1st Month after Bc(love My Bee MINE Serum)

I think I found it

the growth aide being Sulfur?

4. What are the ingredients in your product? They are coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, sulfur powder, essential oils & fragrance. And for the no Sulfur Serum is the same minus the Sulfur Powder. If you are allergic to a specific item e-mail customer service before hand. And with any hair care product you need to do a test patch before full use.

seems pretty safe if there arent any reactions to the sulfur but they have a sulfur free one too, then whats the growth aide in that!

nobody has to answer, just me thinking out loud :lol:

I would actually like to know the answer. There has been so many products ladies are using with similar ingredients plus the sulfur. They all should have hair down their backs. What up with that?:look: