2 Stylists with different views on Corrective Relaxer application...who do I choose?


Active Member
I need a corrective relaxer. I no longer want to go to my white stylist because of a few reasons (dh wants me to stay with her). I like her a lot but I have to do what is best for my hair.

My hair is underprocessed in the middle strands/section of my hair. --------~~~~~~------

Stylist 1: She wants to coat the bottom hair strands with conditioner, then touch up the new growth with the relaxer. During the last 5 minutes of processing, she wants to pull the relaxer all the way through to the ends. This should be a :nono: even with conditioner...right?

Her reasoning: She believes that over time, the hair has probably been underprocessed and there could be multiple sections along the hair shaft that is underprocessed. So, this way she covers all of it.

Stylist 2: She wants to hit the underprocessed areas first and then come back to the new growth. I think this method is also a :nono: because those sections of hair will be processing the whole time while she is touching up the new growth. The underprocessed is not that severe but it is noticeable and may be causing some breakage.

Her reasoning: She believes it is very similar to relaxing virgin hair for the first time. She says, you do not relax virgin at the scalp first because your scalp heats up a lot quicker and then you do not have time to pull the relaxer thru to the ends because you have to get the relaxer off of the clients scalp. Then you end up with underprocessed hair strands as if it never took and the stylist has go back over it later.

What do I do? I'm in the hicks and the stylists out here are limited. Besides traveling a little further which is a pain. First, I have to travel to these salons, have consultations, sit there for 30 to an hour going back and forth over concepts and what should or should not be done. They think you don't know as much as them cuz you are not licensed or the professional like them....and so on.
Re: 2 Stylists with different views on Corrective Relaxer application...who do I choo

They both sound similar to me. One wants to treat the whole head as if it's under processed while the second one wants to focus on the underprocessed hair first. Can they only focus on the areas you want like the middle?

What specifically in the responses are you not comfortable with?
Re: 2 Stylists with different views on Corrective Relaxer application...who do I choo

Stylist 1 is the lesser of the 2 evils, at least she's somewhat attempting to protect the already relaxed strands by applying conditioner. I would just ask her not to pull the relaxer all the way through to the ends.
Re: 2 Stylists with different views on Corrective Relaxer application...who do I choo

Can they only focus on the areas you want like the middle?

What specifically in the responses are you not comfortable with?

That's the issue, when you tell them what you think is best, they continue saying that it will work and is the best way. I reiterate that either way sounds like future breakage or overprocessing and they look at me like :nono: :nono: "it won't happen".

Stylist 1 confirmed over and over again that she does not want to mess up anyone's hair because her husband is an attorney so she knows all about legal issues.

Stylist 1 is the lesser of the 2 evils, at least she's somewhat attempting to protect the already relaxed strands by applying conditioner. I would just ask her not to pull the relaxer all the way through to the ends.

That's what I was thinking. With Stylist 2, I just don't see letting the relaxer sit on the underprocessed hair (it's not tight like the new growth) for the 15 to 20 minutes while she processes the new growth. Plus, she also said while processing the underprocessed hair, she would just have to eye it at first to see where she should apply it. Then after the hair is wet from rinsing the relaxer out, she could better assess if any areas were left underprocessed.

So, perhaps maybe go with Stylist 1 and tell her she cannot go to the ends...right?
Re: 2 Stylists with different views on Corrective Relaxer application...who do I choo

Stylist 1!:cup:
Conditioner doesn't hurt your relaxer it will slow down the processing time but it is not bad. I would never let someone fix my over-processed areas with an undiluted relaxer.
Re: 2 Stylists with different views on Corrective Relaxer application...who do I choo

Stylist 1!:cup:
Conditioner doesn't hurt your relaxer it will slow down the processing time but it is not bad. I would never let someone fix my over-processed areas with an undiluted relaxer.

@ bolded...gotcha! Well, actually, she would be going over my underprocessed areas. But you are right, the undiluted relaxer would be sitting on those areas way longer than needed since it's already somewhat processed.
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