2010-11-29 - Mobile applications (Android - iPhone)


Crazy Greek
Staff member

I am happy to announce that the LHCF application is now on the Apple App Store.

Long Hair Care Forum for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

or search for it in the store.

Also for Android users the QR code is below:


If there are any problems with the applications, please report them by opening a ticket in the support area and I will forward them to the programmers.

Ohhhh man!!! Thanks for all your work!!! Now I have no reason to sit at my computer!!! :).

You tube! Check
Email! Check
Facebook check
LHCF!!!!!!! Checkcheckcheck !!'.

The obsession re emerges!!
Sniff Sniff what about Blackberry...

I am just nagging you Nikos.....You really are amazing!
Sniff Sniff what about Blackberry...

I am just nagging you Nikos.....You really are amazing!

We are supposed to be getting one for the BB too but I don't have more information on this yet. As soon as we have the release I will let you know.
Dumb question - what's QR code and what do I do with it on my Droid?
If you have the barcode scanner application or the googles application, you take a snapshot of the QR code and it automatically goes to the download page in the market :)

It is kind of a shortcut.