
New Member

I love LHCF! I've been on this board for about two years and you ladies are AMAZING!

I want to grow out my 4A/4B hair for my wedding in Spring 2008. I'm Jamaican/Guyanesse and yes, this is my natural hair color!

I use Affirm Regular Relaxer once every 10-12 weeks, any longer is serious breakage. I use Kercare products, Joico, Nexsuss and some PhytoSpecific. Debating switching to Phyto permanently.

My vitamins are GNC Women's One-Day and Perfectil, an excellent vitamin from London for hair, skin and nails.

I work out about 4 times a week and play volleyball, and my hair sweats out alot. Hey, I gotta stay fine and give these 20-somethings a run for their money, hahaha!

Hair is washed twice a week, deep-conditioned on the second wash. I'm just now learning to use my bendy rollers at night for a curly look in the daytime, not just for wash day. I suck at wrapping my hair at night, really bad. I usually pull my hair up into a ponytail, pull silk scarf around it, sleep on silk pillow and call it a night. Then slap some purple rollers in before my shower to get a bend in it. Caruso Steam Rollers are my BFF!

Currently, my hair is in a bob, with the points slightly longer then the front and the back cut straight across touching the bottom of neck/top of shoulders. This is my starting point.

I live in Houston, and this humidity is no joke. and have put myself on a NO CHI IRON regimen for the next three months. YOU MUST HELP ME STAY AWAY FROM THE CHI!

HERE IS WHAT I NEED: I need tips on growing my hair from shoulder length to brastrap by Spring 2008. I have very thick hair and THIS is always the time that I cut it. I want to get over the hump and get it down my back!

One time a stylist told me my hair was too thick to grow long (boooo! :mad: ) but since I've been washing and taking care of my hair since 2006 and ONLY going to the stylist for a relaxer and trim, my hair has been much better (yaaaayyy! ;) , all thanks to LHCF.

Now, I need to RETAIN LENGTH, and get my hair down my back. I have a mixed heritage, but my hair is definetly 4A/4B. I have seen the beautiful ladies of 4A/4B retain length and I need to do the same!

Please LHCF, get me over the bra-strap hump and help me grow this hair!!!

Check out my two photo's and send me some tips!!!

PS: That is my VACATION WEAVE in my picture at the top!

Hi! welcome to the forum. My family is guyanese also.

Your regimen sounds fine but do you moisturize daily. If so what do you use to moisturize? It should be a water based moisturizer. grease doesnt moisturize and neither does oil.

what are you eating habits like? I struggle with this myself bu a healthy hair starts with a healthy body.

have you looked at the newcomer's starting point? It's at the top of the page under favorite sticky's.

maybe this thread can help you. www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=53881&highlight=growth
HERE IS WHAT I NEED: I need tips on growing my hair from shoulder length to brastrap by Spring 2008. I have very thick hair and THIS is always the time that I cut it. I want to get over the hump and get it down my back!

I am no expert here, and I am sure that others will chime in to help you, but please refer to the bolded section above and perhaps you will follow the advice below:


I say back away fro the scissors and no one gets hurt. Put the scissors away. When I first started in December, I threw away my straightening comb, blow dryer, curling iron - no heat, no heat, no heat. I suggest you consider a similar method. Throw away the scissors. Stop cutting your hair. Your face is beautiful, wear a bun (oh so not stylish in Italia, I know) but maybe if it's up, like on the hide your hair challenge, you will let it grow. Tell your best friends, your hair dresser, your fiance, your mom, your aunt, everyone you know - if you tell them,, they can help you be accountable for staying away from the scissors.