∞°∞°2012 Baggy Challenge!!!∞°∞°

I need to GHE baggy tonight with KeraCare Oil Moisturizer with Jojoba Oil but it will be very late when I am done hendigoing my hair, so we'll see how it goes.
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Feels good :yep:. But yesterday my hair looked so good after doing the curly girl method and today not so much so I gotta get this down pat. Will be GHEing with water and hemp seed oil.
Checking in :) In Senegalese twists till march! Currently GHE with my braid spray and a little of my oil mix (castor + sweet almond)
I am baggying right now. I did an oil rinse tonight...so there is some left over castor/sunflower oil on my head ...but I didn't add anything...gonna do an overnight. Last night I conditioned and then baggied overnight.
I'd like to join. I've been baggying my hair off and on for 2 weeks and my hair is sooooo moisturized.

My hair is currently cornrowed, and I've been Spritzing Oyins Juices and Berries on my hair and covering it with a baggy.

I'll be doing this Mon-Fri, then letting my hair breath during the weekend.
Took my weave out last night. Didn't comb it, just rubbed in some moisturizer and jbco, wrapped in cling film n covered that with my head scarf.
Proud of my first official baggy!!!!!
Still baggying. I'm over here trying to decide if I want to throw a hat on or take off my plastic cap and bonnet
dollface0023 Welcome to the best challenge of all time! :grin: :giggle:

cordei :woot: How was your first baggy session? How does your hair feel?

indarican Get it, girl! You are NOT messin' around, huh? Baggying the ponytail during the day and GHE at night... you're my kind of gal. :D
Still baggying every night. Baggying today under a satin scarf and beanie cap.:yep:

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Yesterday's baggy was some Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush and sweet oil under a scarf and bonnet.

I'm sticking to baggying over the GHE from now on.
GHEing now (for a DC). Gonna GHE tonight with my oil mixture (castor, olive, red pimiento). I'm so low on oil it's crazy! Off to go buy some soon!
@ tiffers awww i thought i was in love with my hair before.....NOW omg im obsessed!!! its amazing!!! hair was super soft and moist. LOVE IT
Been GHE-ing every night for the past week. Think I am going to slather on some BFH Desert leave in, find something to seal, put on a cap, and call it a night!

I am ready for these twists to come out, actually it will be 6 weeks on the 16th!
I'm in
I will baggy my ends 3-5x per week and

the whole head baggy thing gives me a bad headache.

also I am wearing twists for 6 months. Protecting. my ends are fragile and I need to do more to retain length.
I almost didn't baggy last night. I conditioned and restyled my hair in the shower last night and I said "nah, ill skip the baggy tonight" ...then I was laying in my bed and I kept thinking about it and I just couldn't let myself NOT baggy haha...so I got up and sprayed my head with water/castor oil and saran wrapped it up.
I GHEd last night. I usually spritz my hair all over with my homemade conditioner mix (smells so good!) earlier in the night and give it time to absorb. I find that well into the next day, my hair is still moisturised and I can still smell my spray mix. :grin:
Steamed with Qhemet AOHC & hemp oil and put the bags on right after. I'll be GHE'ing tonight. :pepper:
cordei That's great to hear! Yay! :grin:

Golden75 That BFH leave-in has been on my to-buy list for forever! How do you like it? Is it a must have for you?

Mook's hair Awesome!!! Welcome to the party! I've always LOVED your hairstyles!

youwillrise I've done that so many times! But it just doesn't feel right to lay down without a crinkly bag on my head. :lol:
tiffers I'd like to join. I've always steered clear of baggying because my fine hair hates moisture... But the GHE method works for me as long as no moisturizer or water touches my hair (mushy hair :nono: ).

I've been using my homemade sulfur pomade (sulfur whipped in crisco :look: and african pride growth oil infused with rosemary, thyme, peppermint, and celestial 'sinus soother' tea). Every night for the past week or so, I've put the pomade on my scalp then loosely wrapped my head in saran wrap and covered with a wig cap. I've had rough ends for a few days and have moisturized and sealed to no avail. Yesterday after GHE'ing I found the end of my braids really smooth and the curls going in all the same direction. :grin:

I plan to continue GHE'ing every night and possibly during the day if I wear a wig out.
Last night I conditioned with diluted ao hsr mixed with apricot and castor oils. Then I put on a baggy right after (no product or extra stuff). Usual bonnet plus scarf to trap that heat. : P. my hair has felt more moisturized lately. I've been conditioning daily and pairing it with the baggy or ghe...my hair has been feeling better. I think my hair prefers either no extra moisturizer or something simple like a water/castor oil spray when baggying.
@cordei That's great to hear! Yay! :grin:

@Golden75 That BFH leave-in has been on my to-buy list for forever! How do you like it? Is it a must have for you?

@Mook's hair Awesome!!! Welcome to the party! I've always LOVED your hairstyles!

@youwillrise I've done that so many times! But it just doesn't feel right to lay down without a crinkly bag on my head. :lol:

tiffers - Not sure yet. It never really seemed moisturizing enough, rather it doesn't last, but I really don't give products a chance to see if they work (you know pj always trying something new). I got the one w/o castor. I'm going to test it thououghly when I take down my KT. If it don't work, I'm going to add some oils (wheat germ, nourish, vitamin E), SAA, honeyquat.
i got the hay head feeling back, ive been baggying constantly and ghe'n everynight too, so im convinced its the products im using.
So im gonna clarify tonight and DC and start adding things in one at a time to see what the culprit is.
Just conditioned w/ diluted ao white camellia, apricot & castor oils. Put baggy on right away. No extra moisturizer or oil. Will be overnight as usual!
So i think im just going to stick with GHE'n at night, and letting my hair dry in the day. Ive been getting that mildewy smell, so im thinking the constant wetness is a no go... MY ends are nice though...lol