20 Month Update (Pics inside)


Well-Known Member
Hola Guys!
Here's my previous post where i shared my hair journey...http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=464088

this is where i am right now....I'm a huge slow grower! It's been 20 months since i joined LHCF and started that journey at SL. I'm still not at APL :nono: :wallbash: I relaxed, DC and received a trim which put me back just above APL

i haven't experienced any setbacks...my hair just grows really slow. I've tried vitamins and growth aids...and this is the results.

BTW i'm 5 foot 8 inches.
Start of my journey -Dec 2008

July 2010 - Blow Dried @ 13 weeks post



Your making wonderful progress. Might as well claim APL your are like right there, if someone blinks or squints (throw up hands)
Sometimes its not about the quickest but who can endure to the end. Your hair is thick, healthy and luscious and that is all that matters. Congrats on your progress!!
Great progress!
I know that you say that you're a slow grower but from april 2010 to august 2010 you gained nearly 2 inches even after your trim, which equals to the average .5 inches per month.
Maybe you don't grow as slow as you think.