1st Blow Dry


Well-Known Member
Hi all! I decided to blow dry/straighten my hair for a ceremony I have tomorrow. It's almost been a year since my last relaxer (My last one was aug 23. My BC was May 30). I'm not sure if I'm still gonna straighten it. I might just bantu knot it or do a twistout or something. Just wanted to share a semi-length/progress pic with ya'll :) Goodnight
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Great retention!

If you're not afraid of heat, I vote for straightening it. It'll give you a good point from which to chart your growth in 6 months, 12 months, etc.
Looks great! Very thick & pretty
:) Omg can you imagine it a couple years from now?! You'll be able to sell that hair porn on the black market :lol:

Sent from my iPhone. It does EVERYTHING :grin:... except make calls :ohwell: