Let me offer my advice and suggest that you do not let a professional straighten your hair unless you know them very well. My hair was doing beautifully, and then I let someone at a salon straighten it -- despite my clear instructions not to do a hard press, my hair smelled burnted, got bad split ends and was heat damaged.
Get a CHI and straighten it yourself -- embrace the poof!
I'm not a huge fan of hairdressers and can count on both hands how many times I have gone to one in my lifetime. So your warning is heeded. The problem is my hair does not blowdry well. It just breaks and ends up dry and frizzy. Any ideas what I can do to get it in a good state to flatiron?
I was thinking maybe press it with a temperature controlled hotcomb then pass the flatiron over it quickly. I have to do both because hotcombs never get my ends straight.
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