
New Member
It's been a long time since I've done any vids. But on a whim decided to do a couple

1st one is of my Banded pony tail up close, because in pics you can't really see where my hair is as opposed to where the scrunchies are, So I wanted to show that, in the process I found out that I've actually moved up to 6 Scrunchies now, so, more growth in the last couple/few months. :yahoo:

Did a second one, with my hair loose after being banded, with a length check (not totally accurate with it unstraightened tho) also threw in a "Chris Rock Weave Check"<<<<<<Say that 3 times fast! :lachen:
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I know who your "hair twin" is other than your sister and daughter...Marsha Hunt. Maybe I'll dig up some pics.

Yes Iris, it counts! :lachen:
Beautiful! It's so moisturized, what products do you use? Or can you direct me to where you have it listed?
Thank you!!!!!!
My main stay is Coconut oil every time I do my hair from Scratch. Conditioners vary, this time I used Yes To Carrots, I'm loving it by the way. But will use Organix Conditioners, VS So sexy, Aveda Brilliant, Motions silk protein and others. Right now I'm on a yes to carrots kick tho:yep:
Well, whaddaya think? I think she's a pretty close match, tho these pics don't best show it. I wish I could show y'all some MH pics that I have :drool: worthy huah!
Well, whaddaya think? I think she's a pretty close match, tho these pics don't best show it. I wish I could show y'all some MH pics that I have :drool: worthy huah!
yeah girl I see some resemblance , the light weight-ness<<<< you know I'm always looking at that , and the volume , so yeah you called it girl!
I am subscribing so I can see these once I am home. I know they are jaw dropping gorgeous!!! :)
Now if they had a pill for my hair to look exactly like that I might be tempted. :lol:

I kid I kid, :lachen:

Your hair is beautiful! :yep:

I can only hope my hair would be so lush and beautiful as it grows longer.

Thanks for all the info in your videos!
Iris I always love seeing pics and videos of your hair. It just looks so pretty, soft, and touchable.
Great vid Iris. I left you a message about sending that vid to "the one who will remain unnamed" to show how to do a real weave check.:lachen: