15 month into Transition Pics...you post too:)

I'm about 17 months into my transition... I haven't taken any pics lately
I took these at the 1 Year Mark... I might take more soon... idk idk
I guess I'm bracing myself for the "BC ALREADY!!!" comments...
so tired of hearing that.

Wow. Those pics are beautiful. You guys have helped me. I was ready to give up and try to transition over the winter. I had printed southerngirls tutorial on relaxing because I was getting tired after 6 months of transitioning. Now I think that I've been given a hope shot. Thanks much.
Yep, I can vouch.:yep: I been all up in there:look:. (DG, I been all up in yours, too!) Most times I don't sign in so I can just stalk unawares...:lachen:

Between you two and SB, I really think I can do this transition thing without the BC...I am just 3 months in...THANKS LADIES for the inspiration!:grin: All three of you have LOVELY HAIR!!!:yep:

Thank you, Finding Me. You have lovely hair too. :yep:
Lovely! Look at those pretty ringlets!

Unfortunately, I have not gotten to 15 months yet so I have no pics to share. But your hair looks really nice!
Thanks again ladies. I guess I'm hanging in there a little longer. So even if I decide to get braids, I will trim a lil, but def not gonna BC. Whew, that was a close one. Yeah I def don't think I would be able to do a BC justice. I need more time to get ME right physically:)

Hey, am I the only one that thinks about body image and hair. I mean like having hair that compliments your body. Or something like that...I don't know. It IS 4:53 in the morning.....lol

Later ladies. May we all wake up with an extra inch of hair. Hahaha Okay I'm done:)

P.S. Maybe I should be more specific about where the extra inch should be....lol
Hey Ladies!!!

I am at about month 15 or 16. I don't have any updated pics as of yet, but I will post some in the near future. For real this time...:look:

I have to admit that I have been itching to BC as well. I have been scared to mainly because I am in the military and have to pull it back everyday. I don't think it is long enough all over to pull it up neatly without wild hairs tryna reach out and touch people.

I actually wanted to BC sometime in August. I think that would make a solid 18 months for me, but I kinda wanted to cut after I get out of the military at the begining of '09. Kind of an all around liberation, you know?

ok... I took a pic last night... here it is...
17 months into my transition.

Hello Ladies,

My last perm was the end of March 2007. So I've been transitioning for I guess about 15 months. Here is a pic of my bangs which are all natural (got scissor happy, but not BC ready). And a pic of back of my head after wash. I just wanted to know if this amount of hair that I have is a good amount for 15months. I don't know where my ruler is, so i figured I would ask the professionals.

I guess for a little inspiration too I would appreciate it if you ladies could post pics of what your transitioning/natural hair looks or looked like at 15 months...just for a little comparison so that I can see if I am on schedule.

Oh yeah, I hope you can see pic. It kept saying attachment was too big so I resized. How do you attach pics regular size anyway?

Thank ladies

ok... I took a pic last night... here it is...
17 months into my transition.


Both of you ladies have very beautiful hair. Keep up the good work!!!
You have all of that in 15 months. I'm at 26 weeks and don't have that much new growth. Wow!! Keep up the good work!!:yep:
Thanks again ladies. I just look at my hair sometimes and it seems like it should be longer. Oh well.

Shoot, SouthernTease, if my stuff was hanging like that I would have BC by now:) Nice growth.

I hope I can hold out for the New Year. Liberation is the right word. :)
Thanks again ladies. I just look at my hair sometimes and it seems like it should be longer. Oh well.

Shoot, SouthernTease, if my stuff was hanging like that I would have BC by now:) Nice growth.

I hope I can hold out for the New Year. Liberation is the right word. :)

It's more natural in the back... it's not like that in the front...
My hair grows slower in the front so if I chopped off the just the
relaxed ends it would look a hot mess I want to wait until the front
catches up with the back or at least there is enough hair to put into
a natural bun