2 INCHES IN 4 MONTHS (end of the year) CHALLENGE


Well-Known Member
After seeing iamtan iamtan progress (link) I was like : I HAVE DO IT !!:blush: ..
and then I was like : I WILL DO IT !!!!!!!:yep: IM telling you b***** !!!!!! :lol:
this, may be a great improvementfor me if I reach this at the end of the year ! so here it is

Challenge: 2 INCHES IN 4 MONTHS !!!​

Challenge Starts: September 1, 2011
Challenge Ends: December 31, 2011​

Goal : REACH IT !!
Template to join :
Must Include a starting pic because we will reveal at 4-month mark !
What's your regimen?
What Products are you using?
What will you especially do for achieving this goal?

Support each other for reaching this all together ! :)
Share tips, links, thoughts, any informations you have !
Check in with the group at least monthly.
and let's ACHIEVING THIS Yeah babe !!!!!

:yay:Who wants to be in!:yay:
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I'm in! (will post a starting pic on 1st september :look:)

Ok, here are my pics.
My hair is about 5-5.5 inches in front, and 4-4.5 inches at the back.






What's your regimen?

I twist my hair/cornrow for up to three weeks at a time

Every 7-10 days: wash hair while in twists. condition and moisturize.
Every three weeks: redo the twists individually. take each twist down, finger-comb, and retwist.
Every 6 weeks (ie every second set of twists) do a twist out during the week. Overnight prepoo with coconut oil. Detangle with a wide-tooth comb. Shampoo, condition. Moisturize, retwist.

What Products are you using?

I use Alaffia shea and henna shampoo. (and HE volumizing hsampoo for clarifying every six weeks). I use alaffia shea and henna conditioner (now curls curlada conditioner when i run out of alaffia).
I use BFH desert moisturizer as a leave-in. That or Oyin Hair Dew.
Coconut oil for overnight prepoo.

What will you especially do for achieving this goal?
* Up my water intake to about 4-5 glasses a day.
*I might re-moisturize during the week to keep hair moist and supple

We can do this, ladies, happy hair growing!
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count me in! will hold off posting starting pics until sept 1. just what i need - a little motivation......(go, go, go, go.....motivation)
I'm in! Two inches might finally get me to APL.

Internally I'm gonna start back on multi-vits, biotin and MSM.
Externally I will put a sulphur mix on my scalp at least once a week.
Physically I will start a long overdue cardio/weight training routine, and eat cleaner.
Template to join :
Must Include a starting pic because we will reveal at 4-month mark !

see attached file !

What's your regimen?
shampoo and deep treatment every 2 weeks,
keeping my hair in twists for 2 weeks each time.
moisturize and seal every day

What Products are you using?
Shampoo : liquid african black soap(mix with baking soda)
Deep treatment : indian powders mixed with hydrolysed wheat protein
Moisturizer : homemade(aloe juice/jatamansi infusion/honey)
Sealant : castor oil

What will you especially do for achieving this goal?
I will heavy sealing ends with castor oil and baggying every to every other night !!!!
it's been a month I do this and I have to say... "ends make inches"!!!!!!!!!!!! cause my length retention are pretty good !!!!!!!!!!!

let's do thiiiiiiiiiiiiiis !!!


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Count me in...maybe I'll be able to make a puff by the end of the year :grin:

Here's my pic taken 09/05...i'm 3.5 inches all around

Regimen: co-wash 2-3X a week, shampoo once per week and clrify chelate once per month...DC weekly with comb out...wet hair daily and moisturize

Products: I don't have any set products, i use shampoos and conditioners by Shea Moisture, Kinky Curly, Curls and Earth's Nectar.
I use conditioners by Burt's Bees and ORS.

Sleep on satin pillowcase with satin headcover.

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Here is the link tio my fotki: http://public.fotki.com/bellacnella18/

vitamins: I am cutting back on the vitamins...they made me gain weight. I eat a balanced diet. Might take a multi daily. I will take 120mg of ginko daily though.

externally: daily scalp massage and gently scalp scratching every other day, GHE with a deep conditioner and oil every 2-3 nights, over night. Moisturize and seal everyday. I currently am using Dove's new nourishing oil moisturizer. I use coconut oil mostly, sometimes grapeseed and peanut.

I cowash almost everyday with Suave naturals. I am trying to cut back, but it is the only way to detangle my hair (I stretch for up to 6 months at a time).

I shampoo once a week with a gentle shampoo, and I clarify weekly if I have build up.

Conditioners: ORS or NTM with add ons.

My challenge is no heat for the rest of the year and stick to a workout plan, chug more water.

I am going to search and destroy september 1st.

About me: I am always on the hunt for a new oil or moisturizer, I like simple hairstyles and I get bored easily so I switch thing up from time to time. I don't stick with growth aids because everything gives me a headache.

I am currently waist length. I want my hair to sit in the curve of my back by the end of this challenge and I am basically 2 inches away from that.

me too!! im about 2 inches from APL, i need this...


i'm getting kinky twists at the end of this month that i will keep till around october (hopefully), then i'm getting a weave that i will keep in until atleast december...reggie will be wash/DC weekly and moisturize daily...products will probably CON shampoo, Aussie or Aubrey Organics DC, Tresemme Naturals condish, and Aussie hair insurance/aloe spritz, coconut/olive oil and shea moisture deep treatment masque.

eta: i got a 1 inch trim the other day and my ends are like brand new! im closer to apl than i thought, but i still need these inches...esp in the back!

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I'm in!

I will do a starting pic on Sep. 1st, and will have ironed out my four month regimen by then.


my regimen for the next four months is...

Daily vits -
Biotin 1000 mcg x 2 (2,000 mcg daily)
1 prenatal multi vitamin
1 bamboo silica
1 omega - 3 fish oil (1,200 mg)
1 acidophilus
MSM powder 1 tsp daily

Oil massage scalp before bed then bun, braid or twist @ night on moisturized hair. (nightly moisturizers will be butters, or heavier leave in conditioner/moisturizer) Bonnet or scarf and occasionally whole head baggy if needed. Daily styles - braid/twist/bantu out styles, wash & goes styles 20-30% of the time. Buns, hair combs, hair zings and other protective styles to hide ends will be 70-80% of time.

Moisture with a creamy leave in and spray moisture leave in (or home made spray mixtures) daily and sealed with oil or oil mixes. Mist with water or moisture spray as need thru out day for dryness, frizz or for curls.

Oil rinse followed by co wash 1-2 x weekly with cheapie condish. Shampoo and deep condition under hooded dryer 20-30 min every Fri followed by oil rinse. Protein treatment (avocado mask) twice a month. Cassia 1x a month.

No direct heat (flat iron, curling iron, blow dryer etc) until end of challenge or Jan 1st.

Cassia or amla mask 1 times a month followed by deep condish.

Last dyed Aug 19th blue black, so will be tracking my new growth by monitoring my grays...

starting picture taken on September 2nd on rapidly reverting flat ironed natural hair. Hope the 2 inches to bring me to apl stretched by eoy


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Hmmm, I want in! I have been in lurk mode for a while, but this challenge came at the perfect time. :yep:

My camera is dead at the moment, so I will come back and post a pic on the 1st!

Updated Regimen: Weekly: Add a slippery conditioner to dry hair. Detangle in sections. Shampoo. Deep Condition/Condition. Seal. Enjoy the ease of shorter hair while it lasts! (I also may sometimes add a styler if I want a more defined look.)
Moisturize and seal daily or as needed. The end. LOL.

shampoo- FX Wild Harvest Hydra Curls shampoo (a gem I found at Walmart. I love this poo. It does have dimethicone in it but I am sooo fine with that because I can freaking detangle with this shampoo! And it is sulfate-free.)
conditioner- I plan to mainly use Jessicurl Weekly Deep Conditioning Treatment :)lick:) but I placed an order for some Curl Junkie conditioners the other day and I will be trying those out as well. :look:
moisturizer- Water followed by Oyin Hair Dew :lick:
sealant- Oyin Burnt Sugar Pomade :lick:

UPDATE: So, yesterday (8-19-11) I cut my hair. I was a couple of inches away from APL in the back and now I am just at the top of my collarbone. I cut it because I didn't like the shape my hair was growing into. I probably clipped around 3-5 inches in different areas. I am in LOVE with it! And it's nice because I can just fluff my hair and go.

ETA: I went out and bought some vitamins. I am still taking a multi-vit but not the gummies because I realized they were missing calcium and my hubby informed me that calcium is very important for women to take. (He's a pharmacist so I trust his advice!) To my vitamin reggie I have added: Omega 3,6,9; Biotin, MSM. I did my research on these and found that they are great for overall health as well as hair. :yep: I also ordered Viviscal specifically for my hair just to try. We'll see how that goes...:look:
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I want in too! I think I'm back to braids for the rest of the year as well.

Must Include a starting pic because we will reveal at 4-month mark !
coming soon

What's your regimen?
shampoo when needed
cowash every 2-3 days with a natural condish or cone condish
DC every weekend with LeKair Cholesterol
Sulphur mix on scalp about once a week, leave on for 2-3 hours max
Protein about once a month, leave overnight

What Products are you using?
Shampoo : HE LTR (might add ACV after watching Natural85 (?) last vid)
Conditioner: organic something I found in Big Lots or Aussie 3 min deep as cowash
Deep treatment : LeKair
Moisturizer : Shea Moisture jar or milk
Sealant : herbal oil mix or body butter
Protein: Aphogee 2 min or Ion Reconstructor

What will you especially do for achieving this goal?
braids seem to be the only thing that slows down my breakage...:rolleyes: :sad:
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In please!

Start pic will be posted once I flat iron:

I wash with Giovanni Smooth as Silk mixed with Mane and Tail original once or twice a week. Spray hair with Jane Carter/Aussie Hair Insurance and aloe. Seal with castor oil.

May change regimen products once I start with the silk products (ordering the 2nd bundle).

Steam every 7 - 10 days with ORS Replenishing Pak, also DC with Giovanni's protein pack (as of right now alteratinh at a 2:1 ratio)

Hair is mostly braided under a half wig and will probably stay that way.

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
I'm in. I'll post a pic tomorrow and update with products.


What's your regimen? + What Products are you using?
Shampoo w/ Aussie Moist Poo
Condition w/ Aphogee 2min + Aussie Moist 3 min
Add Leave-In (Suave Coconut)
Rod, Rollerset, Twist or Braid under wig
Maintenance: M&S Dry Twists

What will you especially do for achieving this goal?
I will be protective styling as usual, but I do plan on wearing my hair out more but no wash-n-gos. I will keep my hair stretched and moisturized at all times.

Starting Pic: A Blowout on BSL/BSB hair

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What's your regimen?
The only regimented activities I do for sure is wash and DC w/steam weekly. I moisturize with a water spritz and oil during the week. I don't use heat usually, but I have flat ironed 3X this year, which is a lot for me.

Use Aphogee 2 minute weekly. (new thing for me) If I don't like it I will go back to using protein as needed.

What Products are you using?
I'm a former PJ, so I use a variety of products I have left over from when I was active.:look: I like to mix things like honey, SAA and pathenol in my weekly DC. I generally stay away from 'cones so I won't block moisture out of my hair and I will be using petroleum products more this Winter.

I use henna and indigo and I plan to incorporate Ayurvedic powders into my regimen, again.

I like creamy leave-ins like M.O.M and B&B Castor Oil when I bun.

What will you especially do for achieving this goal?
I will start a aerobic and weight lifting routine, start and stay consistent with my vitamin/mineral and water intake.

I will start using a sulpher/oil based topical solution to my scalp at least once per week. I also like to use rosemary EO mixed into coconut oil. These keep the itchies away.

I will make sure I don't use hair tools that will damage my hair and/or thin it out like in the picture posted. :mad:

I am really unhappy with my hair now!!



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Um I want to join please. I'm about 8 months post and weaving it up and was going to straighten/length check in Dec. I'll post pics before my next install.
I'm in...will attach starting pic soon!

What's your regimen?
Wash and dc once a week
Roller set weekly flat iron roots if needed
Roll hair nightly on satin rollers or flex rods
Moisturize/oil hair when needed

What Products are you using?
Shampoo : moroccanoil moisturizing shampoo (may change, I'm just using this up)
Deep treatment : namaste protein conditioner
Moisturizer : homemade mixes
Sealant : oil mixes

What will you especially do for achieving this goal?
Make sure I adhere to my weekly wash and dc schedule. Pay close attention to my hair, and respond quickly to any signs of breakage.
Must Include a starting pic I will add a new stretched length check on Sep 1st. But here is the link to my most recent length check pic in my fotki

What's your regimen? What Products are you using?
Hair Regimen and Products:
DC on dry hair 4 section plaits using Aubrey Organics Honey Suckle Rose either under steamer or Hooded Dryer
Cowash with Giovanni 50:50 conditioner
Detangle in shower (plait by plait)
Moisturize and Seal cuticle by spritzing Aloe vera juice on my hair and adding leave in Giovanni Direct Leave in
Seal in moisture by using EVCO and/or Jojoba oil
Put silk scarf around edges

Prep hair for next day style.

GHE/baggy put on plastic cap, then stocking cap, and satin scarf

Wednesday or Thursday(depending on how my hair feels)
Same as sunday except I will DC using Aubrey Organics GPB

All other nights
Spray Avocado Mist on each braid and seal with EVCO
GHE put on plastic cap, then stocking cap, and satin scarf

Oh and I have been taking Nioxin pills 2/day (1 in the am and 1 in the pm)

What will you especially do for achieving this goal? I will commit to staying away from direct heat until the end of this challenge, whoooo that is going to be hard because its already calling my name but that was already my goal so I will do it!
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What's your regimen?
1. Shampoo and/or cowash 2-3 times a week.
2. Oil rinse with cowash or shampoo once a week.
3. DC once a week.
4. Henna every other week (for strength and to help with breakage)

What Products are you using?
Shampoo : CON Argan Oil (for now)
Deep treatment: Usually conditioners mixed with oils, etc. They vary.
Moisturizer: Oyin Hair Dew, Shea Mosture Curl & Style Milk, Curl Junkie Smoothing Lotion.
Sealant : Castor, jojoba, camellia oils...

What will you especially do for achieving this goal?
1. Keep sealing daily
2. keep up with the PSing
I would love to join. My hair is currently 7 inches all over, and I feel like it grows so slow...:sad:

What's your regimen? I usually co-wash every other day and twist and curl. I am thinking about getting braids next month.
What Products are you using? Suave coconut for co-washes, Nexxus Keraphix for deep conditioning, and Giovanni leave in.
What will you especially do for achieving this goal? I plan on continuing with my vitamins and starting scalp massages.

I will post a pic on the 1st. I need to dust my ends...

ETA: Starting pics


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What's your regimen?: wash 1x a week, Protein once a month, DC every 2 weeks. Moisturize and seal as needed with homemade leave-ins
What Products are you using?: Tresemme Naturals Nourishing moisture Shampoo, Suave Coconut Conditioner (for detangling & conditioning), Silicon Mix (for DC), Aphogee 2 min, Leave-In mixtures (First mixture: Infusium 23 and African Pride braid spray mixed in a bottle, Second Mixture Aloe Vera Gel, HE LTR Leave in, and Hot Six Oil blended together)
What will you especially do for achieving this goal?
-Taking my vits daily (Chlorella, Multivitamin Gummies, MSM)
-Attempt to do consistent scalp massages
-Working out more
-Drinking H2O
(MAY add sulphur mix to my scalp if I can get some by that time)

Starting Pics:


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I AM IN!!!

I will include a starting pic Sept 1 after I flat iron

Goal : REACH IT !!
What's your regimen? For the month of Sept I will be wearing my hair out mostly since I have been bunning July and August. I will be alternating Shampoos and Cowashes weekly. For my Shampoo weeks I will be using a pre poo mix of EVOO and EVCO, shampooing with Silicon Mix, using Porosity Control and sitting for 1 hour with Silicon Mix Pearl Protein. I will use Wave Nouvea Finishing Moisturizer and air dry, then add Chi Silk infusion blow dry my roots (I am transitioning 6 months post by Sept.) and flat ironing with my Sedu. On cowash weeks I will be using Optimum Care Anti Breakage Therapy (my hair loves Ceramides). I moisture and seal daily with my Wave Nouvea and Seven Wonders Miracle Oil. For the last 3 months I will bun daily flat ironing maybe once a month, shampooing weekly with KeraCare sulfate free Hydrating Shampoo and Cowashing 1 to 2 times a week with OCABT. I will be moisturizing and Sealing with S-Curl and Castor Oil with every wash, and setting my bun with Eco-Styler Olive Oil Gel. I also try to drink at least 8 glasses of water 5 days a week, and take a multi-vitamin.
If and when I need a protein treatment I will use a mixture of Emergencia reconstructing conditioner, 1 egg, and EVOO EVCO mixture.
My starting length is in my Sig. I'll post a new one Sep 1st.

What's your regimen?
Shampoo & DC Weekly
Oil Rinse with every shampoo
Co-wash mid-week if hair needs it
Protein treatment once every 2 weeks

What Products are you using?
Creme of Nature Green Label Shampoo
Elasta QP Nourishing DC
Mixed Chicks DC
LeKair Cholesterol Mango & Shea Butter DC
Aphogee 2 Min Reconstructer DC
Qhemet Biologics Amla Cream
Shea Butter Mix[Shea butter, castor oil, glycerin, tea tree oil]
Leave in Spray[Water, glycerin, aloe vera gel]

What will you especially do for achieving this goal?
I'll protective style 96% of the time and keep my ends moisturized.
I'm in, I want to make APL by year end, I need these 2 inches.

What's your regimen?
Prepoo w/Evoo, detangle, shampoo, steam Dc every two weeks. Plait hair under half wig. Currently playing around with wearing twists since I'm tired of wigs.

What Products are you using?
Evoo, Bee mine shampoo and moisturizers, kimmay's leave in, a few different conditioners

What will you especially do for achieving this goal?
I've been slipping on massaging oil/sulfur on my scalp. Also taking vits, drinking more water, and eating better.

**Sept 1- slowest growing part of the back of my hair (right above my nape in the middle) is baaaarely 9 inches. I always use this section as my reference point for tracking progress. I'd like that section to be 11 inches by year end.

Not the best pic, but not straightening til Sept 24. Think the very end of my hair stops at my ring finger.


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