2007-Now progress from pixie cut to almost APL!!!


New Member
So I just had to share how great the tips and advice I have gotten from LHCF has been I had a pixie cut in the end of 07 and now I am almost APL I think :grin: I have never retained length and overcome setbacks until I found this board,If my hair started to break I cut it,If I got bored I cut it thnking I had no other choice for styles and forgot protective styles I was lost in the sauce now I am seeing progress and just wanted to share. I am fully relaxed but only relax maybe every 10 weeks or more.I am shooting for a goal length of a healthy full BSL by December prayerfully.... Well ladies thanks for the advice and letting me share....


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Thank you for sharing your progress pics with us Mommynikki. You have had some great progress. Keep away from the scissors though and soon enough you will be BSL:yep:.
Hey bff :) Just wanted to come in here and say Congrats! Keep up the great work and you'll be BSL in no time.
that cut was HOT! sorry if i'm tempting you with scissors again :giggle:
I loved it and if I look too long I get all scissor happy and want it short again but man that growing out phase is for the birds I refuse to do that again:wallbash: it was painful lol! Thanks again hun!