2011 Cowash Challenge--September 1st through December 31st

co washed tonight: Millcreek biotin and AO HSR were used:lick:
@Nix08 - did you mix them or use them separately? What prompted that combo? I have Millcreek Biotin but never considered cowashing with it. I use it as a protein moisturizer when needed.
divachyk call me crazy but when I co wash I used 2 or three conditioners:perplexed: I initially bought the millcreek to co wash with (njoy use to use it for co washing so why not right:grin:) After rinsing out my dry DC (AO WC and oils) I figured I could use a very little protein so I co washed with the millcreek. Then rinsed and used my usual puritas conditioner (canadian brand - all moisture and I use it at every co wash). Then rinsed and added AO HSR while I finished up then rinsed it out. I did a little extra this co wash since I hadn't wet my hair since last sunday:ohwell:
I don't know what it is with me that I can not go without wetting my hair everyday. I tried to leave this wash n go alone from yesterday but I can not stand the wild look so I wet it again and put kinky knot today in and under the dryer since I did it late in the day and I want my hair dry plus I have a very bad migraine today and you would think that would be enough for me to leave my hair alone...... not!!!
Ltown that's where a Cleansing Conditioner comes in.

However, I never feel my scalp isn't 'clean' because I am not cowashing with Silicones and don't feel I have excessive product build up.

Before I start, I rinse a long time before I even add the conditioner.
Won't be washing probably for another week or 2 since I have a quick weave in now but can't wait 2 deep condish & cowash...aaahhh!

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