2011 Cowash Challenge--September 1st through December 31st


Well-Known Member
Okay Ladies, the end is near:woohoo:! We're going for maximum retention!!!​

Grow your hair and retain inches by joining the 2011 Cowash Challenge!​

:dance7:Part III of this challenge begins September 1, 2011 and ends December 31, 2011:dance7:

Cowash at least 1x/wkly.
Report what conditioners you used and how your hair is responding.​

OPTIONAL: (for our HYH challengers)
Starting pic and ending pic​

How many times per week will you cowash?
What conditioners are you planning to use?
What do you hope to achieve by cowashing?
How often (if ever) will you use shampoo?​

You can join anytime by thanking this post.:grin::yep:

BlessedRN prof
Ruby True
pretty wings
Lisaaa Bonet
The Princess
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You know I'm in! :woot:

I'll be cowashing err day with various conditioners:

Silk Dreams Destination Hydration

Claudie's Avocado Intense Conditioner

Claudie's Deep Conditioner

Shea Moisture Restorative Conditioner


... and others. :grin:
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How many times per week will you cowash?
1x-3x weekly depending on workout schedule and hair needs.

What conditioners are you planning to use?
BFH and HV to start things off. Will raid stash for other possibles.

What do you hope to achieve by cowashing?
Downsize product stash and soften ng deep into a stretch.

How often (if ever) will you use shampoo?
1x weekly.
I'm in! :look:

How many times per week will you co-wash? 2x
What conditioners are you planning to use? YTCu, HEHy, Mill Creek botanicals biotin conditioner; I'm due to buy some more soon so I'll check back in when I do that :)
What do you hope to achieve by cowashing? A clean-but not stripped-scalp and refreshed hair, happiness as my hair loves water :lachen:
How often (if ever) will you use shampoo? 2x a month
Oh, I'll use Shampoo maybe 1 x month. A Clarifying/Chelating Shampoo. My backspace key is funky, so I can't properly list what I'll be usng. *Bummer*
I'm still in.

Starting pic is in avatar. I will not be changing it or updating it until the end of the year

How many times per week will you cowash?
I co-wash every other day.

What conditioners are you planning to use?
Tresemme extreme moisture

What do you hope to achieve by cowashing?
thicker hair and health by balancing between moisture and protein that I use daily

How often (if ever) will you use shampoo?
Twice a month. Every two weeks
I co wash about 2-3x weekly, and my conditioner of choice is Tresemme Natural Moisture Conditioner mixed with olive oil. I shampoo once every 1-2 weeks with Neutragena Clean shampoo.

Starting pic:
@MyAngelEyez~C~U; If you get a chance can you update my name LOL....(ms_b_haven06)

How many times per week will you cowash?
Once, Wednesday

What conditioners are you planning to use?
Aussie Moist
Dollar General: Herbal Essences Hello Hydration

What do you hope to achieve by cowashing?
Full BSL...long story short LOL. Oh yea I like sleek, smooth feeling hair too.

How often (if ever) will you use shampoo?
Once a wk, Sunday
How many times per week will you cowash? 1x-3x weekly

What conditioners are you planning to use? HELTR, various hot oil treatments, Giovanni Deep Moisture, Silk Elements Olive DC, Suave Rosemary Mint, and Suave Shea Butter conditioners. (My SO hooked a sista up when he just happened to find them on sale! YAY!)

What do you hope to achieve by cowashing? Moisture and length retention

How often (if ever) will you use shampoo? I will clarify as needed with Quantum clarifying shampoo and I will use Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus Shampoo for regular washes as needed. I've learned that clarifying my grass prior to DCing gives better (and longer lasting) results. :yep:

I'm going to try to upload a pic tomorrow (since it's wash day.)
I'm still in! Once not in braids, I will be cowashing 1-2x per week. Will be using my BFH cleansing condishes defintiely, plus I will be trying out Silk dreams Whip My Hair. I hope to retain moisture and length. :D Cant wait to see what my hair is like come Dec 2011.
I hope to co-wash 1xper week and shampoo 1xper week. I will also be doing an acv rinse (dunking method) after each wash so my scalp doesn't have build up. It's the build up that has always stopped me from continuing with co washes.

I'll be using any condish i get my hands on to use up my stash.

I want to retain length and boost my moisture levels even more.

Advice please, those with around shoulder length hair.....how do you style your hair if you are washing so often? I have fine hair so if i wash in braids or twists they frizz up and have to be re-done.
count me in, i started going to the gym and cowash now

How many times per week will you cowash?
depends on my workout, 2 to 3 times a week

What conditioners are you planning to use?

i use BFH cleansing conditionners
shampoo once a month with Joico k pak chelatin shampoo

What do you hope to achieve by cowashing?
retain more length and boost moisture

How often (if ever) will you use shampoo?
shampoo once a month with Joico k pak chelatin shampoo

just a question, this my first time playing with cowashing, is it not too much manipulation?

will post a starting pic later this week!

MyAngelEyez~C~U , do you still use crisco? lol
I'm in. I've gotten hair lazy so I've cut back on the cowashing. I'm cowashing 3x/wk now. I'm using a million different cowashers from the following vendors: Claudie's, SSI, Hairveda, Enso, Shea Moisture, Komaza, etc.....
Ok, MyAngelEyez, you've tagged me twice, so I'm in here!! LOL! I will commit to co-washing once a week, with HE Hello Hydration, or Giovanni condish. I will do this with more water than conditioner though to maintain my style in braids or twists. I will only shampoo once a month. I'm really focusing on protective hairstyles this winter. I want to retain length and health during this regimen. My two years natural is January 2013, so I'd love some "show off" length and maybe a flyy blowout as a result.

Okay ladies, L'EGGO!!!
Woot-Woot I'm excited LOL

How many times per week will you cowash?
at least once a week at most twice

What conditioners are you planning to use?
Suave Almond Shea Butter with either EVOO or Avocado Oil mixed in

What do you hope to achieve by cowashing?
Length and more moisture :)

How often (if ever) will you use shampoo?
1x weekly
How many times per week will you cowash?
Once a week
What conditioners are you planning to use?
Aussie Moist and Giovanni Deep Moisture
What do you hope to achieve by cowashing?
Better moisturized hair for straightening and overall health
How often (if ever) will you use shampoo?
once a week on a different day.

Starting pics:


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LOL, yes I do for my daughter's hair when I flat-iron. also makes a great butter when whipped with shea butter :grin:.

I live in Coventry Uk, I was sooooooo hyper when I found crisco in a small american food store! The shop keeper thought that I was nut!! See what you had me doing?
I live in Coventry Uk, I was sooooooo hyper when I found crisco in a small american food store! The shop keeper thought that I was nut!! See what you had me doing?

LOL, I think you guys have something similar, but it has a different name. Good stuff for skin and hair IMO
co-washed last night and going to do it again so I can baggy my hair overnight. Makes it super soft.
Oh you know I'm up in this piece!! I'll be weaving it out til the end of the year so my reggie has changed a bit.

How many times per week will you cowash? 1x week

What conditioners are you planning to use? Lord any and everything I can get my hands on. Trying to dwindle down my stash.

What do you hope to achieve by cowashing? Moisture & help with retention

How often (if ever) will you use shampoo? 2x a month

Finished off a bottle of AOWC today during my cowash
How many times per week will you cowash?
- Plan to co wash every other day (sometimes daily if I feel like it).
What conditioners are you planning to use?
-Puritas lavender and tangerine for my first lather. Second lather I will alternate between AO HSR and Prairie Naturals Silica strengthening con and Millcreek Biotin on occasion
What do you hope to achieve by cowashing?
-increased moisture, softness, length:look: and joy

How often (if ever) will you use shampoo?
I will shampoo every other week (I will do a HOT and a clarifying poo).
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I'm new to this forum. Have been a lurker for a few weeks and decided to subscribe I think it was last week. Anywho u ladies r awesome by the way. I would love 2 join this challenge.

I will cowash once/week: Wednesdays

I will use either african pride or creame of nature argon oil con

Definately looking 2 get moisture and retention since I'm transitioning. I haven't had a perm for a little over a month now and won't be doing the big chop just yet.

Shampoo every Sunday with african pride or creame of nature argon oil shampoo

I look forward to getting more tips & advice from you lovely ladies

I took my pic like 2 weeks ago as a starting pic oh and I been taking hairfinity vitamins for 2 weeks now faithfully @ night. I will post it later when I get 2 my computer. Thanks again

So the first pics are when I just got my hairfinity and showing my length I guess (not impressive :sad: ) And the other pic is my protective style I have my hair in for about a week now. Sorry no pic of my hair or protective style from the back. Guess I could get good old hubby to do that for me sometime this week or so of the prot style. By the way ladies I do feel as if the hairfinity is working but we will c in a couple of months when I take this down. If results are good then I say order them ladies but time will tell. Oh yeah and my hair does not grow fast on its own think Im a slow grower if that helps any.
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I'm new to this forum. Have been a lurker for a few weeks and decided to subscribe I think it was last week. Anywho u ladies r awesome by the way. I would love 2 join this challenge.

I will cowash once/week: Wednesdays

I will use either african pride or creame of nature argon oil con

Definately looking 2 get moisture and retention since I'm transitioning. I haven't had a perm for a little over a month now and won't be doing the big chop just yet.

Shampoo every Sunday with african pride or creame of nature argon oil shampoo

I look forward to getting more tips & advice from you lovely ladies

I took my pic like 2 weeks ago as a starting pic oh and I been taking hairfinity vitamins for 2 weeks now faithfully @ night. I will post it later when I get 2 my computer. Thanks again
Welcome to the challenge!
I'm in it to win again! I'm transitioning... (made it to 1 year, yay!)

How many times per week will you cowash? 2-3x
What conditioners are you planning to use?
*Suave Almond and Shea Butter conditioner
*Shea Moisture Organic Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner (mixed w/avocado oil)
*Tresemme Moisture Rich Conditioner for dry hair (mixed w/olive oil)
*Herbel Essence Hello Hydration
*Hairveda Moisture Pro

What do you hope to achieve by cowashing? Length, moisture and healthier hair
How often (if ever) will you use shampoo? 2-3x per month

My hair without cowashing and daily heat in my life. Flat lifeless hair. Chewed up ends. Barely reaching SL. Daily flat ironing and perms every 4 months. Dry brittle hair and dandruff flakes were my friends...ugh

Starting pic for the Cowash & No Heat Challenges May 1st to August 31st:

My hair after completing the Cowash & No Heat Challenges May 1st to August 31st:

Full SL. Fuller, bouncy, soft, moisturized hair. Used 2 Heat Challenge passes for length check. Cowashed 2-4x a week. Shampoo weekly. Starting to pre-poo with carrier oils. This is my plan again for this challenge with a few tweaks.
I'm in!

How many times per week will you cowash?
3-5x, every time I workout

What conditioners are you planning to use?
Lots :) Aubrey Organics GPB, HSR and WC (if I can get my hands on some), Trader Joe's Nourish Spa (with hemp oil addition), Giovanni SAS, Aveda DR

What do you hope to achieve by cowashing?
Clean scalp, regular scalp massage, helps me stretch relaxers longer, reminds me to moisturize and seal regularly

How often (if ever) will you use shampoo?
1x per week
My very first challenge since I've been on this board!

How many times per week will you cowash?
Usually once or twice a week. I may kick it up to twice a week.

What conditioners are you planning to use?
Aubrey Organics GPB & Honey Suckle Rose

What do you hope to achieve by cowashing?
Clean scalp, moisturized & protein balanced hair, some length, etc.

How often (if ever) will you use shampoo?
Once a week.

Starting Pic:

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