Don't worry be happy
I'm using the amount of NG to track my growth rate. It has been about 16 weeks since my last relaxer, and I have about 2" of NG:
ETA: This is my starting pic.
(the line of demarcation is not that strong,my relaxed hair is a bit smoother and shinier)

The white dots mark 1" on the ruler, the arrow marks the demarcation line.
So that puts me at about 1/2" a month. I'm going to use a mixture, since I'm trying to avoid potential headaches:
2% MN
liquid amino acids
I'm keeping this mix in the fridge, applying every other night.
ETA: This is my starting pic.
(the line of demarcation is not that strong,my relaxed hair is a bit smoother and shinier)

The white dots mark 1" on the ruler, the arrow marks the demarcation line.
So that puts me at about 1/2" a month. I'm going to use a mixture, since I'm trying to avoid potential headaches:
2% MN
liquid amino acids
I'm keeping this mix in the fridge, applying every other night.
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