20 monts post, BC'ing Today--Eeek!


Well-Known Member
So I haven't been on in a while. The weight loss mission sort of took over (as well as life, kids, job loss :drunk:) but you all have always been in my heart! I had planned to do the BC for New Year's Even 2011/2012, but my dear 16 year old cousin visiting from Cali is going to Deva Chan for a trim and begged me to do my BC with her on the same day.

I'm a sucker for the wee ones, so I said "OK. I really didn't want to do a salon BC, because I'm about 90% sure they will cut more than I want (as is always the case with my salon experiences--even the good ones) but I am firm believer in "eh, it grows back." So, I've lowered my expectations and i'm definitely ready.

I'm 4 months shy of two years post relaxer. I've been comfortable with my natural texture for a while but for me it has been being ready to rock short hair. I'm ready now. My relaxed hair is stringy, tangly, and just "extra" now. I have a feeling I might be using words like "Bozo the Clown" and "Sideshow Bob" after this "Deva Cut" experience, but I'm going to go in with clear explanations of what I want, my expectations, and my reservations. Hopefully, they will be respectful and will not send me running to the first relaxer stylist or weaveologist I can find! LOL

Well, wish me luck. My fam is probably going to flip out. (Hubby is supportive, though)
Good Luck! Sounds like you have your expectations in line with what a salon BC might entail. At least you're going to a great curl-friendly salon to get it done.
I'm off! kiss these relaxed strings goodbye! mwah!
Even with the stringy bits, your hair is beautiful! I hope you have a good experience at Deva Chan. Can't wait to see your beautiful results!
I'ze Natchall Now!


Definitely going to take some getting used to, but happy I did it. Had a great experience. If you go to Deva Chan, ask for Telma. She's caucasian but most of her clients are AA and she's very knowledgeable, informative, she listens and wants you to be 100% comfortable. No complaints except I was shocked that the place was so entirely caucasian. This was Deva Chan in SoHo, so that could have a lot to do with it. Now, my hair is FULL of product, but I'm OK with that. Don't know if I can replicate it, but I'll have fun trying. My 3 y.o. liked it. She said "It looks pretty, kinda different, but I trust you." Yeah...3 going on 30! LOL
Alrighty then! It looks great! I love it!!!!!! Your transition was worth it.
Did she twirl the curls as she styled it? I wish I were in NY so I could visit this place and get a really good curly stylist!