17 Weeks Post BC - June Update 2010 - Pic


Well-Known Member
I wanted to make a post to show where I am right now. I am officially 17 weeks post BC and 40 weeks post relaxer. Please pardon the dents in my fro. I wasn't going for beauty, I just wanted to see where I was lol.


I've kept my regimen relatively simple.

1. I don't use alot of heat (unless it's a blow out to stretch grass and/or do an update.) When I did this blow out I used my mix, Chi Silk Infusion, Chi Keratin Mist, and for the finishing touch Bee Mine Curly Butter on the edges. (DO NOT SLEEP ON THE CURLY BUTTER. GO GITCHOO SUMMA DAT DERE!!!) When I did the blow out in the picture I used medium/high (I knowwww but it worked) heat and I lost much less than a dime sized amount.

2. I do co-washing (depending on what my grass is saying. When it starts to get dry I'll co-wash and/or DC.) On average I've been doing it about once a week or so as time permits.

3. I use my mix of conditioner/glycerin/water/oil to spritz daily. I had to find what my hair likes. Even though I'm in the juice challenge... it doesn't do my grass like my mix. I use a blend of about 10-20% conditioner (I like HELTR or the HE for color treated hair. No my hair isn't color treated but it loves this conditioner... I kinda want to try the one for curly hair but I digress... :lol:), 10% glycerin, 1-4% oils (various ones like vitamin E, castor, and evoo), then fill the rest of the way with water. Give it a good shake. I spray this on wet hair (after co-washing)and air dry usually... every now and again I'll do twists(RARELY.) When my hair is dry I usually finger comb or pick out.... but mostly I just leave it alone. I spritz the mixture on dry hair too. I've not had any dry itchy scalp issues (YAY!!!) or breakage so this is really working for me. It feels sooooo soft and moisturized :lick:

4. I've had very few ssk's (single strand knots.) When I get them I'll take my time to isolate the knot by separating the strands slowly. A majority of the time it's just hair that's tied around itself, other times it's an actual knot. When it's a knot, I use the curly girl method and after separating as much as possible, I just cut as close to the knot as humanly possible. It keeps me from pulling and snapping my strands.

5. I only detangle when my hair is moist (Not sopping wet but moist. I towel dry, saturate my grass with my mix, then I commence with the festivities lol.) I use my fingers mostly but every now and again I'll use this fab cheap ($1.89 from my local BSS) detangling comb. It was so good I went back and bought more. Tip: Try holding your comb at a 45% angle when combing in smaller sections.... it helped me to get through my 4a/b hair without pulling or yanking.:yep: IMHO if you are having issues with detangling, change your technique and stay on your moisture!! It's a must!
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Your fro is so inspiring! I love it!
But I just have to ask, how do you rarely have SSKs? My fro is definitely smaller than yours but I have a TON of SSKs! :nono:
Luvin' yr thickness.. ur hair looks ultra soft n plush :yep Great Progress! I only use water/glycerin.. I need to incorporate oil in that mix too :)
Thanks for sharing your regi. Imma have to revisit glycerin now that the humidity is getting up there.
Your fro is so inspiring! I love it!
But I just have to ask, how do you rarely have SSKs? My fro is definitely smaller than yours but I have a TON of SSKs! :nono:

Thank you! :blush:

I'm not sure why that is (if it's products or technique or both).... I don't do a lot of manipulation until "wash day" and even then it's kept to a minimum. I have a theory though. I think that because I'm not shedding alot, I'm not getting SSK's as much. Even though my shrinkage is a beast, I think that keeping it moisturized has helped immensely with breakage. I listened to the advice of the ladies on here but at the same time I paid more attention to how my hair responded to different things. I think that as it grows longer I'll definitely have to change some things but for the time being it works.

You just have to figure out what works for you.... and by all means keep a journal! Write it down! So if you switch it up a little you know exactly what you did differently. Sometimes a tiny tweak makes a world of difference. :yep:
Thank you! :blush:

I'm not sure why that is (if it's products or technique or both).... I don't do a lot of manipulation until "wash day" and even then it's kept to a minimum. I have a theory though. I think that because I'm not shedding alot, I'm not getting SSK's as much. Even though my shrinkage is a beast, I think that keeping it moisturized has helped immensely with breakage. I listened to the advice of the ladies on here but at the same time I paid more attention to how my hair responded to different things. I think that as it grows longer I'll definitely have to change some things but for the time being it works.

You just have to figure out what works for you.... and by all means keep a journal! Write it down! So if you switch it up a little you know exactly what you did differently. Sometimes a tiny tweak makes a world of difference. :yep:

Thanks so much for the response! I think upping my moisture game will definitely help :yep:
I'm loving the puff it looks so thick and soft like a :cloud9: lmao @ the bee mine butter review :lol: