2 Years of LHCF (*PICS*)


Active Member
Hi Ladies,
This month made 2 full years that I've been a member of Longhaircareforum. I am still so happy that I found this community and I am very thankful for all the help and advice I've received from every one of you. Thank You So Much! I am very happy with my progress and just wanted to share and let you all know how much I appreciate this community. Thanks Again

JUNE 2006

JUNE 2008

so....spill your hair tips!

Thank you all for your very nice and encouraging comments.

Sophisticated -
-I pretty much keep my hair in protective styles most of the time
-I deep condition
-And I was taking Ultra Nourish Hair, Biotin, and Nioxin but I haven't for about 6 months now...I still take a multi-vitamin though.

I posted my different regimens in my fotki... =)
Girl! U had excellent progress!! U make my little bit of growth from when I joined look like nothing:nono::nono: :lol:

Ur hair looks great!

ETA: U are a retention beast!! Good job!
This is gorgeous!! So let me ask you, what was the most useful tip you've learned?

Honestly...it was being patient. A lot of ladies used to say that on the forum and I think it helped me out a lot. I was a little impatient when I first joined, I expected every recommended condition, moisturizer, and growth aids to work miracles right away...but I learned to wait patiently and watch the results come.
Honestly...it was being patient. A lot of ladies used to say that on the forum and I think it helped me out a lot. I was a little impatient when I first joined, I expected every recommended condition, moisturizer, and growth aids to work miracles right away...but I learned to wait patiently and watch the results come.

This is a wonderful tip! Congratulations ak, may your hair continue to flourish!
"retention beast" too funny! ...this is a definite testament to the benefits of this forum... and of course patience. Your hair is lovely.

What's your next hair goal?