Active Member
MN shows increased solubility in oils.
BTW ladies what % of MN cream are you guys adding to your mixes but to avoid the dreaded headaches?
Also is it safe to mix it with MT?
I use both my MN and MT straight up and so far have not had ANY excessive shredding or headaches *fingers crossed*.
But then again I only use the MN (2%) on my egdes/nape so maybe that's why I'm not getting headaches. And I started taking garlic vitamins 2 weeks before I started using the MT to really get it into my system and nip shedding in the bud. I also recently started using Alter ego Garlic Conditioner

I fiqured I'd try both without mixing first to see if I'd have any side effects then add things to it if need be later. I just figure maximum strength = maximum growth