~2012 Ayurvedic Hair Care Thread w/ Recipes~

Thanks Ladies for bringing up this thread, I tried this out today, someone on this board made a Ayuvedic paste which she does 2-3 times week and she co-washes to remove the paste.

I applied my infused oil of sulphur, rosemary, horsetail, nettle, chamomile and hisbiscus, to my scalp and ends, I only had amla powder and I added my infused oil and hot water from the kettle and mixed a paste, applied to my scalp and ends, covered my hair with a plastic cap and left on for 30 minutes or more, conditon washed my hair to remove the paste and a left on the conditioner for 5 minutes, then rinsed out, used the comb to part my hair and rebraided into large braids.

I was very suprised how fast that was, as I detangled with my fingers, my hair didn't really tangled at all. My scalp tingled but it felt very nice. I will defnitely try and keep this up and see the results.