accepting hardships and single strand knots as the pathway to peace; [/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Taking, as He did, this bald headed world[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]as it is, not as I would have it; [/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Trusting that He will make all things right and give me 1 inch per month[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]if I surrender to His Will, seal and moisturize.[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]That I may be reasonably happy in this life with waist length hair[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]and supremely happy with Him and hair toys[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Forever in the next and all my future healthy hair journeys[/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Amen.[/FONT]

Product Pushers, Marketing Reps, Sallys, BSS, and Hair Product Coupons.....I REBUKE YOU!!!



Yall need help. I don't need no help I am no pj. *looks at 30 gallon bin with hair backups.

LAMARia21 now since you open your stash I could use some Salerm and maybe whatever is in those orange and white boxes lol.
My confession is..... smh
In 3 weeks the movers are coming to pack up my entire house and move us back to the States. All I can think of is OMG what am I going to do without my hair supply closet for almost 2 months? Maybe I can put my clothes in my kids and my husbands luggage so I can fill mine with all my hair products!! Lord, I need help!
I Have 2 years worth of hair products. NO LIE. I will not buy anymore products that I don't need.

I have been in rehab for over a year. My 5 year stash is now 2. Forgive me! I am trying!
PJism is just like any -ism. You have to avoid temptation to avoid falling off the wagon. When I don't wanna buy stuff, I keep my butt outta beauty supply stores and I don't linger in the drugstores. :grin:

But, I must confess, I was in the beauty supply this weekend, to buy something I needed (REALLY) and I walked out with that and about 4 other products. :ohwell:
i had 2 gels in my hand about an hour ago...and actually put them back.

I have 2 tubs....TUBS of ecostyler gel at home. I can't believe i actually put it back LOL
My son just went in my shower and asked why I have six different conditioners. Too bad those are just the ones I cowash with and not the dcs lol.

Sent from my HTC EVO using LHCF. any spelling errors should be blamed on auto-correct.
I have realized that im not a PJ with hair products...Im a PJ with Hair Accessories....I mean seriously im a hardcore accessory whore!! ...I look to get my fix anywhere i can!! .....I have Tons of Headbands, Claw clips, Banana Clips, Snap Clips, Hair sticks, Flower clips,Hair Zings, Spin pins, Fashioned Bobby Pins and sooo much more, and the sad part is i haven't worn a 1/3 of it, Yet i still want to buy at least 40-50 more pieces!!:lick:

Walgreens was having a sale on Goody accessories so i went to the 2 locations that are near my house, and i was looking through the bin, this one lady comes perusing by and then stops and looks like she was gonna dig in too, i gave her the "Keep it moving chick" face, i didn't want it to get ugly, BUT..... :catfight:.... Im a broke college student, but i keep scraping up the lil money i do got for this :spinning:
Lol. You ladies are too funny!

My confession...

I cant walk into any store without buying something new. Even if I know I will never use it, I have to buy it just to try it and then it goes into the back of the closet never to be heard from again.

Its an obsession.
**Raises hand**Hello, My name is Winona, and I am a recovering PJ

I have enough stuff to last me the apocalypse. About 2 weeks ago my husband found some of my stash and flipped. He didn't even find the majority of it. I have been trying to give away, sell, sample out stuff just to reduce it. I bought plastic containers so it wouldn't look like so much but I know the truth. I had/have a serious problem with vendors changing formulas for my precious and have developed a end of days stash.

Wooosaaahh I feel better now:)
i had 2 gels in my hand about an hour ago...and actually put them back.

I have 2 tubs....TUBS of ecostyler gel at home. I can't believe i actually put it back LOL

I was in Target over the weekend and I kept picking up products and putting them down. I am sure security had their camera trained on me wondering "who is this crazy person wandering the hair products aisle, picking up products, gazing longingly at them and putting them down." :nono:

I have made a cart at Sage 3x over the last 3 days. Why? I have no clue. I really need to sit down somewhere and keep using up my stash.
I went into sallys and bought SE Cholesterol (i already have1/2 jar of QH collecting dust) it was just to thick and creamy to leave behind:)
Confession: I used to have an 'entertainment' and 'health and beauty' budget, now it's just one...and I can't remember the last time I went to the movies, had a night out, got a facial...but I have three drawers in my bathroom, one suitcase, and a weekender stuffed with hair and other beauty products.

The thrill I get when I hear the UPS man is like reaching the summit of a roller coaster. :grin: This is just shameful!

Penance: hmmm, does confession mean I have to change my ways? Because I'm not asking for forgiveness if it does because I know I'm going to sin again.
i was doing so good yall foreal. i too had an entire year's supply. i managed to work about 23 bottles/jars/tubes of conditioner down to about 8 over 18 months ( i don't count the ORS packs or leave ins cause i mean, they aren't real bottles), and i thought i was cured. then i colored my hair last month. i've bought 5 more bottles in the past 5 days.
(Drags chair to the circle)

I put myself on a no buy this month... and broke it on the 2nd of June. :-(

-took advantage of the buy one get one free at Walgreens on Organix products....

and purchased a 3/4" instyler this past Monday on EBay...After purchasing the 1 1/4" one last month

But I swear! the 1 1/4 was too big for my shoulder length transitioning hair that's the only reason why I went on eBay :::sniff, sniff:::

when it grows longer I plan to use the bigger one I ePromise!

:::breakdown cry::::

plus the 3/4 one was $60.
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Forgive Me Forum, For I have sinned,
I've bought more hair care products again.
Kemi Oyl galore, Paul Mitchell Shampoo,
HairVeda products in the mail, At my door before the week is through.

My hooded dryer is dying, gotta get a new one of those too
Forum Help Me, I don't know what I'm going to do.
Silk scarves and head wear, bobby pins and hair clips
All for longer, stronger, healther coils
I hope my long hair journey isn't spoiled.

My credit card is cracking, bank.account diminishing
But I keep on shopping, there's no sign of stopping
This product junkie with her sinful ways,
Who shops and shops and shops for days.

This addiction in remission when I reach my dream length,
And ill surly come back here and offer my thanks,
To the many heads that came before
And offered wisdom, advice, guidance and more.
But until that time comes ill continue to cop
Each and every hair care product, I will never ever stop!!!

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LOL:lachen:you are so disturbed!!
My name is z-kitty and i'm a PJ. It's been one day since I purchased a conditioner. I plan to go in rehab AGAIN once I soften this hard hair of mine.
<---Looks around the room for support before saying...

I plan on going shopping after work today to reup on the following. I really WANT to be strong and stick my list:

S Curl No Drip Activator
Hawaiian Silky 14 n 1
Silicon Mix w/ Protein (new purchase to regi)
Silicon Mix (regular)

We shall see ladies, we shall see...
This thread is hilarious :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I used to be a normal woman, good job, great circle of family and friends, then......My sister introduced me to LHCF, and all hell broke loose.

When a new beauty supply store opens in town and you camp out on their doorstep so you can be first...you might be a PJ.

When your beauty supply list is longer than your grocery list...you might be a PJ

When your bathroom has more bowls, spoons, oils and storage containers than your kitchen...you might be a PJ

When you are waiting up until midnight for your paycheck to be deposited at 12:01 so you can hit "order" on the online cart that you just spent 3 hours filling....you might be a PJ.

When all you ask for for CHristmas, birthday, mother's day, Columbus day, black history month, is gift cards to Sally's....you might be a PJ

When they know you by name in your local BSS or Walgreens and already have your stuff rung up and bagged when you walk in every two weeks....you might be a PJ
