ok ladies, i got to work with those big, long braid hair packages and did my usual baggy bun underneath them.
i'm doing alot of the double buns these days because my front half has too much distance to go (layers
) to get into a low nape bun, so this way, i get the shorter lengths like my bangs and sides with the majority of the shaft inside the bag.
*one thing i just started doing recently to "baby my edges" is:
make my double bun loosely, holding one at a time with my hand
then i smooth the edges down in the opposite direction
(towards my chin for my front, towards my back for my sides and nape)
then i make the baggy bun (conditioners, oils,etc...)
then once my baggy bun is set, i smooth the hair upwards with my hands to flatten it out.
if necssary, i will wrap the dangling parts up and around the outside of the baggy bun so that they don't get flyaway or loose.
i learned this technique on here because it saves the sensitive areas and keeps them away from any tension, weight or pulling. they say it will help them to thicken up more and grow healthier.
i will see in time, but for now, it sure makes my head feel alot better!
i used cut up stockings to "wrap around" and hold the braid hair.
this is why i didn't need to use any bobby pins. (they would take my wet hair right out)
i wrapped one band of hair lengthwise down the front of the baggy bun, then another one around the sides, in order to get full coverage of my bagged buns with stockings over them, which are on the inside.
anyhoooo, here are the finished results!
(i used both brown and black braid hair because my hair is at an "in between" color)
now if only i could learn to part a straight line, lol!