2011 *All-Encompassing* End-of-Year Reveals!

2011 started off rough for me with all that was going on with my mom and trying to do a long stretch during that stressful period. I'm sure my bonelaxed ends were breaking because I was doing nothing to my hair. And when I did, I was having detangling nightmares. I texlaxed at 39 wks, about a month after my mom passed, trying to get myself back on track.

I did get back on track...sort of. I worked to get any splits under control and tried to get back on track with my vites (er, I'm still slacking). By this time I started a new stretch, which I'm currently in. I'm 36 wks post now and seem to have a better handle this time around.

I'm ps'g exclusively and really pleased with how thick my hair is. My bonelaxed ends are skimpy compared to the thickness but, I think my thickness is long enough that I can get rid of the ends and still have good length. I've trimmed about 1.5" total this year but, as you can see, I need to trim another 4-5". I guess I need to start checking out YT vids for tips on self-trimming to learn how. :grin:

For 2012, I plan to get back on my hair game with sulfur (which I previously avoided during my stretch because I wasn't sure how it would affect my hair). Also, I need to focus on fitness. Messing around with maca added way more weight than I thought. :nono: Trippin.

Anywho, enough rambling. Here's last year vs. this year. Really looking forward to long, thick, healthy hair in 2012.




Started off with SL transitioning hair in Jan2011, March had a major trim which also cut off the relaxed ends. So started at NL on March 2nd, 2011. Was in hyh challenge all year and did it with wash-n-gos. got me hear from March til June

HHG everyone. I'm very satisfied with my growth and natural hair now. Love my curls

Ijanei Wow, that's amazing length progress! And it's so thick! Anymore details?
Charla, thanks darling, no, nothin else to add. Just wah-n-gos, every other day used megatek with a few other oils. Then in my spray bottle mixed water with a few oils for the ends. didn't wrap my hair up at night like I should have. Rarely PS with anything other than wash-n-go AND I flat ironed once monthly. Idk what was going on but it worked so I'm gonna keep it up this year.

ETA: I forgot, I DC at least once a week. Forgot that one
NJoy nice progress you're not far from the siggy pic I think you can make it this year if you stay conservative with the trims.
About the parted pic dont' tell me someone's questioning you on your real hair.
I think your ends are healthy it's just the texture difference between natural and texlaxed, don't worry about it just baby those ends and KIM.
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@NJoy nice progress you're not far from the siggy pic I think you can make it this year if you stay conservative with the trims.
About the parted pic dont' tell me someone's questioning you on your real hair.
I think your ends are healthy it's just the texture difference between natural and texlaxed, don't worry about it just baby those ends and KIM.


:grin: No one is questioning me on my real hair but, when I posted my visualization pic, I got a couple ladies that were confused as to whether I've been showing my hair or a wig. I usually announce if my pic is my latest ps, as was my last avi pic. But, just want to make sure I don't confuse anyone when I do my length checks.

Oh, and btw, it's not easy doing scalp pics by yourself either. Just thought I'd throw in that tidbit. :grin:

I agree that my ends are healthy. But, it still looks crazy and I'd love a full hemline. I'll probably trim instead of chopping. Maybe an inch every 2 months. And since I'm putting my hair away for the winter, maybe I'll wait until the Spring to revisit the whole trim or chop thing, unless stretching gives me no choice. We'll see.

Thanks for the feedback, girlie. :yep:
sipp100 Your hair looks beautiful? How do you keep your hair from tangling? How often do you blow dry and straighten?


Thank you!

I prevent tangles by not wearing twist-outs or braid-outs. My hair doesn't like these styles, for some reason. I wear buns 90% of the time. The only time I wear my hair out is when it's blow dried or flatironed.

I blow dry once a month or less. I flatiron every 6-8 weeks. The first two years of my transition I flatironed every 2-3 weeks, but I've fallen in love with buns this past year.
Identify your 2011 progress. (length, edges, thickness, etc.)
I went from APL to BSL. And after a much needed trim my hair looks and feels thicker/healthier.

What thing(s) do you feel contributed the MOST to your progress?
  • Being gentle and patient with my hair.
  • Protective styling -- Buns.
  • Stretching my relaxers.
  • Deep Conditioning.

What challenges did you participate in during 2011?
  • HYH parts 1 and 2.
  • BSL by Dec 2011.

What's your key word of advice for strong, healthy hair?

December 2010

December 2011

maybe you should stay away from all the BC or mini chop threads popping up lately.

True. And I'm putting these ends away. Immediately! I think I will continue trimming tho. That will give me practice on cutting. If I mess up on a trim, no biggie. But if I mess up on a chop. Yikes! :blush:
I want to thank God for blessing me to find this forum. All the information and advice from all of you wonderful ladies has changed my life.

Identify your 2011 progress. (length, edges, thickness, etc.)
I didn't see a difference in thickness but I was blessed to gain some length

What thing(s) do you feel contributed the MOST to your progress?
I think that protective style and education about hair care contributed to my progress.

What challenges did you participate in during 2011?
I participated in the HYH, Braid it up, APL, and the Megatek Challenges.

What's your key word of advice for strong, healthy hair?
My advice is to just be patient and don't measure your hair everyday...lol

Is there anything you'll change in 2012?
I may wear my hair out more often.

This image is from June 30, 2011

These images is after my cousin cornrowed and curled my hair for me Dec 18, 2011.


These images is after my relaxer on Dec 30, 2011


I PROTECTIVE STYLED all year and this is what i got!

Here I was December 2010:


June 2011:


and now:


I swear my hair is getting thicker and thicker, even though I'm shedding like crazy. I have been taking Nioxin for 6 months consistently (1 a day) and have seen a major difference in my hair, nails, and my skin. My ends are not as bad as I thought they would be. I still need to trim though. My hair is still in a U shape; I just didn't flip all of my hair over my shoulder (Still not used to that :look:)

My hair started to shrink up again and swell a bit, so it looks shorter, but this is the best I could do


I stretched my hair in this pic, but don't really see the point - I mean your hair is gonna land where it's gonna land, right? I basically did it to have a starting pic for this year, to see what number I was at.

Even with trims, I managed to maintain 5 inches :grin:
Forever in Bloom

So uhh, :look:
Tell us more about your PS...:dork:


Mini twists (January-March); also, in between putting in my second set of mini twists around mid-February, I wore twist outs for about 2 weeks without protecting from the cold and wind - and I didn't care. My hair was not dry at all.

Crochet braids (April-June)
Mini twists again (July-August)
Cornrows (Sept-Dec)

I don't recommend the last PS for that long. I got good growth but even when I thought I had removed all of the shed hair, I didn't because when I washed my hair, it still matted up. Thankfully, I didn't lose much hair when trying to work my way through the insanity. I really took my time in detangling.
Here are my pics, I'll update the post with details because typing on the phone is not the business LOL

Identify your 2011 progress. (length, edges, thickness, etc.)
I got a mini chop last Dec 31st by a SHS, so I started 2011 with shorter hair than I ended 2010 with :lol:

I went from NL to CBL in 2011. I am particularly proud of this because I BC'ed in June and lost a lot of length, but still progressed :yay:




So after going natural I rebounded to hit SL and CBL in the last 6 months :) (Pics are below from my BC, straightening in the beginning of July, and after my hair appt/trim December 30th). After a much needed trim last week, my hair is a couple inches away from APL :yay:

What thing(s) do you feel contributed the MOST to your progress?
  • Listening to what my hair responded to (low manipulation, low protein, it HATES coconut oil :lachen:)
  • Protective styling 95% of the time (braids, mini twists, etc.)
  • Going natural :giggle:
  • Using more natural products (silicones don't agree with my hair/scalp)
  • Deep conditioning
  • Vitamins (1 Nioxin/day, just started 2,000mg MSM in the last 2 months)
What challenges did you participate in during 2011?
  • HYH Parts I and II
  • SL by Dec 2011
  • WL by 2013
What's your key word of advice for strong, healthy hair?
Be responsive to the needs of your hair. Even if it seems like a product works magic for everyone else, accept that it may not work for you :perplexed

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Identify your 2011 progress. (length, edges, thickness, etc.)

I retained 5 inches of growth, even with constantly searching and destroying. My hair definitely got thicker - not sure how :look:

What thing(s) do you feel contributed the MOST to your progress?

Protective styling, trimming, moisturizing and low manipulation.

I looked back over my calendar and saw that I only washed my hair 19 times in 2011 and finger-combed the first 3 months of the year. I also dropped the use of protein treatments.

Moisture is more important. The only protein product I used (about twice) was the Curl Junkie Repair Me which is a good balance between the two.

Castor oil is AWESOME! I applied it to my cornrows 4 times within the 3 months I had them in. When I took them out, my hair was ridiculously soft :lick:

What challenges did you participate in during 2011?

HYH 1 and HYH 2

What's your key word of advice for strong, healthy hair?

Leave-your-hair-alone. Yeah, I made that one word. :rolleyes:

Is there anything you'll change in 2012?
I'll definitely wash more, use henna every 2 months - only on the ends. That's pretty much it. Everything I did in 2011 worked for my hair, so I'll stick with them all
Hello Ladies Happy 2012, Here are my years end pictures, I know i'm a day or so late but I just flat ironed this weekend. On December 31, 2010 I spent News Years eve with Dick Clark on tv while big chopping. Months later in September of 2011 I decided to texlax my hair. Here's my progress for the year, hoping to be MBL by the end of this year. I found out last year, co washing and moisture are my friends :drunk:


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Alright, Ladies...holidays are over...your chitlins (what can I say, I'm a proud member of GRITS) are heading back to school...some of ya'll still on vacay time.....so let's see more 2011 finales!
Your progress from the very beginning is amazing!

Identify your 2011 progress. (length, edges, thickness, etc.)

I've progressed in length, but moreso in health. My hair feels softer for longer periods of time now.

What thing(s) do you feel contributed the MOST to your progress?

Low Manipulation
Ayurveda (mainly Henna, Brahmi, Amla and Hibiscus)
Frequent DCing

What challenges did you participate in during 2011?

Honestly I can't remember. *blush*

WL 2013

What's your key word of advice for strong, healthy hair?

Weekly light protein on wash day has been very helpful. I always follow with a moisturizing DC.

Is there anything you'll change in 2012?
I'm going to try to PS more often and even find a few no-manipulation styles.

Pix: (edited to change end date to Dec 2011. Dunno why I put Nov, it was late and I was pooped)

Nov 2010 -- nape

Dec 2011 -- nape

Nov 2010 -- side

Dec 2011 -- side

It's not super-duper but I feel like slow-n-steady will get me to my goals just as well :)
I cut my hair during Christmas '10 due to bad breakage. Then I kept cutting it until March when I got the style I wanted. I also got my last relaxer in March after realizing that my back was breaking due being overprocessed. I started my HHJ in May with virtually no hair on my nape. Here are my pics:
The first two are the first hair cuts, the third is the final relaxer and haircut, the fourth pic is the beginning of my journey, and the last was today.

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Here are pics of my nape.

These are from June, July, August and today. For some reason the one from September wouldn't upload.

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hair 8 11 (6).jpg

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This is my (late *blush*) end-of-the-year reveal. Kind of a weird post because I BC'ed in May, and didn't straighten for the first time until October (1st 2 pics). At that time, I had to trim about 2 inches because of badly split ends. It was my first trim since going natural. I decided to try to keep my hair stretched more, and thereby retain more, by keeping my hair in twists. Now I think I've gained back what I trimmed off! See end-of-December pics (last 2). I'm very happy with my progress and hope to be at APL at some point during the upcoming year.
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Identify your 2011 progress. (length, edges, thickness, etc.)
My 2011 progress was going 100% natural
What thing(s) do you feel contributed the MOST to your progress?
NO heat whatsoever, and very low manipulation(due to laziness):lol:
What challenges did you participate in during 2011?
What's your key word of advice for strong, healthy hair?
@ the time I do not have any advice
Is there anything you'll change in 2012?
I want to hide my hair more and maybe start using sulfur for added growth.

I Have yet to straighten my hair, so I have no clue how long it really is.


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Sorry for my late entry. I just relaxed last week (my hair was rollerset) then washed and blowdried today so today is the first chance for me to see my 2011 progress.

Jan 2011

Jan 2012


Identify your 2011 progress. (length, edges, thickness, etc.)
looks about the same length and gained in thickness
What thing(s) do you feel contributed the MOST to your progress?
Minimizing heat and manipulation (did a lot less in 2011)
What challenges did you participate in during 2011?
What's your key word of advice for strong, healthy hair?
I feel I am not in a position to give advice as I am still working on my own hair (esp. dealing with breakage).
Is there anything you'll change in 2012?
I want to up my protein use to see if it helps with my breakage issues (ie molasses in my DC, more protein DC, protein leave-ins)